cRPG => Beginner's Help and Guides => Topic started by: FloppyKitten on July 13, 2011, 01:17:00 am

Title: Need help deciding
Post by: FloppyKitten on July 13, 2011, 01:17:00 am
I currently don't know what to do in terms of my build.

What I like to do is: Use a shield, I like 1 handers but hate being 1 shot by 2 handers all day. I really like using a spear and a shield but it isn't very effective and once someone gets close to you its game over. I like using a crossbow but it really doesn't do much till late when you get a good one.

So I ask you guys what you think I should do, I'm not using a 2 hander because IMO they are boring and everyone and thier mother uses one.
Title: Re: Need help deciding
Post by: Delro on July 13, 2011, 01:47:38 am
Here's what I did to counter 2h on my shield build;

High strength and powerstrike Warhammer/Shield build. Go into first person and facehug that sucker. Its so much fun to watch their first hit bounce off your shield, then smack em repeatedly while the rest of their hits glance at such a close range.

Steel pick is nice for this too :D

Title: Re: Need help deciding
Post by: FloppyKitten on July 13, 2011, 04:39:53 am
Thanks for the tip, anyone else?
Title: Re: Need help deciding
Post by: 7000bc on July 13, 2011, 05:05:16 am
Know when to flip your shield on your back and block. From there, all you have to do is warspear spam.
Title: Re: Need help deciding
Post by: Blueberry Muffin on July 13, 2011, 05:59:35 pm
21 str
15 agi
2 converted skill points
7 powerstrike
7 ironflesh
5 shield
5 weaponmaster
5 athletics
146 wpf

Easily the best 1h build and the build I would always use.
Enough shield skill to use huscarl.
Enough athletics that you can use footwork.
Enough wpf to be effective.
Loads of hp due to ironflesh and strength. (No being 2 hit by 2hander)
Very heavy hitting.

This build is to be used with shield and sword. Long 1 handers only. If you use this build with a steel pick you are a dead man.
Use a 15 21 build for short weapons or 18 18.
Title: Re: Need help deciding
Post by: Tears of Destiny on July 13, 2011, 06:03:44 pm
Know when to flip your shield on your back and block. From there, all you have to do is warspear spam.

Never forget what this man said!

Too many times I see a new "spartan" refuse to put his shield away, so I just downblock forever and return strikes at my leisure. This is especially important to put your shield away if you are using a weapon that can also do left and right attacks if against a good blocker and you are using a spear. Alternatively for one handers, too many people keep using their shields against a "Bonus against shield" weapon which is bad in my opinion for 80% of the scenarios.
Title: Re: Need help deciding
Post by: Beans on July 13, 2011, 06:08:28 pm
I see too many shield players back up. Why? Take your driver's license and pop your S key out of the keyboard. Hold forward, hold block. Take their hit, get right next to them and attack. Keep holding forward and go past them, get behind them and constantly spin around them.

90% of players can't deal with it. In fact your probably won't be able to do it yourself, it's kind of disorienting at first. You might have to increase your mouse sensitivity a bit too. I'm completely serious about removing the S key though, too many people fall into the trap of only moving forward and backward. Only move forward and change direction with the mouse, it makes you move in a crazy snake like fashion that completely fucks people's predictions up.