cRPG > Announcements
New Market Rule
TurmoilTom pls give me back my lordly light kuyak btw.
Punishing people who have done this previously would be awesome but it wouldnt be right unfortunately.
Yay, now I can safely sell my +3 KAS for 100000 gold and still get it back with the money cause obviously enough I wanted to sell it for one million.
Please define precisely what is an "obvious input error" or "getting ripped" and what is not. Otherwise it just sounds like the "We can revert trades we don't like now trolololz" rule.
--- Quote from: Kafein on February 24, 2012, 01:10:06 pm ---Yay, now I can safely sell my +3 KAS for 100000 gold and still get it back with the money cause obviously enough I wanted to sell it for one million.
Please define precisely what is an "obvious input error" or "getting ripped" and what is not. Otherwise it just sounds like the "We can revert trades we don't like now trolololz" rule.
--- End quote ---
Common sense?
Is there going to be some time limit when you can no longer contest an older trade? I feel like it will be important to draw a line between someone putting something up as a mistake, and someone putting something up underpriced but intentionally, and then realizing how much they could have made later.
As long as this new rule is kept to the very obvious mistake exploiting I think it's a good change... but I foresee some gray areas in the future.
TL;DR Mod is once again alive and kicking
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