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Messages - Phyrex

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18]
Game Balance Discussion / Re: LOLstab and phantom reach
« on: February 01, 2011, 03:07:20 pm »
I love these threads and the in-game whine I get after a perfectly executed spinthrust. I'm not gonna pull the learn2play card, as above posters already have.

Spinthrusting(or 'lolstab' for noobs) can be done with every single weapon that has thrust in the game and is not unique to 2-h.

'Lightning fast lolstabs' is the result of the rather poor and last call implamentation of the 2h thrust animation. There used to be a time when spinthrusting required training to perfect and timing and patience to  execute it properly, now days you only need a mouse click and a flick of your wrist to make it perfect.

To fix the speed you need to remove the current animation and get back the much better, smoother native animation. Though I doubt that will happen since the developers are all polearm spammers.

Scene Editing / Re: [COMPLAINT] What's next - Oh... It's THIS map...
« on: January 25, 2011, 06:07:01 pm »
I'm gonna jump aboard the ragetrain aswell!

Get rid of the damn 'random village' maps and get some real ones, god damn it!

General Discussion / Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:43:02 pm »
99% of the people who run towards me alone or in small groups wielding a 2h or 1h without shield.

General Discussion / Re: Add More Renaissance Armour Please :P
« on: January 18, 2011, 02:53:17 pm »
The more the better!

As for armour/weapons from different locations and time periods then the European medevial ones, who cares? cRPG stopped being 'realistic' long ago and should be considered fantasy by now. Though personally I would draw the line just before fire-arms. A platoon of Redcoats would be confusing... but at the same time kind of cool.. Meh :P

Also, there's a vast number of armour/weapon wish threads. Maybe we should consider making a separate/official/inofficial/whatever I-Want-This-Armour/Weapon-Added thread? Speaking for myself I have a large wish list myself! :P

General Discussion / Re: Too many projectiles
« on: January 18, 2011, 12:26:53 pm »
It's a living hell for a 2-hander, like myself, to get into melee on certain maps. First I have to endure the hailstorm of arrows to advance forward to the village and when I get there I have to dodge axes and other nasty shit thrown at me + the usual asshole who continues to aim his bow specifically at me. Almost like he got some personal hatred for me, stalking me across the whole damn map.

Should anything be nerfed? No. Archery, Xbowing and throwing is fine. Archery should get back their original animations imo, the current one looks like shit but that's a different topic.

The main problem is that there's way too many of them. Seems like everyone and their mother got throwing these days. And to change/force people out of there playstyle is hard if not impossible. I have really no idea on how to fix this issue.

I guess though, chadz could nerf the shit out of throwing and then stealth buff it up to its normal level. Making the overall majority of the throwing crowd swap to something else for abit.

Other then that, here's my usual reply to archers and throwers, ranged in general - Die in a fire you cowardly scumbags.

I think they look awesome and I approve. :P

General Discussion / Re: Spam wise, patch failed
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:28:28 pm »
I was on the duel server just a few minutes ago, I got a KD of like 70/6, 40 of those were done with a 1h sword with 0wfp and 21 agility, slow as hell. I still beat 95% of the people I faced, including ninjas with katanas, stimpy with 24 agility, 170wfp and staff, Longsword wielding agi-based light armor types, etc. etc.

I'm not sure what you people are complaining about.

General Discussion / Re: Spam wise, patch failed
« on: January 13, 2011, 08:43:34 pm »
Spam happens because you don't attack back, have a faulty build or just plain suck.

General Discussion / Re: (Masterwork) katana + duel server = haha
« on: January 13, 2011, 08:49:37 am »
Katana duels are made out of win, I especially liked it pre-patch when I was facing Khorin and we both had balanced katanas with 215+ wfp. Those duels were epic, one of the few times I really need to stay focused, I loved it.

For people who whine about its supposedly ridiculous speed, don't blame the weapon for your complete lack of any skill. I don't have any problem blocking them, why do you?

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Animation lag
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:45:36 am »
I feel it too. It's still playable but it really sucks ass and should be high priority.

And when we're on the topic of animations, the new 2h thrust animation breaks the other animations, maybe the animation maker can polish it abit?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Give me back lolstabbing!!!
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:10:49 pm »
The animation looks crap and break the other animations aswell, doesn't look fluid. But then again, thanks for the instant spinthrust :D

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