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Messages - Jack1

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 109

General Discussion / Re: Knightmares CRPG Rankings List (Edited Daily)
« on: March 23, 2019, 02:05:49 am »

That’s a fucked up thing to say to a fellow Risen cRPG player.
And I guarantee you that I would beat kaoklai in his prime. I have fought saulcanner numerous times in 2011 and he has the same skill as JayJrod.

Moral of the story is don’t compare cRPG players to Native player.If We can destroy you in your own mod just imagine what we would do to you in native. We would literally demolish every single one of you without breaking a sweat.
So yea, native players are the master race.

Edit; also if you think Me and nikkle are not an S+ player, you’re Delusional

didn't say it is comparably the same thing, quite simply said that you both rely on the same hilt slash gimmick to get all your free hits.

also I've played native quite a bit lately and there are not a lot of people who are good on there tbh. i'd like to do some of the competitive scrims that happen in native but i dont know how to get started in that scene.

Strat battles are siege/TDM, these have never been competitive game modes in Warband history and are a terrible way to measure player skill.

they are competitive modes, just in a different way. it's a mode that a "juggernaut" type of player works, so does the passive archer that never dies, so does cav getting an excessive amount of 1 shots off with couch lance over an hour.

Those "gimmicks" are what make Warband's skill ceiling, without things like hilt slashing, combat becomes extremely shallow, just look at a miley vs allers duel.

i'm not saying that gimmicks to get hits are bad, i'm saying that if all you have is 1 gimmick you're skill ceiling is pretty low. for example, when was the last time that narmin did well as a 1h or nikkle as a 2h. a player that is higher than all others can play all classes well, not just one let alone with one gimmick in that one class.

General Discussion / Re: Knightmares CRPG Rankings List (Edited Daily)
« on: March 23, 2019, 01:16:23 am »
From what I've seen, the all time NA s+ list should look something like:

MAYBE joan of gaycre

and the very close to s+

sitvek + schoi - both are a little too impatient
also rando was very powerful at one point


imo the only people that ever deserved S+ are saulcanner and kaoklai MAYBE rohypnol.
nikkle and narmin suck at strat battles and both of them use hilt slash gimmicks for most of their kills/hits

ME HOWEVER, i only get quality kills. the finest of slashes

General Discussion / Re: Knightmares CRPG Rankings List
« on: March 22, 2019, 04:42:03 am »
typical knightmare. copied tim since he saw tim was getting cool.

Diplomacy / Re: Enough is Enough Gamers
« on: October 30, 2018, 06:01:41 am »
I have been in 7 clans because im a bundle of sticks and rage quit then come crawling back

Jack1 is a bundle of sticks whos been in 2 clans one of which renamed itself 7 times

5 clans buddy

the outlaws, frisia, 13k, AoW, risen

boom goes the dynamite

you have a weapon with like +15-20 reach and you still play within his attack range all the time :shock:

if people want to play full str heavy armor this is going to be the result every time... if you want to get hits on an overly safe player you gotta get faster weapons, higher wpf and less armor....

jack1_A 7
cikel 4

Announcements / Re: Donkeys looking for new members (carrots guranteed)
« on: October 17, 2018, 09:39:09 pm »
can i apply as chauffeur

can i play on your team?

General Discussion / Re: NA1 map rotation change
« on: October 17, 2018, 03:12:04 am »
always + heathland

jona v ogerp has been like a week waiting..

NA (Official) / Re: chowski
« on: October 13, 2018, 07:20:01 am »
me and apparently not you :rolleyes:

did ask you guys to stop nicely too

NA (Official) / chowski
« on: October 13, 2018, 07:12:57 am »
1. Name of your character involved jack1_
2. Name of offending character(s) chowski
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible 10/13/2018 12:10 cst
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. ascended team double spawned multiple rounds in a row, asked them to stop nicely, they continued
5. Why you think the offender did what he did. wanted to spawn twice to add chance of winning rounds
6. Multiple Screenshots  i kill chowski then chowski kills me in the same round
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

7. Names of players that can witness what happened.   lonstead acehole

General Discussion / Re: SIEGE IS ALIVE
« on: October 12, 2018, 07:57:27 pm »
Siege is better if battle is full of ranged my old friends but that last map I played with the desert castle sucks. Everybody made fun of me because I couldn’t find the flag.

jack v allers round 4 duel in t minues 10 minutes

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