Whats up you old shitbirds?

Is cRPG being resurrected or what? If so, is there a kind soul who can give me instructions or post relevant links etc?
Ok, i got it all working!
If i understood correctly, this forum is locked for new members, right? Why is that? There is no forum/board for the new version, so wouldn’t it be a good idea to open up for new blood?
Lets show them youngsters how awesome OG cRPG elite is!
We had 150+ visitors today, but not a single post - thats fucked up. We can totally dust this old place off and make it fresh and full of rage and drama as it used to be.
Wake up u lazy old turds! Quit your job, throw your wife out or move to your parents basement, disown your children, cancel your friends and start choppin’ them peasants down in cRPG! The glorious golden age of sleepless gold grinding, head bashing and rage-quitting has begun!
Edit 2:
Forgot how amazing my signature is - thats a true piece of art right there!