cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Miley on July 30, 2011, 12:55:09 am
I think it would be fair if archers with polearms on their backs could actually see where they're shooting. A while ago, in the duel server, whenever you drew your bow it would automatically go in this weird first-person-looking mode. Would it be possible to automatically hide a polearm or weapon on your back when you left click to shoot? Other people would be able to see it on your back, but you couldn't for however long you held your left click.
Totally agree, this is the sole reason i game up on my archer polearm char.
Use First Person mode.
Yeah I remember that "forced FPS" look while aiming though, it wasn't bad.
Play in first person all the time, you'll solve the problem.
Retire to a melee , make both us and yourself happy. :twisted:
Can't play well with the first person view. I don't worry worry about it anymore though because I would never play a polearm archer with the recent patches. :D
Saying, "Play in first-person," isn't a fair thing to say. Melee in first person. Let's see how you like it (referring to the majority of people)!
I was a polearm archer. I noticed this. I switched to first-person. Problem was solved. :rolleyes:
Saying, "Play in first-person," isn't a fair thing to say. Melee in first person. Let's see how you like it (referring to the majority of people)!
I love it.
It is a fair thing to say, both views have their drawbacks and the drawbacks of first person tend to outweigh those of third person. God forbid that switching views might actually be useful in this one, rare instance. Not to mention that either view is just one instant button push away.
Saying, "Play in first-person," isn't a fair thing to say. Melee in first person. Let's see how you like it (referring to the majority of people)!
I melee in first person ;)
I have no idea why the devs added slots, unability to sheath, and removed all invisibly carried weapons. It was fine as it was.....
I have no idea why the devs added slots, unability to sheath, and removed all invisibly carried weapons. It was fine as it was.....
ìt wasn't eralistic, and now it's fine too, but realistic
I have no idea why the devs added slots, unability to sheath, and removed all invisibly carried weapons. It was fine as it was.....
i liked carrying a musket, a pistol, 2h sword and bullets... o wait that's fire and sword wrong mod(its a mod not a game). Seriously though i could use a 2h a shield and an arblast before the slot patch, i don't like that i cant but i feel better not being able too cause it felt... like a 1 man army kinda thing. now i have to choose wisely, though i wish heavy bastard sword was 1 slot
totally disagree, drop it to the ground like a real archer would do
ìt wasn't eralistic, and now it's fine too, but realistic
It's still not realistic. The Yumi is larger than the War Bow, yet which takes two slots? If slots were put in to be realistic, then I don't think every other thing in this mod would be unrealistic.
Also, first person and third person aiming is different. You can't just tell someone to go in first person, because you have to aim totally different.
It's still not realistic. The Yumi is larger than the War Bow, yet which takes two slots? If slots were put in to be realistic, then I don't think every other thing in this mod would be unrealistic.
Also, first person and third person aiming is different. You can't just tell someone to go in first person, because you have to aim totally different.
Let's not go for realism because yumi bow is an extra option for archers that like to suck a challenge. Having your polearm visible on your back eliminates archers hiding big weapons in their asses and then pulling them out to the surprise and misfortune of pursuing infantry. Because it's fair.
I know their aiming is different, I'm saying "get used to it" because there should be a drawback to constantly being able to see over your own shoulder and wearing huge weapons on your back simultaneously.
I think it would be fair if archers with polearms on their backs could actually see where they're shooting. A while ago, in the duel server, whenever you drew your bow it would automatically go in this weird first-person-looking mode. Would it be possible to automatically hide a polearm or weapon on your back when you left click to shoot? Other people would be able to see it on your back, but you couldn't for however long you held your left click.
Polearms should not be sheathable. Problem solved together with a bunch of other balancing issues.
It's obvious there are other options: 1st person, use different weapon, etc.
However, there is an issue with certain pole arms blocking the reticle in 3rd person mode. It would be cool to have it addressed rather then "do something else" which is usually a respec to 1h or 2h.... I don't know if it's in the game mechanics to move the position of the sheathed weapon or not as that would be a simple solution.
Let's not go for realism because yumi bow is an extra option for archers that like to suck a challenge. Having your polearm visible on your back eliminates archers hiding big weapons in their asses and then pulling them out to the surprise and misfortune of pursuing infantry. Because it's fair.
I know their aiming is different, I'm saying "get used to it" because there should be a drawback to constantly being able to see over your own shoulder and wearing huge weapons on your back simultaneously.
You obviously haven't read what I said.
A while ago, in the duel server, whenever you drew your bow it would automatically go in this weird first-person-looking mode. Would it be possible to automatically hide a polearm or weapon on your back when you left click to shoot? Other people would be able to see it on your back, but you couldn't for however long you held your left click.
Have anyone thought about just binding the view change key to something quick like R and just, you know, switching between the views depending on whether you're shooting or not?
Have anyone thought about just binding the view change key to something quick like R and just, you know, switching between the views depending on whether you're shooting or not?
ìt's R standard, but you right
First person forces tunnel vision, not ideal if running and gunning.
Yeah, you ignorant poops!
Agreed. First person archer is a soon to be dead archer. There are some cool weapons I'd love to try as a sidearm if they didn't block my sight.
First person archer is a soon to be dead archer.
Almighty bullshit.
Almighty bullshit.
But it's true.
Nay ):<
I want to be able to literally watch my own back all the time and use every weapon in the game with no drawbacks. Therefore, cater to my 3rd person view needs!
I want to be able to literally watch my own back all the time and use every weapon in the game with no drawbacks. Therefore, cater to my 3rd person view needs!
Say the ex-RS clan that bitched whenever someone shot them or threw something at them because they wanted to play without a shield, therefore everyone cater to their e-peens?
Right. Interesting moments in the TS. :lol:
The point is, 1st person is unusually limited in view.
And yet totally doable.
Just for 50K I can make your pole(or 2H) invisible.
Just for 50K I can make your pole(or 2H) invisible.
Changing textfiles, yup.
Say the ex-RS clan that bitched whenever someone shot them or threw something at them because they wanted to play without a shield, therefore everyone cater to their e-peens?
Right. Interesting moments in the TS. :lol:
The point is, 1st person is unusually limited in view.
I consider this example beneficial to my argument because the shieldless infantry would be adapting to the game by taking shields with them or running around like epileptic chickens, like switching to first person view for pole-archers. Although honestly I don't care that much, I secretly just want everyone to play in first person view :twisted:
So do I, we shall succeed one day Chaos!
1st: Polearm + bow : greedy beyond belief. Archers dont carry poles, or 2handers. Only greedy people do that. Archers kill people from range. To be completely honest, hybridization is admitting you arent good enough at anything to rely on it 100%
2nd: Theres SO many reasons to swap into 1st person: Shooting thru windows, down from roofs, thru fences, in a crowd of teammates, to name a few. Not doing it is so severely limiting yourself as to be....well, ridiculous.
And all the tunnel vision arguments are null and void, since the Viewchange button WORKS BOTH WAYS: press it once to go to 1st person and then again to go back to 3rd.
Or if it REALLY bothers you, and you MUST have a huge melee weapon as an archer, just edit the backstored items out in your game files...
I'd rather get beaten up in melee by an hybrid archer than get kitted for a year or three by most of them, runners archer are the worst plague of this mod, after the upkeep.
if you cant catch them dont chase them....if you let yourself be kited its your own fault, also those who have VERY high atheletics must have low PD so their arrows dont hurt. Honestly, Im so tired of people complaining that Rock beats Scissors...when you play to someone elses strong suit, dont be surprised they win.
"Don't let yourself be kited", then what am I supposed to do? Camp 'till flag? Let the archer bore everyone to death? Go watch some porn while the round turns into a draw?
Archers always say that they "are not made for melee, they're support!" Tell me how running for 3 mins is supporting your team.
The most effective archers, from what I've seen, are the ones that stick fairly close to the melee body, providing support where needed with high efficency (able to take out the ranged threatening the main body while also being able to provide high-accuracy close-range support). A defining quality of these archers are also that they do not fear going into melee if needed, to continue doing their job.
Those are the archers you want on your team, and the ones you want on the enemy team as well since they don't delay/bore/force flags/do other g@y shit.
The ones who camp 500 m away from the main body, taking potshots at the enemy from atop of their tower then proceeding to run for 3 mins after their team gets slaughtered (because they didn't get proper archer support!) noone likes to play with OR against.
Time to le wake up.
"Don't let yourself be kited", then what am I supposed to do? Camp 'till flag? Let the archer bore everyone to death? Go watch some porn while the round turns into a draw?
Archers always say that they "are not made for melee, they're support!" Tell me how running for 3 mins is supporting your team.
The most effective archers, from what I've seen, are the ones that stick fairly close to the melee body, providing support where needed with high efficency (able to take out the ranged threatening the main body while also being able to provide high-accuracy close-range support). A defining quality of these archers are also that they do not fear going into melee if needed, to continue doing their job.
Those are the archers you want on your team, and the ones you want on the enemy team as well since they don't delay/bore/force flags/do other g@y shit.
The ones who camp 500 m away from the main body, taking potshots at the enemy from atop of their tower then proceeding to run for 3 mins after their team gets slaughtered (because they didn't get proper archer support!) noone likes to play with OR against.
Time to le wake up.
I didnt say that the KITERS are RIGHT or doing a good job...I dont like them either, but by chasing them you qualify their build. Camp till flag? if that beats them, YES, do it. Or hide and hope they bet bored, come looking, and you can catch them close. MY POINT was simply: If you chase the archer but cant catch him, DONT CHASE HIM, if you dont play into their hands then they will have to stop playing that way....
1st: Polearm + bow : greedy beyond belief. Archers dont carry poles, or 2handers. Only greedy people do that. Archers kill people from range. To be completely honest, hybridization is admitting you arent good enough at anything to rely on it 100%
2nd: Theres SO many reasons to swap into 1st person: Shooting thru windows, down from roofs, thru fences, in a crowd of teammates, to name a few. Not doing it is so severely limiting yourself as to be....well, ridiculous.
And all the tunnel vision arguments are null and void, since the Viewchange button WORKS BOTH WAYS: press it once to go to 1st person and then again to go back to 3rd.
Or if it REALLY bothers you, and you MUST have a huge melee weapon as an archer, just edit the backstored items out in your game files...
Hmm, maybe you like doing both? If I like using a polearm instead of a one hander, there are pros and cons. If I like using a one hander instead of a two hander, there are also pros and cons. Who cares if archers didn't carry polearms and two-handers in real life. This mod isn't realistic at all, and this is cRPG. We should be able to customize our characters how we want, right? This mod has lost a lot of it's creativity since the start.
As for the first person thing. Yeah, you can use it, but once you're used to third person, it's hard to use first person. You have to aim differently. It was just a suggestion that won't hurt anybody. I don't know why people are getting so defensive.
Cause you are being silly: Its not hard to swap between them, you cant tell me it is, I shoot fine with both, saying ITS SO DIFFERENT is being silly, but ALSO we have all recommended to you JUST EDIT YOUR FILE: Google how to do it, it wont take you long and isnt complicated, and then you have what you want.
Cause you are being silly: Its not hard to swap between them, you cant tell me it is, I shoot fine with both, saying ITS SO DIFFERENT is being silly, but ALSO we have all recommended to you JUST EDIT YOUR FILE: Google how to do it, it wont take you long and isnt complicated, and then you have what you want.
Well obviously people are different. And it will probably not show the polearm when attacking either. I'm not even doing archery + polearm.
I only see one person who recommended it, not all.
I don't edit it because it would be an unneeded surprise to hide other archer weapons when the opponent has it on their back. I don't want to fight an enemy archer and think he is unarmed (must be carrying three quivers right?) only to find out that the guy whips out a quarterstaff... Hell no.
I don't edit it because it would be an unneeded surprise to hide other archer weapons when the opponent has it on their back. I don't want to fight an enemy archer and think he is unarmed (must be carrying three quivers right?) only to find out that the guy whips out a quarterstaff... Hell no.
But you try punching them to death either way!
Also knowing I can batter the guy whos rushing me in melee takes away the excitement: I miss this shot, Im dead! I like that feeling. Concentrates my aim!