cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Thucydides on September 10, 2011, 12:16:06 am

Title: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Thucydides on September 10, 2011, 12:16:06 am
I realized how bored i am with this game when on seige today, EVERYONE was wearing plate and only the very new players were in cloth. Sorry but i've been playing since december and i still can't wear my Medium armor for long without losing money, how are people running around in transistionals without losing all their cash?
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Arrowblood on September 10, 2011, 12:19:59 am
mybe theiy are loomsellers or they have just played enough? :shock:
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 10, 2011, 12:22:50 am
I think it is a good thing not one shotting :/

Also, try slashing/overheading people in the head. 1.2 damage multiplier (or 2.1 for range) goes a long way.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Thucydides on September 10, 2011, 12:28:16 am
I think not one shotting is a good thing :/

Also, try slashing/overheading people in the head. 1.2 damage multiplier (or 2.1 for range) goes a long way.

you talk like thats not what i've been doing, one shotting ought to exist though, especially if little one handers/warspears can stunlock you the way it is now. My GLA is pretty garbage now since everyone takes 3-4 shots for me to kill, and this is with the so called largest damage dealer. Why should i not go bec, or a hafted blade, given the fact that at the current level of armor users, high cut damage is pretty crap.

As of right now, CRPG is encouraging an incredibly defensive and boring playstyle. I'm losing interest in it.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: rustyspoon on September 10, 2011, 12:43:18 am
I find it amusing how the upkeep system has utterly failed and lots of people can run around in plate all day every day.

Since it takes FOREVER to retire now, the price of heirlooms has skyrocketed. Those who previously had a ton of heirlooms can sell them and play the market to make obscene amounts of money. Not to mention the fact that anyone can sell an heirloom point and make roughly 400k.

Because of all that upkeep doesn't really matter. Even though I don't wear plate I could wear it forever if I wanted to. Even one of my alts has around 300k. The only way anyone could reasonably expect to lose money would be to use an arbalest with no WPF or ride an armored horse all day.

Other than that...plate all day every day! HOORAY FOR UPKEEP!
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Thucydides on September 10, 2011, 12:47:20 am
I find it amusing how the upkeep system has utterly failed and lots of people can run around in plate all day every day.

Since it takes FOREVER to retire now, the price of heirlooms has skyrocketed. Those who previously had a ton of heirlooms can sell them and play the market to make obscene amounts of money. Not to mention the fact that anyone can sell an heirloom point and make roughly 400k.

Because of all that upkeep doesn't really matter. Even though I don't wear plate I could wear it forever if I wanted to. Even one of my alts has around 300k. The only way anyone could reasonably expect to lose money would be to use an arbalest with no WPF or ride an armored horse all day.

Other than that...plate all day every day! HOORAY FOR UPKEEP!

I never use the market because i use all my heirlooms, but i cannot take this grind that i have to do just so i can use my Cuir Boili while other people seem to walk around in their loomed transistionals and take 6 shots to put down.  Gets to a point where i don't want to even block anymore
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Kafein on September 10, 2011, 12:57:14 am
It's because many people earn money by using less equipment than what they could (light armor has it's obvious advantages too, and not everybody uses a horse). People that want to play in heavy armor or with a horse either sell their loom points or are good traders with a good cash reserve (you need 1M to start trading seriously).

Honestly, there's no objective point in selling looms to upkeep a big armor. The advantages are good, but the speed and wpf reductions are still there. All in all it is personal taste. You like light armor ? Okay you will win money, be barely disadvantaged on the field, all in all earn much more gold/heirlooms and be advantaged by the autololbalance (you are considered as a peasant when you have light gear, switched to the winning team more often). You like heavy armor/horses ? You will loose money constantly, have a slight advantage that won't even make you win more often (maybe 0,05% more win rate...), likely have to sell your heirloom points to keep up and be switched to the loosing side because you are an evil powergamer.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: polkafranzi on September 10, 2011, 01:03:46 am
I realized how bored i am with this game when on seige today, EVERYONE was wearing plate...

This whole thread reeks of NA, cos Eu couldn't be more different (every 2h agistacking whore spammer wears max Kuyak or stretches to Rus scale which is the latest gay trend)

Here are very few tincans, and my own tincan build (33/6 - 9 IF) get's 1shot often by random weapons, mostly longbow to the head -.- even with my lordly hounskull on - so i'm having the opposite feelings of the OP.

It all means, i'm not losing interest yet, especially when the round after i can go after those pesky archers with my scary gmaul and try to smash their skulls open...that to me is why it's still fun to play crpg.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Thucydides on September 10, 2011, 01:05:47 am
This whole thread reeks of NA, cos Eu couldn't be more different (every 2h agistacker whore spammer wears max Kuyak or stretches to Rus scale which is the latest gay trend)

Here are very few tincans, and my tincan build (33/6 - 9 IF) get's 1shot often by random weapons, mostly longbow to the head -.- even with my lordly hounskull on.

So, i'm not losing interest yet, especially when the round after i can go after those pesky archers with my scary gmaul and try to smash their skulls open...that to me is why it's still fun to play crpg.

 i've dueled EU guys and they're all faster than my 27-12 build, which is fine. But yes this is an NA problem because EU still has a crapload of archers and 2hs compared to NA.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: _JoG_ on September 10, 2011, 01:07:07 am
I find it amusing how the upkeep system has utterly failed and lots of people can run around in plate all day every day.
100% agreed. It looks like armor-weaponwise now we're in the pre-upkeep patch days.

This and broken Strategus balance (currently, ranged >> melee) makes my crpg experience less and less enjoyable every time I play this mod.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: polkafranzi on September 10, 2011, 01:07:23 am
i've dueled EU guys and they're all faster than my 27-12 build, which is fine. But yes this is an NA problem because EU still has a crapload of archers and 2hs compared to NA.

Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 10, 2011, 01:27:36 am
Meanwhile, Tears of Destiny is still, to this day, using no more then 12K of gear.
On of these days.... I shall use plate and roll a melee... or go a Cataphract Horse Archer... one of these days...
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: polkafranzi on September 10, 2011, 02:32:08 am
On of these days.... I shall have made as many posts on cRPG forum as ToD... one of these days...

I'm aiming high?
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Bobthehero on September 10, 2011, 03:04:06 am
Apply stabs directly to the forehead.
Works magnicifently well for me.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: IG_Saint on September 10, 2011, 03:06:08 am
i've dueled EU guys and they're all faster than my 27-12 build, which is fine. But yes this is an NA problem because EU still has a crapload of archers and 2hs compared to NA.

Ping plays a large part in this. Also you seem to favour holds alot, that makes you rather predictable and is rather dangerous when you have 120 ping. If I didn't use a flamberge I would have just spammed you as well.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Casimir on September 10, 2011, 04:56:46 am
dude you also fought me using a 18-21 build with mw longsword, your probably gunna get spammed if that's the case.

With 4 IF and lordly brigandine i only get 1shot by str builds, when i rocked lordly plate however, never got 1 shot.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: DrKronic on September 10, 2011, 05:55:48 am
its the change to armor that affected this the biggest, as now armor reduces damage alot more, which means CUT damage got nerfed heavy, so your axe isn't putting people down as fast, if you were using a MW bec u'd drop people faster, I had one and it still basically 2 shot most people(1 shot if u got the head on the overhead alot of times)

aim for the face, I do alot (head shots are times two damage, foot shots 1/2 btw)

Hashashin's Creed.......
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Thucydides on September 10, 2011, 09:38:54 pm
Ping plays a large part in this. Also you seem to favour holds alot, that makes you rather predictable and is rather dangerous when you have 120 ping. If I didn't use a flamberge I would have just spammed you as well.

I am rather limited with high ping, i can't be as aggressive as i normally am because i cannot recover block as fast. Sometimes i miss blocks that i normally make with normal ping because of a split second lag. I don't normally hold that much but i am not a defensive fighter so a block battle would be to my disadvantage, especially with such high ping.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Rumblood on September 11, 2011, 05:27:12 pm
You know why you haven't one shot anyone in forever? It's because you only thought you were one-shotting before, when all you were really doing was kill stealing from archers  :lol: Fewer archers, doing less damage, means you get fewer easy kills  :idea:
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Mithus on September 11, 2011, 06:22:52 pm
I never use the market because i use all my heirlooms, but i cannot take this grind that i have to do just so i can use my Cuir Boili while other people seem to walk around in their loomed transistionals and take 6 shots to put down.  Gets to a point where i don't want to even block anymore

cRPG went to a point where grind matters, we see people on peasant cloth all day to get gold instead of trying to help their team to win wearing decent gear.
Would be good that the experience points to 31 reduced to people that do not have all time to play to achieve the armor+glove looms combinatios to be competitive in less time instead of 6 month grind.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Bryggan on September 11, 2011, 06:40:41 pm
People quite often one shotted me, so I went from a light kuyak to a heavy kuyak, and added a veil to my tagancha helm. Now 2 handers have to hit me twice, unless it's on my head, but with everyone else I can scrap for a bit, maybe 3 or 4 hits.  The sad thing is with my espada (short, not long), heavy jarids, 733T cavalry shield and javs I have to wear leather and fur cap 75% of the time.  Then anyone can one hit me.

I don't mind the amount of tin cans we have.  Much like cav and archers it just makes the game more interesting.  Gotta think a little, work together etc.  I just wish every tiny mistake I make didn't mean insta-death.  Its hard to get good at melee when you can only get one hit and three blocks in every five minutes.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: kongxinga on September 12, 2011, 05:08:44 pm
Plate is too cost effective, been saying this for ages. But I am not holding my breath for any changes on that, although I fully expect another horse nerf come next patch given the current patch change trends.
Title: Re: i haven't one shot anyone in forever.
Post by: Vibe on September 12, 2011, 05:13:42 pm
Working as intended.