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Messages - Zlisch_The_Butcher

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 332
General Discussion / Bye
« on: June 22, 2014, 07:24:38 am »
I hate these kinda things so sorry in advance for posting a I'm leaving thread, I lost all my money and looms to Cyber in duels (gf btw) back when I quit so don't bother.

I probably wouldn't be writing this if I wasn't a tad drunk, but whatever. I've had some really great times in this community, a lot of you people are really polite or cheerful or positive or unique or whatever, I've had countless great nights playing the game with most of you, love the shit out of you all except for Bjord, even you merc assholes. Though my time in ANT was short and I didn't really become that great friends with most people there I had a shitload of fun with Miles then and a lot of times afterwards, and though my departure from SoA ultimately ended on a bad note I enjoyed the time I spent with all of you, despite the money shit I'll still say I loved Shanks 1pd char, it plus you guys general cheerful attitude was why I joined SoA in the first place, I left because I felt like I created some dislike for SoA and that I had some minor conflicts with other members, in any event, my time in SoA was some of the best in cRPG, probably the best in EU_1 at least. After having left SoA I joined GoatsPriests a while later, by far the most awesome shit I'd ever been in in an internet game, and Mels was always fucking fun to play cRPG with, it's a shame GoatsPriests and Werfrieds Peasant Battalion never grew into anything serious, in any event it was awesome. I also joined Frisia along the line, I guess my first real love for Frisia was due to Cikel being the awesome overly positive guy that he is, later on I got to talking with Havelle and stuff, so I joined, you guys are rad, all of you, especially Cikel (even though I'm fairly sure you quit) and Havelle though. My greatest times ever in cRPG were in EU_4 I think, awesome little community we had there, we'd even often be able to get duels for the last guy during the glory days, shame it got killed, it really was something special, even if most of you didn't like or understand or even accept us. Once EU_4 got killed I still had a lot of fun in EU_1 (mostly late night) and NA_1 and even EU_2 though, loved playing as Howling_Wolf with all you EU_1 fellas, loved fighting with two guys whose named started with a W, think one of them was even a merc, grey order were also always fun to have around, whether fighting them in melee or with ht, remember this one time when a shitload of GOs made HX alts and always ended up on the other team, was so fun fighting them with my ht. I loved playing with and helping everyone who ever made lance thrower chars, had some good times with that, I loved all you EU_4 players like Macropus besides some of DG (I think, don't recall the tag, German guys). I loved rageball with Makelele and hugging with Love&Hate, I loved fighting Byz and Nordmen and so on, besides Tor who was a jerk and always broke my shield :( I think my most fun night of  cRPG was time one time when me and Miles decided to construct catapults for each map until Mustikkaki or whatever you're called got pissed off and threatened us in admin chat, there were a shitload of remarkably fun times though. I even enjoyed playing with crazy person Leshma. I quit because things admittedly got slightly stale at the end, but more importantly, because I want a better life. Instead of dealing with feeling slightly alienated in the country I've ended up in I inverted myself into the internet and shit, I wanna get back to the States, I wanna get my old body back, I wanna get my old mind back, and I just don't want to slip into the habit of distracting myself with cRPG or some other game, I needed to focus on getting myself in order. Now that all is said and done, again, bye, this is by far the most impressive mod for anything I've ever seen, gl on melee, sorry to all the various people I may have been a dick to at some point.

PS: Fuck you Tydeus for buffing 1h morningstar and throwing lances right after I quit, jerkoff.
PSS: Thanks for making the avatar Kaija, it looks awesome.
PSSS: Praise Mork the Goat God, screw all you vile fucking heathens.

General Discussion / Re: Zombie list
« on: April 05, 2014, 12:21:40 am »
Leaving again doll? Don't make a huge fucking fuzz about shit, and calm the fucking down.

EU (Official) / Re: [Ban request] Erzengel_HRE
« on: January 04, 2014, 01:29:38 am »
This is really strange : on the screenshot you can see that Jackie has killed someone, but you can also see on the left corner, his corpse.

That was not on the EU1, and you can't tk a player on the EU3 server.

JackieChan was lanced early on in the round and spawned twice

EU (Official) / Re: [Ban request] Erzengel_HRE
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:45:52 pm »
still doesn't look very real, you gotta work on that photoshop man.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord Exposed
« on: January 03, 2014, 11:40:20 pm »
aww you know I'm just pulling your chain

General Discussion / Re: Bjord Exposed
« on: January 03, 2014, 03:54:04 pm »
Obviosly bjord was drunk, as it is Nordic coutries tradition.
But Bjord isn't nordic, he's a Hungarian slav.

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Don't trust this guy, he doesn't pay.
« on: January 03, 2014, 05:22:51 am »
Blindguy put up an unloomed sumpter for 3 mil

The Chamber of Tears / Re: Don't trust this guy, he doesn't pay.
« on: January 03, 2014, 04:56:10 am »
Frisians worldwide unite against the menace that is BlindGuy, and do not buy his thingies!

General Off Topic / Re: Believe in God #2
« on: January 03, 2014, 04:40:59 am »
and what about mother of god and all saints? Though they're not gods per se, they have to have some godlike superpowers, otherwise why would we pray to them? :P though they're monotheists they have more gods than in pantheon :)
Fairly sure only Catholics worship saints and virgin Marry, Orthodoxies might also, but I doubt it. But yeah Christians are gross.

General Off Topic / Re: Believe in God #2
« on: January 03, 2014, 04:24:43 am »
This way all christians are gnostic atheists, cause they do believe that all forgotten gods from the past except theirs do not exist :P
Nope, that entire thing is silly, an atheist believes in absolutely no god whatsoever existing, Christians are merely monotheists with a weird magic holy gay threesome.

General Discussion / Re: Bjord Exposed
« on: January 03, 2014, 03:58:20 am »
Bjord thanks for the sword buddy

Anyone breaking into someone else's household should not be protected by the law, if that someone sees fit to  shoot the intruder he should be all means be allowed to.

General Off Topic / Re: Speak to us, the great lurker!
« on: January 02, 2014, 10:53:37 pm »
Can't believe no one noticed that guy til now.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf Ranged 2014
« on: January 02, 2014, 06:04:36 am »
Couldn't the necessity of wpf be increased? Lower base accuracy and reload speed on the crossbows but increase the effectiveness of wpf on them. It would make weapon master -the- stat sink required for crossbows, especially if they want to melee as well. This should still keep the "anyone can pick up and shoot" mindset, but make the difference between dedicated crossbowman and hybrid a lot larger. Bolts should still hurt like hell when they do hit so it shouldn't scare off too many people. Then again, this is just a quick idea I came up with that may or may not have been said before. If so, sorry for not reading too deeply into the issue and previous discussions of it.
Forcing xbowies to spec x/30+ builds makes it practically a certainty we'll have issues with a shitload of new SBish kiting xbowies, I'd be cool with it if the weight was further increased to compensate, but I doubt that's what people really want. If possible I'd love for crossbowmen to rotate their field of view/character much slower while having their crossbow out, this'd make xbow aiming the least bit skillbased, make using a crossbow unique in other ways than being easy and not requiring skill investment, and make crossbow facehug shooting less convenient (shield pierces pretty much certainly at facehug range, an arb can easily onehit or take the majority of someones hp at facehug range, unlimited amount of time having the xbow in shooting position unlike archers makes keeping your slight distance until they fire or their reticule grows huge not an option, you can't fucking miss at facehug range, etc).

Events & Tournaments / Re: 1 vs 1 Tournament, BRACKET & Prizes are up!
« on: January 02, 2014, 02:33:54 am »
Btw about the first to 5/7 thing, both choices are unfair to some of the voters. It would have been better had the voting system be precisely defined before, as people that voted 1 or 3 would have voted 5 instead.
This is one confusing statement.

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