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Messages - Thalion_Menelvagor

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Name in Strategus: Thane_Thalion
Strategus Rounds Participated: This one, the one before that, the one before that, and the one before that, I think.
Affiliated Strategus Factions Current/Historical: Warriors of the First Age / Mithrim / HoC
Why you want to be on the council: Enforced Historical Accuracy
Example improvements you would suggest: Randomly spawned bandit armies if people set their taxes too high. I mean come on, people. Do we all want to end up like the EU? Did none of you listen to Ron Paul?

Serious ideas for strat are here.
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Are you Kesh in disguise come to lay ruin to Calradia (Y/N): Kesh is just an old wives tale, Occitans tell their children to keep them from being bad.

Diplomacy / Re: New Tebandra For Sale (with garrison and gear)
« on: September 05, 2018, 08:45:50 pm »
Does it come fully furnished? Also how are the utility costs usually?

Diplomacy / Re: Liberation of the Larpers Guild of New Ruldi
« on: August 26, 2018, 07:42:11 pm »
Somehow I missed this thread! Hah! Good stuff.

Diplomacy / Re: Coin & Carnage
« on: August 09, 2018, 07:03:30 pm »
I only clicked on this thread because i thought it was about the Jane Eyre book "Of Coin and Coinage"

« on: August 02, 2018, 10:49:40 pm »
Meh, I grow weary of this banter. To much talking does not suit a warrior. Lets just try to keep working towards better and more even rosters and get back to fighting.
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« on: August 02, 2018, 08:34:32 pm »
Yeah, I did go back and look at the battle logs and saw the battles you were talking about.  At least it did get some stuff going even if those early battles were uneven. Looks like things are more in your favor now. I would hope that everyone would agree that the best thing to do is to just continue to create battles, do a little not to serious shit posting, and keep on bringing people back to the game so we can continue to get some decent battles.

to be fair when my little ragtag group of myself sugar albus and ephemeral started attacking you guys just to get shit poppin on strat, some hoc guys mercilessly spammed a lot of big mercs on steam begging them to merc for hoc and not me, so the most i could do was convince a lot of them to just not show up instead of fighting against me just to try and get us outmercced by maybe 10 at most instead of 15. so now that we are getting a slight merc advantage i think everyone should just count their blessings and have fun and thank the lord jesus that crpg is alive after 8 years1!!

thats it bro im summoning daruvian. the gobblin king needs to cleanse calradia once more

Bring on the Gobblin king! Find some bugged gear and send those hordes marching out!

Edit: If Daruvian came back and revived the gobblins that would actually be fun. I hope he does.

« on: August 02, 2018, 08:23:20 pm »
I mean, you can loose the work of a lot of afk ticket farmers pretty quickly with an early flag cap. And I'm guessing we aren't the only ones who have a few people to farm tickets, are who aren't super interested in strat proper?

Again, rosters don't lie. Even with the commendable efforts of the potatoes and Clan.  In all truth, there aren't really any megafactions, not by the standards of previous strats. The side that is just more organized and slightly more numerous is you guys. Which is fine. Just own it. Win the war, or don't, its fine. Just don't pretend we are the carebears in this situation. We are fine fighting all you guys to the death. Or at least I am. Lets just have a honest war without the pretense.

Just because people dont sign up for strat battles doesn't mean they don't have an impact ingame. They can be troop farmers like I know you guys have multiple of cuz I'm in your discord and you've talked about it multiple times in general chat or they can just be trading and making you silver which I know you guys have because I'm in your discord and you've talked about it multiple times in group chat.

If they are truly AFK and inactive, why not boot them out of your faction? Your guys allies The Clan and the potatoes each can pull 7 to 10 mercs as well so don't act like things are super aligned against you.

ALSO also, I don't see the point in being aggressive towards people (Pinks and Acre) and then being mad that they are signing for your enemies. Its kind of how strategus has always worked.

Double check the guy who made this thread chief, no one is complaining about megafactions but you guys

The CBC (Calradian Broadcasting Company) recently managed to get a reporter into a night club in Nova Reyvadin where they got an exclusive interview with the renowned Anti-Carebear Confederacy Arowaine.

« on: August 02, 2018, 08:02:40 pm »
All too true. I had just hoped there was enough maturity to have balanced that out a bit from however many years ago. Perhaps I'm just getting to old for this shit.

I used to consistently deal in reality and explain casus belli (not in those exact terms) using facts, not opinions.  And it would still always get turned into some propaganda bullshit by each side.  Doesn't matter what people say.

« on: August 02, 2018, 08:01:24 pm »
Again, comparing "faction size" is a pretty dishonest measurement at this point in strat. Look at the rosters, that is where you get a real sense of "faction size". Yes, you can always have a few afk people making some tickets or doing the odd trade run, but the active players on the strat battle are the ones that actually matter.  So i reviewed six previous battles between HoC and other folks. Here's how it staked up in terms of mercs.

Battle 1: HoC 9, Pink 7
Battle 2: HoC 8, Pink 7
Battle 3: HoC 9, Pink 3
Battle 4: HoC 9, Pink 5
Battle 5: HoC 7, Pink 7
Battle 6: HoC 5, Pink 5

So Tristian, if you are actually wanting to be honest about this and put shit posting aside for a moment. To say that HoC has 19 and to use that as implication of actual strength in a strat battle is just inaccurate. I got back into crpg with the understand that pretty much all these factions that have played previous strats are shadows of their former selves, and its the efforts of a few dedicated people in each faction that keeps the whole damn mod alive (that and blood offerings James of Acre gives every night).

So lets just cut the crap. I am sure if I looked at the rosters in detail, we'd see that there are 4 factions that can field  somewhere between 7-10 fighters with some regularity. 3 of those factions are allied (or at least mercing together) against 1.  Yes, in the early days there were some battles where HoC had a merc advantage. But its not the merc advantage that bothers me so much as dishonesty in trying to say that its a fairly evening fight as things stand now. It's not. and actually, thats fine. Its a war game, you have an advantage you use it. But its the virtue signaling and hypocrisy, aside from the normal shit-posting, that gets people to stop caring about this game.

So please, Tristran. Talk to me about about faction size.

I'd also like to just give a shout out to the various smaller factions, afk'ers, and other rag-tag assortment of warriors who have merced for HoC and made from some pretty decent battles afterall.

To others in Acre, Occitan and Pinks, regardless of whatever official or secret political deals you guys have with eachother, the rosters don't lie.  I don't care who "wins" this war, but lets just have an honest one for crying out loud. Do you're worst, but don't pretend that you are some how fighting some mega-faction or that the odds are exactly even.

Pretty sure sJimmy brought up faction size first by saying the other side was a megafaction (implying they are a way bigger faction than anyone else).

Also, gotta love taking quotes out of context several months after they were stated. Ya our faction got bigger when we recruited more members pretty shocking i know

Diplomacy / Re: where did HoC go?
« on: July 24, 2018, 06:44:00 pm »
its best 2 not call kekistani resurgent forces as frisia or else u insult the true greasy internet warrior virgin spirit that sandy and daruvian and cikel and the others once had years ago

im not even a real frisian im jsut the guy they put in charge as the public relations officer to deal with the new wave of crpg youth

I think we ended up with basically the same job description.

Diplomacy / Re: where did HoC go?
« on: July 23, 2018, 10:24:42 pm »
Humm... yah looks like you guys had it pretty bad for some of those battles too.  looking back it seems there were a couple where you guys had more as well.

 I guess it was just a few of those Occitan battles that left the most recent impression.  Seems like out of all of us Occitan has done pretty well in terms of fielding a consistant roster. At least recently. I will say that its neat to see those older battles from just a few weeks ago with numbers in the 10's and 20's, and now we are in the 40's. Good stuff.

yeah ok you were outnumbered??? here's the tea for u sis.
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Also I like tea. Ummmmm.
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Diplomacy / Re: where did HoC go?
« on: July 23, 2018, 05:25:04 pm »
I mean, lets just call a spade a spade. The early battles we were badly out numbered in terms of mercs. Yeah, i know the amount of people who sign up for battle can make a roster look more even, but that doesn't mean that everyone will show up or stay. And I'm not even saying that there is necessarily anything Acre, Occctian and Kekistanis should do about it,  but that was what dominated some of the early battles.

That said, rosters seem to be getting a bit more even, and a bit more reliable. Unsurprisingly, this has lead to better battles and makes us feel a good bit more confident that using an army offensively won't be a complete waste that will only result in a 20 minute long battle.

So yes, we'll attack when we get the chance.  Despite the fact that even a cursory glance at the strat map seem to show that Occitan and Kekistan (when combined) seems to have an advantage on troops and probably silver as they can trade pretty much uninhibited across the entire map.   Perhaps we are just trying to make sure that it will be a fairly even and reliable roster before we attack well organized and numerically superior foe.  Take it as a begrudging sense of respect rather than lack of activity.

Granted, I realize that Tristan's posting was probably just shit-posting, but Tristan, at least try add a meme, or funny picture with an added subtext or something. That way I can at least appreciate and respond to a more sophisticated level of shit-posting than my 11 year old would be capable of. Thanks.

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