cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Thomek on January 22, 2011, 01:52:18 am

Title: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Thomek on January 22, 2011, 01:52:18 am
Thought to write something to help those that show to all the world how bad they are asking for it.

Let me start:

* Archers with shield and 1h
* Shielder with katana used as 1h

Fill me in here..
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: KaleLord on January 22, 2011, 01:58:12 am
poophammer with his black armor and hunting bow peasants kill him!
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Thomek on January 22, 2011, 01:59:41 am
Lol, yeah chinese players with black armor, the best helmet, a flamby and 450 ping..
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Gorath on January 22, 2011, 01:59:57 am
Anyone with 2 or more shields.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Casimir on January 22, 2011, 02:00:54 am
anyone in strange armour
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Lamix on January 22, 2011, 02:01:15 am
Ninjas running about the map on there own ;)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Xant on January 22, 2011, 02:07:29 am
anyone with a black hood+mask except me
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: KaleLord on January 22, 2011, 02:18:12 am
Gorath when hes afk
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Gorath on January 22, 2011, 02:25:08 am
Gorath when hes afk


+1 to you sir.   :mrgreen:

In before "Gorath when he's NOT afk"
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: The_Newer_Wind on January 22, 2011, 02:38:55 am
ME!  :lol: do not worry i may look intimadating with my black coat of plates black helmet, black greaves, bar mace, javelins and heavy throwing axes, but im actually a harmless peasent.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: KaleLord on January 22, 2011, 04:17:38 am
ME!  :lol: do not worry i may look intimadating with my black coat of plates black helmet, black greaves, bar mace, javelins and heavy throwing axes, but im actually a harmless peasent.

in order words ur armor is too heavy for a weak peasant like you
you move like a slug and can lift ur bar mace
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Leiknir on January 22, 2011, 04:55:30 am
People without shield approaching a squad of huscarls
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Cyclopsided on January 22, 2011, 04:58:15 am
if you see me
I'm like a cake walk
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Tornkik on January 22, 2011, 05:40:59 am
* Shielder with katana used as 1h

I saw one like that today. This person was at the top of the list with like 45-3. 0.0
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: The_Newer_Wind on January 22, 2011, 06:23:53 am
in order words ur armor is too heavy for a weak peasant like you
you move like a slug and can lift ur bar mace

No it isnt that im lvl 27 i have 18 str 15 agi, 5 athletics, 5 weapon master and over 100 wpf in 2-handed, i was just making a joke, my ping is almost always over 200 so im a easy target.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Diomedes on January 22, 2011, 06:45:06 am
They engage PrideCrusher alone.  Seriously, I was once in a group of five remaining soldiers left to fight one Mr. PrideCrusher.  Thinking I was the last warrior I tried alone for 30 seconds, losing two shields in the process.  When a friendly archer showed up I said "shoot PrideCrusher!" but he pulled out a claymore and charged.  After he died I ran and got the three other remaining guys and engaged PrideCrusher again.  While I rushed in with new shield raised one other guy came with, the other two skulking in the background.  My companion and I died, as did one of the remaining two warriors, before the last one did a lucky two-handed swing which PrideCrusher blocked the wrong way.

Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Joxer on January 22, 2011, 08:17:57 am
They hold sideblock while I approach with a pike  :lol:
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Beleidiger on January 22, 2011, 08:47:37 am
They hold sideblock while I approach with a pike  :lol:

Disagree i ever hold side block if someone approaches with a Pike so he think he can take me down easily but than fast backward block slash Pike man dead^^

Archers ho just standing to shoot!

Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Gnjus on January 22, 2011, 09:03:48 am
How to spot a noob/easykill?

Quite easy, you cant really miss them just look around - they are everywhere. It's much harder to spot someone who's actually worth killing.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Sofa_King on January 22, 2011, 09:04:38 am
gooretooth when hes naked, balb when he just retired, easy picking targert. :)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: EliteDragon on January 22, 2011, 10:15:20 am
gooretooth when hes naked, balb when he just retired, easy picking targert. :)

lol, doesn't that kinda apply to everyone?
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Joxer on January 22, 2011, 11:16:20 am
Disagree i ever hold side block if someone approaches with a Pike so he think he can take me down easily but than fast backward block slash Pike man dead^^

Archers ho just standing to shoot!

Fast upswing thrust combo. Bang dead  :twisted:
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: KaleLord on January 22, 2011, 02:48:40 pm

No it isnt that im lvl 27 i have 18 str 15 agi, 5 athletics, 5 weapon master and over 100 wpf in 2-handed, i was just making a joke, my ping is almost always over 200 so im a easy target.

I was making a joke toooo :(
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Ganon on January 22, 2011, 03:20:17 pm
People with over 100 ping are easy targets, spammers can be easy (aka ninjas), but the easiest are archers that only look forward (like horses). You don't even need to get behind them, approach from the side and kill. They don't notice you until after they're dead.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Michael on January 22, 2011, 03:39:59 pm
How to spot a noob/easykill?

Hood, Khergit Leather Boots, Lamellar Vest, Katana who has to throw shit at peasants running alone or in small groups in the open field.

People with over 100 ping are easy targets

I enjoy killing people who underestimate me.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: PhantomZero on January 22, 2011, 07:37:01 pm
Anyone on foot, walking places.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Kafein on January 22, 2011, 08:17:03 pm
Anyone wearing the ~blue colored strange armor. Really. Never saw anyone wearing that one that wasn't a noob.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: EponiCo on January 22, 2011, 09:07:58 pm
Some archers with shield and sword are quite dangerous.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Ashrik on January 22, 2011, 10:14:00 pm
I like my shield and sword archer  :cry: Ashraa is only half bad
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Ninja_Totoro on January 22, 2011, 10:18:30 pm
The ninja hate in this thread is brilliant.

Your tears of broken pride are so delicous,

Om nom nom bitches.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Troublesome on January 22, 2011, 10:20:07 pm
Teammates with their backs to me
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Burr1ck on January 22, 2011, 10:39:12 pm
Someone running around with a chambered/held attack  :mrgreen:.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: UrLukur on January 22, 2011, 10:56:48 pm
Press Tab and look around. Done. Next question ?
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: HeroZero on January 23, 2011, 12:04:55 am
Strange armor or ninja gear
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: SeQuel on January 23, 2011, 12:24:59 am
Strange armor or ninja gear

Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Camaris on January 23, 2011, 01:06:16 am
Im an easykill if i play my horseman ;)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Babelfish on January 23, 2011, 01:09:51 am
When you see a player wearing 'Black Armor' you know its going to be a cakewalk :)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Joker86 on January 23, 2011, 01:20:38 am
Everyone popping up behind your throwing weapons reticule?  :?
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: FICO on January 23, 2011, 01:34:04 am
player named FICO without bears around him
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: 7000bc on January 23, 2011, 04:48:41 am
Double shielders
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Gorath on January 23, 2011, 04:59:55 am
Double shielders

I said that.   :wink:

*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword.  They're just too slow to attack/feint.   :mrgreen:*
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Warcat on January 23, 2011, 05:37:02 am
It's that stupid riderless horse that keeps running you over, and the guy killing the horse that keeps running him over.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Kalam on January 23, 2011, 05:40:53 am
I said that.   :wink:

*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword.  They're just too slow to attack/feint.   :mrgreen:*

Psht. There are so many awesome 1-hand weapons!
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Gorath on January 23, 2011, 05:54:10 am
Psht. There are so many awesome 1-hand weapons!

I agree they're awesome.  But anything under 100 speed (exluding the spammitar of "WTF") is slow.  :P
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Dexxtaa on January 23, 2011, 05:55:52 am
Red Tunic, Straw hats, Black boots, leather gloves.

Definite easy kills. Fuck them all up.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Torp on January 23, 2011, 05:51:54 pm
Easy kills:


and maybe i've forgotten some?
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Punisher on January 23, 2011, 05:53:14 pm
Easy kills:


and maybe i've forgotten some?

You forgot Ninja_Torp.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Torp on January 23, 2011, 06:02:45 pm
You forgot Ninja_Torp.

except that i changed name to Ninja_kenkyaku ;D

but nah, i dont suck as much as these guys!
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Maira on January 23, 2011, 06:07:43 pm
Red Tunic/Blue Tunic*, Straw hats, Black boots, leather gloves.

Definite easy kills. Fuck them all up.

And HA without a horse.

Edit: You also forgot the oversized sword.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: ManOfWar on January 23, 2011, 06:26:12 pm
I agree they're awesome.  But anything under 100 speed (exluding the spammitar of "WTF") is slow.  :P

I feel like me and balb have traded weapon speeds now that i use the side sword
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Phyrex on January 23, 2011, 06:43:02 pm
99% of the people who run towards me alone or in small groups wielding a 2h or 1h without shield.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: krampe on January 23, 2011, 06:43:58 pm
People without helmets

newkid Ninjas (train them Tomek)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Sultan Eren on January 23, 2011, 06:47:17 pm
Do a swing if he blockes the wrong direction, attack!
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: ManOfWar on January 23, 2011, 07:00:24 pm
lol i love slashing people without helmets in the face!
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: The_Devious_Duc_Volpe on January 23, 2011, 07:21:21 pm
LMAO...i think everyone does ManOWar haha. its so satisfying...especially couch lancing them in the face off of a horse at like 40mph. :)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on January 23, 2011, 07:25:02 pm
Someone who runs away from you, into a group of 10 more of their buddies before re-engaging you, gets last blow and says 'owned'.

Next round couch lancing them 20 paces from their spawn, and returning their message, priceless.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Beleidiger on January 23, 2011, 07:26:23 pm
I said that.   :wink:

*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword.  They're just too slow to attack/feint.   :mrgreen:*

Hmmmm i do alot of Kills with my Nordic Champion and against good players too OK maybe they just Lucky in Blocking me 10 times before they die!

AND WTF is the Spammitar is that a good 1h i dont have??Maybe the Scimitar?? Buy Buy Buy/Spam Spam Spam
Do a swing if he blockes the wrong direction, attack!

Maybe thats a Trap!!

Hmmm that Players aint that Bad because they know they cant win alone so using support is a good Tacktick and make you a good Player the spell Owned makes him just to an moron Player
Someone who runs away from you, into a group of 10 more of their buddies before re-engaging you, gets last blow and says 'owned'.

Next round couch lancing them 20 paces from their spawn, and returning their message, priceless.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Ninja_Totoro on January 23, 2011, 08:56:02 pm
Oh I almost forgot.

Anyone who isnt Phyrex.

Thats all.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Murmillus_Prime on January 23, 2011, 09:02:23 pm
Oh I almost forgot.

Anyone who isnt Phyrex.

Thats all.

Bjord would stand a good chance vs phyrex imo.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: woody on January 23, 2011, 09:07:15 pm
How to spot a sad twat:

Anyone who posts macho bullshit about a computer game - especially anyone whos ever typed owned. Even as a "joke". Utter twats.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Kaelaen on January 23, 2011, 09:12:18 pm
I love those guys though, the people that feel like killing you is somehow an accomplishment that they have to announce it.  Makes me feel special :D
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Bobthehero on January 23, 2011, 11:55:11 pm
*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword.  They're just too slow to attack/feint.   :mrgreen:*

I beg to differ good lord...
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Kifli on January 24, 2011, 08:45:17 am
plate armor + no helmet = easy 1 hit kill
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Dexxtaa on January 24, 2011, 03:01:31 pm
And HA without a horse.

Edit: You also forgot the oversized sword.

But sir, I am but a humble peasant.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Phazey on January 24, 2011, 03:28:13 pm
When i ride around on my horsey, i'm activly hunting for 'unarmored heads'. Any none metallic headgear just screams "slash me, slash me" to me...  :twisted:
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: EponiCo on January 24, 2011, 03:45:34 pm
How to spot a sad twat:

Anyone who posts macho bullshit about a computer game - especially anyone whos ever typed owned. Even as a "joke". Utter twats.

What? When someone lances me from my horse and dismounts to give me a fair duel and I steal his horse and run away, that practically neccessitates some line about my superiority. I am in a save distance now, after all.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: HeroZero on January 24, 2011, 03:50:30 pm
Strange armor or ninja gear
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Furax on January 24, 2011, 05:27:35 pm
Anyone who tries to swing after I just hit them with my katana. The lols multiplies by the amount of times I hit them before they try to block.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: RamsesXXIIX on January 24, 2011, 05:34:02 pm
I said that.   :wink:

*Any 1h/Shielder that's not using either the spammitar, or side sword.  They're just too slow to attack/feint.   :mrgreen:*

I take that as an invitation to a duel.

When and where?
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Gorath on January 24, 2011, 05:43:54 pm
I take that as an invitation to a duel.

When and where?

NA duel server, any time (I'm on there quite a bit)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: AgentQ on January 24, 2011, 09:04:14 pm
gogogo get Gorath!  :twisted:
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Mouse on January 24, 2011, 09:15:07 pm
Gorath you're so silly. I giggle at scimitars and swords, because I have an axe. 8-)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: RamsesXXIIX on January 24, 2011, 11:52:52 pm
NA duel server, any time (I'm on there quite a bit)

Oh, i forgot you were NA (silly me)

Well, i'll try hanging around the NA some more, and i might find you.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: EyeBeat on January 25, 2011, 12:48:54 pm
Anyone with the LLJK tag.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Ninja_Totoro on January 25, 2011, 12:52:35 pm
Anyone who has posted in this thread except me.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Deadlysiins on January 25, 2011, 12:53:34 pm
LMFAO ^^^^^
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Joker86 on January 25, 2011, 03:56:37 pm
Anyone using the current OP builds. So currently throwers and barmace users.
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Bjord on January 25, 2011, 04:01:32 pm
Anyone except a charmed few are noob- easy kills for me.  8-)
Title: Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
Post by: Gorath on January 25, 2011, 06:13:32 pm
Me during anytime except for the 1-2 hour sweet spot of the day where I have my shit together before it falls apart again.