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General Off Topic / Any NZ my old friends here?
« on: October 08, 2015, 07:37:34 pm »
I got my working holiday visa like 2 days ago and i'll be flying over to you guys in January. I wanted to know, from your personal experience, what's the coolest thing your country has to offer that i should visit?  :P
On my to-do list is currently only going to Hobbiton and getting my diving license, which isn't a whole lot to do in one year time. I'll be staying in Auckland for a couple of weeks before i move on to other places, so why don't you start there with your recommendations.

General Discussion / MOVED: make me admin
« on: December 29, 2014, 03:11:15 pm »

General Discussion / MOVED: You know EU1 is dead...
« on: December 12, 2014, 07:42:45 pm »

General Discussion / MOVED: IS MOD DED?
« on: December 04, 2014, 05:25:13 pm »

General Discussion / MOVED: M.O.D is D.E.A.D
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:35:04 pm »

General Discussion / Mapping Contest! Rewards for all participants/entries!
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:17:40 pm »
For the last half year or so Scene Editing has been basically dead and everything that was done, was either done by teeth or myself and the entries from the community itself were extremely rare and that's quite sad. It's gotten to a point where most of the old maps have been revisited and either made it in or are now gone for good. So, we need some new blood in the mapping scene and what's not to like about getting loomz/gold/eventitems and whatnot. What exactly will be given out to the participants, and, if there are enough entries, winners of the voting, is quite unsure yet, but i want people to get started with the maps as soon as possible.

So, let's set some dates now. Last day to submit entries will be 30th of november. Then we will hopefully get a patch to get the maps ingame and after a week of testing the maps, you will get a chance to edit your map ONCE. So, on 7th December there will be another patch to update the entries. On 14th December i will start the vote, which will last for another week, so the rewards will be handed out just for christmas =D
(Assuming there are enough entries to warrant an actual contest, if there are not enough every participant will just get a default reward, meaning not the fancy event stuff)

I'm not gonna talk a whole lot about the issue know, because we already have plenty of material you can read up:
To be more precise:

Also, you can always hop on IRC ( and give me a poke. If i don't answer instantly either leave the tab open and i will answer your questions later, or try another time. Or give me the link to your profile and i will answer here on the forums per PM.

Where do i send my entries?
First, you should go ahead and make your own thread in Scene Editing where you will collect all your progress. I will collect all the entries in the stickied thread afterwards.

That's about everything that is needed for this, i guess. First time i'm starting a contest, so if you have suggestions how to make it better, feel free to tell me.

Scene Editing / Mapping Contest Entries
« on: November 03, 2014, 05:53:44 pm »




General Discussion / Gieb battle map infos.
« on: August 02, 2014, 03:52:38 pm »
Because i have no idea what's wrong with the current battle cycle; been playing siege exclusively (Which i don't need help with atm, got a good idea how to fix those maps); so just qmd the bad maps, tell me the name and what's wrong with it. 
Or don't do anything and suffer.  8-)

General Discussion / Conquest maps on siege.
« on: June 02, 2014, 05:29:01 pm »
Please vote.

General Discussion / How to implement multi in conquest?
« on: May 11, 2014, 08:01:18 pm »
First of all, for those who don't know what conquest is, here's how it works:
Map makers set flags/spawns for separate flag layers now. Meaning you have to take layer 1 completely before you can move on to the next layer. Layers can consist of as many flags as the maker wants to. So the combinations are kinda endless here. 10 Flags for layer 1 and then just 1 for layer 2, whereas layer 3 can have 20, whatever, anything's possible. Defenders win by successfully defending at least ONE flag until the end of the round. Attackers have to take ALL of the flags to win the round.

But here's the problem: Conquest maps are huge. They can take up to 60 minutes depending on what the map seems to need and right now you only get multi if you actually win the map, so implementing maps longer than 10 minutes is probably gonna cause a lot of rage and it's unfair to the players. Here's where Urist comes in, because he might implement a way to gain/lose multi, but for that it needs to be doable from a coders perspective, it needs to be balanced around the xp/gold gain that every other gamemode has and as simple as possible.

So here's what i came up with.

Conquest will get a timer. Attackers gain multi by capturing a flag within it and lose their multi if they don't. Defenders get multi if they defend all flags of the current layer until it runs out and lose if a flag gets captured.
Sounds simple enough, but has one bigass problem, how long the timer should be. Currently, as a defender, you can get x5 within 28 minutes of playtime and attackers can do that within 10. But conquest can't be balanced around those numbers because auto balance does not happen as often. If the timer is set at 5 minutes for example, on the big maps defenders are unable to gain x5 in under 20 minutes because there is no chance to get autobalanced to attackers within that time frame. Unfortunately with this method, defenders only gain multi by time whereas attackers can gain it by the number of flags. So there need to be limitations.

Let's say the timer is set to a 7th of the round time. On maps that last about 25-30 minutes this seems nice enough, because defenders could gain multi every 4 minutes but are more likely to lose it because there are more flags to defend. Attackers will get it whenever a flag has been taken and a map of 30 minutes is probably going to have around 5-10 maps, so x5 should be no problem if fast enough. But with a map that takes 60 minutes, defenders would get a HUGE disadvantage by this, because there will be more flags to be captured by attackers, plenty more, and defenders can only gain multi every 8 minutes. On the other hand, when a map lasts only 10 minutes, attackers can only take like 2 flags and defense could get multi every 1 minute and ~30 seconds.
So, setting a minimum for the timer of around 4 minutes and a maximum of 7 minutes (the current value) seems to be okay.
But it's not okay =D
Problem with multi in conquest is the variability of maps. A 10 minute map can have only 2 flags to be captured or can have 5 if the map is built like that. So either way, not implementing the amount of flags in the timer can be a big problem. It also could not be if the maps are set around a certain time/flag relation. But i don't want to do that because it limits the map makers, plus it will be a trial&error solution in the end.
(Can i just say that the idea sounded a lot better in my head than when i am writing it down right now?! ~_~")

Multi timer = roundtime/X - flagsum/Y

Actually, let me just work with 2 examples now, maybe this will clear things up a little bit, this post seems way too chaotic currently.

Example 1: 15 Minute map. 2 Layers, with 2 flags each. 4 flags.
Example 2: 60 Minute map. 5 Layers. Each layer having 4 flags with the exception of the last one, which only has one. Sums up to 17 flags.

Let's set X at 7 like i mentioned above and Y at 50, because why not.

MultiEx1= 15/7 - 4/5 (=1.3 minutes)
MultiEx2= 60/7 -17/5 (=5.2 minutes)

For example 1 the limitation would kick in and set the timer to 4 minutes, example 2 would be untouched by it.
This means defenders can get x5 on ex1 and x12 on ex1. Attackers can get x5 on ex1 and x18 on ex2.

While example 1 seems to be okay with the numbers above and it's limits, example 2 clearly is not.

And i will just stop here, because i suck at math and in general and my brainfart is over now. This is just what i came up with that sounded kinda good in my head. Now i want you guys to think how to either alter my idea in a way that makes this stuff balanced or just come up with a whole new idea!
Have fun, lol.

(click to show/hide)
(Disregard the second longsword caption, it's a two handed sword or something since he's holding it with both hands while not blocking/attacking, but not my point)

Nerf 2h! But especially Dadao/Miadao. Actually, just Dadao/Miadao should suffice. Nerf it into oblivion. European Knights using this shit all over the place on EU2 and it makes my eyes bleed evertim.

Scene Editing / Oi! Start making (small) Conquest maps
« on: May 05, 2014, 01:51:43 pm »

These are the props you will need to make a conquest map. Urist hopefully fixed the flag bugs that conquest had and there will be longtime testing after the next patch. Multi is not implemented correctly yet, so 10 minutes maximum. Make as many layers as you want, although with the time limit i'm guessing 3 layers/ 3 flags is the most you can do. So preferably just scenes with 2 flags.

When multi is successfully implemented (i'll keep you on track if it happens before the next patch, whenever it may come) feel free to make maps that take the full hour. But until then, i suggest you wait for those because without proper multi system there might be a chance that you would be wasting your time with them ;)

Doesn't even have to be one castle to besiege anymore, i'd very much welcome more open maps as well. Just let creativity flow through you, hehe. If you have any questions about conquest, feel free to ask me here or on irc.

General Discussion / Conquest Test today at 20:00 CET on EU2
« on: May 01, 2014, 04:50:22 pm »
I'll be switching to a conquest map at the time mentioned above to check again what exactly was bugged about the mode. We'll be trying to fix it again and hopefully get multi implemented somehow, but for that we need to find out the bugs. All i remember is that sometimes flags were bugged, but there was probably a lot more^^
So join in and report in this thread if you found anything that needs fixing.

My RL friends or not that into the whole space thing, but i'd really like to try the multiplayer survival. Welding on my own in SP takes forever xD
I think it supports up to 16 players currently, anyone interested?

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