cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Topic started by: IfTh3ShoeFitz on August 12, 2011, 08:31:12 am
i just created a new character and i was going to make him a mainly sword and shield guy but i thought i should have a secondary weapon. so which is going to be better for a person like me throwing weapon or crossbow?
I'd say pick what you like, both are quite good sidearms.
If you want to be effective with throwing you have to make your build about throwing .
It's just way more easier to drop 50-75 wpf in xbow. You will have three time more ammo, do the same or more damage, have five time more accuracy, twice as fast projectile speed, no need to invest skill point, shoot people at medium-long range, no wpf requirement, you can use every armor you like, you can use xbow and be effective at very low lvl etc...
Only drawback you need some cover to reload.
It's really a no brainer
If you want a sidearm, go for xbow.
If you want to be hybrid, go for throwing.
xbow side arm for shooting (not very accurate shooting)
but for throwing you need powerthrow which u have to calculate into your built first..using a 0 wpx might be clever though its pretty primitiv, servers are full of these guys these days..
Mind the hefty upkeep if you use the crossbow without proficiency though.
Yes it will break every round meaning youll lose 733 every fucking round.
Yes it will break every round meaning youll lose 733 every fucking round.
How much proficiency do you need to avoid that?
How much proficiency do you need to avoid that?
This is not exact, but i think it was around 12% break chanche for a xbow to break with 1 wpf, and around 2,5% chanche to break with 100 wpf.
Not exact, just out of my head, numbers are somewhere.
This is not exact, but i think it was around 12% break chanche for a xbow to break with 1 wpf, and around 2,5% chanche to break with 100 wpf.
Not exact, just out of my head, numbers are somewhere.
And in long rounds that 12 percent adds up alot.
I have around 50 and it seems like the damn thing breaks everyother round. Even the plain xbow costs 733!
I have around 50 and it seems like the damn thing breaks everyother round. Even the plain xbow costs 733!
You need 140 for it to break at a reasonable amount (it is the "benchmark" of the standard). 50 is far too low.
xbow is no brainer, 50WPF and you're done and can hit ppl at medium range
I'm lucky if I have 20% accuracy with my throwing, when I used xbow I prob had closer to 60-75%
Xbow is the best choice for certain.
I'll say, be a man don't go Way of the bundle of sticks1 :)
1Way of the bundle of sticks: xbow, bow, horse, throwing
You need 140 for it to break at a reasonable amount (it is the "benchmark" of the standard). 50 is far too low.
So that means you really can't afford to carry a side arm. If you put 140 into xbow, you really can't defend yourself 1h can you?
xbow is no brainer, 50WPF and you're done and can hit ppl at medium range
I'm lucky if I have 20% accuracy with my throwing, when I used xbow I prob had closer to 60-75%
+ low damage of throwing with 5-7 pt + high risk because you need to throw at close range.
+ low damage of throwing with 5-7 pt + high risk because you need to throw at close range.
Yeah this. Go xbow. Throwing honestly is not a valid hybrid sidearm for a dozen or more reasons. The only way to go throwing is to go throwing 100% and even then you only get a positive K/D:R if you're really good and there aren't many shielders or plate wearers on the other team. Then you have to be REALLY good. almost never.
Grab an arb and shot gun people. Besides cost there are no real drawbacks to crossbows. Their reload speed is a small price to pay. Even throwing gets expensive. The only throwing weapons that can hurt tin cans are the most expensive and heavy ones now. All the light ones best suited for hybrids just don't work anymore.
Be a man, throw :D
Go throwing !
usually a thrower, I recently made a skip the fun char with an xbow and i just can't see the drawback : from long to close range, i hit way more often. I can HS "easily" because it flight straighter and i went from 20% accuracy to 80%, high tier medium armor don't scare me, neither do plate, i can run all day and just take 2sec to aim and shoot right where i wanted (i hate you random pattern of my throwing weapon !), i got more skill points left so i can raise an attribute to the next cap, i can wear a way better armor without much problems, blablablabla...
yea, go throwing mate, xbow is just the easymode :mrgreen:
I say throwing, for me it's the bestest. You don't get as many kills, but it's so much fun. Especially when people don't expect it. Sometimes it also helps your team, throwing people off, and directing their attention elsewhere. Also, stun.
I use both together.
im a hybrid thrower and i top the scoreboards on siege enough to satisfy me. I get easy kills when i throw my axes into retard my old friend xbow men who wanted to shotgun me then run off and reload in a corner like a kid pissing his pants.
I prefer throwing because of the intimidation factor. People will think twice before walking up a flight of stairs at you when your weapon is about to take flight.
Crossbowmen just sit in a corner waiting and reloading and waiting and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading and reloading.
Seems like a cowardly play style because it is.
If you want to play like a scared little bitch go xbow.
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You are less mobile with that xbow , you can just skirmish with javelins. So for an agresive playstyle id say throwing otherwise xbow.
I use both together.
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