Gorath when hes afk
ME! :lol: do not worry i may look intimadating with my black coat of plates black helmet, black greaves, bar mace, javelins and heavy throwing axes, but im actually a harmless peasent.
* Shielder with katana used as 1h
in order words ur armor is too heavy for a weak peasant like you
you move like a slug and can lift ur bar mace
They hold sideblock while I approach with a pike :lol:
How to spot a noob/easykill?
gooretooth when hes naked, balb when he just retired, easy picking targert. :)
Disagree i ever hold side block if someone approaches with a Pike so he think he can take me down easily but than fast backward block slash Pike man dead^^
Archers ho just standing to shoot!
No it isnt that im lvl 27 i have 18 str 15 agi, 5 athletics, 5 weapon master and over 100 wpf in 2-handed, i was just making a joke, my ping is almost always over 200 so im a easy target.
How to spot a noob/easykill?
People with over 100 ping are easy targets
Strange armor or ninja gear
Double shielders
I said that. :wink:
*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword. They're just too slow to attack/feint. :mrgreen:*
Psht. There are so many awesome 1-hand weapons!
Easy kills:
and maybe i've forgotten some?
You forgot Ninja_Torp.
Red Tunic/Blue Tunic*, Straw hats, Black boots, leather gloves.
Definite easy kills. Fuck them all up.
I agree they're awesome. But anything under 100 speed (exluding the spammitar of "WTF") is slow. :P
I said that. :wink:
*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword. They're just too slow to attack/feint. :mrgreen:*
Do a swing if he blockes the wrong direction, attack!
Hmmm that Players aint that Bad because they know they cant win alone so using support is a good Tacktick and make you a good Player the spell Owned makes him just to an moron Player
Someone who runs away from you, into a group of 10 more of their buddies before re-engaging you, gets last blow and says 'owned'.
Next round couch lancing them 20 paces from their spawn, and returning their message, priceless.
Oh I almost forgot.
Anyone who isnt Phyrex.
Thats all.
*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword. They're just too slow to attack/feint. :mrgreen:*
And HA without a horse.
Edit: You also forgot the oversized sword.
How to spot a sad twat:
Anyone who posts macho bullshit about a computer game - especially anyone whos ever typed owned. Even as a "joke". Utter twats.
Strange armor or ninja gear
I said that. :wink:
*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword. They're just too slow to attack/feint. :mrgreen:*
I take that as an invitation to a duel.
When and where?
NA duel server, any time (I'm on there quite a bit)