cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Topic started by: Mistuhxfob on September 21, 2011, 04:12:48 am
What is loom point exactly and when i read the post about selling loom points they talk about not putting in some of there stats why is that?
When you retire at lvl 31 or higher you can increase the stats of an item, giving i more defence, dmg, speed etc.
For example, i heirloomed my flamberge 3 times to masterwork (3 times is the max currently)
A loom point is the point u use to heirloom.
Some players sell these points by taking an item from another player, heirlooming it, and giving it back for a price.
The current average price for an heirloom point is 400k+ dont let any shameless member take it for less.
The current average price for an heirloom point is 400k+ dont let any shameless member take it for less.
So who wants a loom point for 399k?
So who wants a loom point for 399k?
Hence the average.