cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Topic started by: Riddaren on January 15, 2011, 05:02:10 pm

Title: Remove retirement and heirloomed items
Post by: Riddaren on January 15, 2011, 05:02:10 pm
Sure alot of older players would be upset if what they once have earned was removed.
But what about new players? They will never get a character as strong as some other player's. Is that fair?

You can still build your level 30 character and equip it in many different ways so I don't see how this should take away the RPG part of the game.
It would just make this game fair and based on skill only, instead of the amount of time you can spend to grind.
Title: Re: Remove retirement and heirloomed items
Post by: LordBerenger on January 15, 2011, 05:05:01 pm
These guys with heirlooms aren't invincible. New players with enough skill will take em down.

Don't punish the old players, that's just evil :P

Btw, i'm not even a vet so it's not like i'm standing up for myself.
Title: Re: Remove retirement and heirloomed items
Post by: zagibu on January 15, 2011, 05:35:52 pm
Yeah, people give those heirlooms almost magical status, while they are only slightly better versions of the regular weapons. I think the bonus for long playtime is pretty small since the recent patch, and fair towards new players. I'm gen 4, btw., so nothing special.
Title: Re: Remove retirement and heirloomed items
Post by: Vexus on January 15, 2011, 05:38:09 pm
Since now balanced is not the first heirloom they are no longer so advantaged as before as everyone could retire once and have a +3 speed 2h sword and now it gives probably 2 speed or less.
Title: Re: Remove retirement and heirloomed items
Post by: zagibu on January 15, 2011, 06:13:29 pm
The first heirloom, at least for 1h and 2h swords, doesn't give any speed bonus at all.
Title: Re: Remove retirement and heirloomed items
Post by: John408 on January 16, 2011, 02:28:46 am
you remove heirlooming and retirement, you kill cRPG