cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Michael on January 16, 2011, 08:04:33 pm
Intended or not, some classes need less upkeep than others.
With my archer, thrower, 2h I have more gold I need. What to do with that money? I have bought all different stuff to try it out but what now?
It would help me, perhaps other players as well, when I could transfer the gold I dont need here to another char (be it my main, or a new different build).
So I know this was already discussed but things have changed a lot with the new patch and its hotfix. So what about a transfer "tax".
Be it 30 % or even 50 %, I wouldnt care.
But it would be nice to transfer gold from one char to another.
So you can farm with your archer to feed your noob tank cavalry? No thanks Finn. Stupid idea.
I voted yes, it would also be nice to transfer items, would ease the grind a bit. For example i could grind with my alts lvl1-31 while keeping my main at 31. But a gold transfer is also good of course. A player market would be perfect, so we can trade stuff freely.
to be honest i would like all characters in a single account so you can manage them with a single login. having a combined gold pool wouldn't bother me at all.
transfering items should cost the sell price. as in 50% i think.
heirlooms should not be transferable.
I have been asking for this since I started to play cRPG, it's stupid that you can't do it, I hate starting new chars with 0 gold when I have a shitload on my main. The best thing would be like Meow says, to have 1 account for all chars (like all MMO games out there), eventually place a limit of 5 chars/account to prevent abuses. And of course only 1 char for strategus and once you chose one you cannot change it.
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