cRPG => cRPG Technical problems => Topic started by: Chudleague on July 25, 2011, 05:41:35 am
So I can get disconnected from server occasionally, which is no big deal.
The real problem is when I try to join a strategus battle. I can join in a server, both EU and NA, with 100+ people on while its in duel mode no problem. I get kicked for the map change/battle start and rejoin. I wait for the two minute grace period, but 4-5 seconds after everyone spawns and starts moving I get disconnected. I try to rejoin and I continue to get disconnected repeatedly, which never happens any other time I'm playing M&B. Every time I rejoin it loads up but as soon as it renders everyone I get disconnected again.
My Comp's Specs are:
OS- Windows XP
Processor- AMD Athalon 3500+
RAM- 2gb
Graphics- Geforce 9400 GT
While I know this isn't a great comp it should be able to handle M&B. I've already turned my graphics down to reduce graphic lag, and my Internet connection is good 98% of the time.
I just don't understand why I am getting repeatedly disconnected from strat battles.
If i couldn't connect because of my internet then it wouldn't d/c at the same point every time and it would be an internet problem.
If it is because my computer can't handle it then wouldn't the outcome be unplayable graphic lag and not disconnection? Is there something in M&B that auto-kicks if your frame rate gets too low? I just need some help here.
Nobody has any idea why this could be happening?
it's also happened to me a few times aswell, then i know it's also happened to a few other people...
I have this thing sometimes. An example, recent 4th battle of Dusturil :(
It's most likely your RAM getting filled.
The best way to counter this is:
restart warband before a strat battle.
Important: don't even join the duel server before, because it fills your RAM too. Wait in the server browser until you see that it switched to strategus mode.
Warband has quite some RAM leaks, or so I've heard. Either way, this fixes it for me.
Awesome, at least it gives me something to try to fix it