Strategus => Strategus General Discussion => Topic started by: Amroth on January 28, 2011, 06:53:46 pm

Title: New to strat
Post by: Amroth on January 28, 2011, 06:53:46 pm
Hey I've been a long time player of cRPG and have tried playing strategus a couple of times, usually i'll sign in and click somewhere on the map and try to do something, get confused and go back to regular cRPG. But seeing as how there's an all new patch coming out, i figured now would be a good time to join. I'm not a super active player, might play a few hours a week max, so I'm not sure about joining a clan because i'd really rather not have any responsibilities or anything like that. So basically i was wondering what all there is to do if your not in a clan? or if i was to join a clan, would i need to play a certain amount every night?

Thanks, Tim.
Title: Re: New to strat
Post by: Byrdi on January 29, 2011, 11:19:44 am
chadz once said there would be more to do for non-clan members, such as trade and labor (I think), but on the other hand there's is not that much required from you if you join a clan. I dont think any potential clan mates would have anything agains you only playing a few hours a week. (atlest not templars)
Title: Re: New to strat
Post by: Kalam on January 29, 2011, 12:17:11 pm
Judging by the contents of Strategus Tease and other hints he's dropped, it looks like trading and labour are being implemented when Strategus comes back. I also believe that Strategus and cRPG gold will be shared, which means that you should get gold your cRPG character can use from mercenary work.

However, like Byrdi said, there are clans that don't require a lot of Strategus participation.
Title: Re: New to strat
Post by: Amroth on January 29, 2011, 09:57:51 pm
Cool, yeah ill probably wait till the patch comes out and see what alls new, thanks :D
Title: Re: New to strat
Post by: Whalen207 on January 30, 2011, 08:39:58 am
I also believe that Strategus and cRPG gold will be shared

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