Slovenian beer is quite alright, but I never tried Lasko. In fact, I can't remember the last time I drank any Slovenian beer.
Pijem lako čijem na Hrvako :D
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Damn, I hate how you guys are my neighbours, and can't understand what are you talking about, because our language has nothing in common. lol
kozel, edelweiss, guinness, budweiser budvar, black wattle, carlsberg, gösser dunkles, kilkenny etc
i fucking love weißbier, dunkles, red ales and dry stouts. organic home made beers are also cool.
Favourite beers? Couldn't say. Beers I like? Too long to list.
Here's a few:
La Trappe
Olvi Tuplapukki
London Pride
Lump of Coal(as black as black gets)
etc etc etc....
I realize those were mainly belgian and dutch beers. But I was just thinking back on the beers I've had lately and my favourite bar is called Rotterdam :P
More than half of those I never even tried.I'm an amateur beer enthusiast. :)
BTW A good Swedish beer - was twisting my head around that for a while, whether there were any good Swedish beers; Briska! Good party beer, very expensive though...
Norweigan? Hah.(click to show/hide)
Norweigan? Hah.
I counter.(click to show/hide)
...very nice picture :D
Karla(click to show/hide)
Everything from Guinness to Carlsberg.
Mine are the following:
Staropramen, Bórsodi, Dreher, Arany Ászok, Löwenbräu, Soproni and of course Kozel. I don't mind Mariestadts (Danish Beer), but it's a bit too much like piss wasser. Don't get how Danes can drink that.
Yes they're mostly light beers and lager, but I don't like darker beers. Also, I can't stand spirits. A bit of vodka maybe, and rum (coconut rum like Malibu, with apple juice! :lol: ).
What are your favourite beers?
& Stella(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Seriously? Isnt that the one you can buy in a 2,5 l bottle? It kills off your brain cells, next morning im like duuuuuuh derp
My favourite is:
Dark Leffe
Honourable mention:
(click to show/hide)
No one said Foster's?!?
Cheap ass lagger is where its at!
And I love most everything Blue Moon. A lot of their seasonal beers are great
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Fischer Amber. I also had a Fischer honey beer that was awesome
Generally most of the Fischer beers are very good
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There's a bar near me that has 40 beers on tap, and roughly 500 varieties in bottles/cans in coolers. It's fantastic. I prefer lighter beers, personally. My favorite is Hoegaarden.
There's a bar near me that has 40 beers on tap, and roughly 500 varieties in bottles/cans in coolers. It's fantastic. I prefer lighter beers, personally. My favorite is Hoegaarden.Really? Mind telling me where I could find such a bar?
Your joking right? Please someone have a word with him.:(
Staropramen (really good, cant find it in Norway tho) Bjord maybe u wanna buy some for me?
First two girls in my life:
Karla(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
& Stella(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
thats an ok beer, but this one is betterThe good ol' destroyer of sense
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Just go to Systembolaget over the Swedish-Norwegian border, costs 16-17 SEK a bottle though. Kinda expensive.
Expensive? thats cheap for such a good beer... 0,5 l Heineken is kinda expensive 27 Nok i think...
Or wait...all norwegian beer is expensive!
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Expensive? thats cheap for such a good beer... 0,5 l Heineken is kinda expensive 27 Nok i think...than i'm happy i'm not norwegian so i can get it for 1 euro in a pub...
Or wait...all norwegian beer is expensive!
0.33 bottles, not 0.5.
Unfortunately, where we live cider is for sissy girls. 8-)
As I said Heineken ftw.
Also. Don't try the Black Enlish Beer: Guinnes. You'll regret it.
Also. Don't try the Black Enlish Beer: Guinnes. You'll regret it.
Corona in cro is 0.33 15 kn, thats like 2 euros
Dat cheap?
than i'm happy i'm not norwegian so i can get it for 1 euro in a pub...
That cider looks nice.
Unfortunately, where we live cider is for sissy girls. 8-)
That's actually quite interesting, why is that then? From my own experience the cider in europe isnt particularly strong nor particularly tasty, scrumpy jack on the other hand.....has people struggling to find their own arses for days afterwards. :lol:
Expensive? thats cheap for such a good beer... 0,5 l Heineken is kinda expensive 27 Nok i think...
Or wait...all norwegian beer is expensive!
Tell me about it.. nowadays they mix the wonderful booze with stupid fruits.
Well, that is nothing new, only the amount of it and the different tastes have increased.
I am still waiting for a multivitamin mix or something with a yogurt drink :P yum yum yum.
Overdriven, after a while (3 years) of living in south west, its a bit tiring seeing the only drinks in pubs are ciders, sometimes with a lager. (Which I absolutely hate)
Its too expensive to get drunk off of cider, you need like 10 bottles. Atleast with the ciders i had experience with
No fucking non-alcoholic beverages/mix-drinks talk here, get out you dirty cunt.
and stella
The wife beater drink :wink: I hate the taste of that stuff. It's far to strong. Whilst some lagers are weak and taste watered down, stella tastes far to strongly.
Are you serious? Stella is sweeter and weaker in taste than most beer out there.
The wife beater drink :wink: I hate the taste of that stuff. It's far to strong. Whilst some lagers are weak and taste watered down, stella tastes far to strongly.
No fucking non-alcoholic beverages/mix-drinks talk here, get out you dirty cunt.
You cannot get my favourite commercial beer in Sweden, "Old Pecuiler" and "Spitfire" isn't bottle fermented :(
Ah I have a bottle of spitfire in the fridge. Both of those are two of my favs :)
Then quickly take it out of there before you ruin it. Bitter and ale should be drunk around room temp.
Coors light.
O whilst I was in India (South) the only beer they ever seemed to serve was Kingfisher lager. First time I'd had it. I actually really liked it. One of the few lagers I've ever liked. Which makes sense, just read their website and they are the biggest selling beer in India and originated in South India :lol:
Some of the Asian ones are good as well. Like Tiger, Chang and Singha.
You redneck.
I'm a fan of Kingfisher myself. Not too fond of Tiger, though. It tastes like a lager that secretly wanted to be an ale, to me.
V festival is this weekend and sadly you cant take glass in and i cant be arsed to hunt for plastic bottles, so i think im stuck with drinking something like carling or foster which is piss....
Any good ideas guys? UK retailers only remember.
But there's bound to be a bar that specialises in beer. That imports beer. I swear. There must be. My faith in humanity depends on it.
The Hangover 3? :lol: