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Mods compatible with cRPG (updated 05-07-14)

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Previous thread hasn't been updated since the beginning of time so here's a new compilation. I reuploaded most of these mods so there shouldn't be any problems with download. Everything was actually tested and confirmed as working by me.

Will be continued once I have some time to look for few other mods I know of that have been sort of forgotten. Stay tuned.


More Metal Sounds
This makes sounds, well, more metal, brutal and meatish. A must-have in my opinion. Youtube example

Important Use the latest sounds.txt file from this thread, it works with new cRPG versions. (if the sounds text file you downloaded from that thread is named anything else but "sounds.txt." - for example if it's sounds(2).txt - you must first rename it to exactly "sounds.txt".)

Backup "sounds.txt" in modules/cRPG. Copy "Sounds" and sounds.txt  to your modules/cRPG. Overwrite.

Screaming woman fix. Paste this to Warband/Sounds.

Sounds of Suffer
This is an upgrade-mod for More Metal Sounds, it makes people die in more audible agony, cracking skulls and screams of unlucky guys who got their limbs severed are way better. Very tasty. Okay, I need help.


Copy to cRPG/Sounds, overwrite.

Heavy Hooves (for native sounds, not for More Metal)
Horses are louder and more hearable. A must-have for any archer twat.


Backup Warband/Sounds (it's in your main folder, not Modules/... etc.). Copy these sounds, overwrite.

Louder Horses (for More Metal Sounds)
Pretty much same as above but compatible with MMS.


Backup Modules/cRPG/Sounds. Copy and overwrite.

Archery sound mod (by Kulin_ban)

Version for native sounds
Installation: Download and extract to Mount&Blade Warband\Sounds

Version for More Metal sounds
Installation: Download and extract to Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\cRPG\Sounds


Realistic Colors
Your Warband doesn't look like disney anymore with this. Replaces bright and shiny textures with more grimdark and gritty looking ones. You can add taller grass with this aswell. A must have for DX9 users.

How it looks like

How to install:
(click to show/hide)
--- Quote ---Install:

1. Make backups of both the folder called Textures and CommonRes in your Warband install location.
If you have an earlier version installed, you shouldn't make another backup.
Just make sure you have a backup of the Native textures like they were before you installed this.

2. Copy the folder named Textures you just downloaded and paste it in your Warband location.
Ex: C:\Program\Mount&Blade Warband
Or Steam version: C:\Program\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband
When asked if you want to overwrite, press "Yes to all".

3. Copy the folder named CommonRes you just downloaded and paste it in your Warband location.
When asked if you want to everwrite, press "Yes to all".

Step 2 will change the textures in game.
Step 3 will add taller grass.

--- End quote ---

Calradia in Darkness
A somewhat alternate version of Realistic Colors

How it looks like

Overwrite Textures in your Warband location. Oh, right, back it up first though.

Cinematic Compilation (Graphic and sound enhancement)
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Expanded Horizons
Adds, well, horizons. Really good looking ones.

TaleWorlds thread
Download  (thx Zemalf)

What do you do with this:
(click to show/hide)
--- Quote ---1. Make backup of "module.ini" file in your Native or mod folder.
2. Open up the "module.ini" and search for the following lines:
load_resource = terrain_borders
load_resource = terrain_borders_b
and replace them both with:
load_resource = op_terrain_borders_textures
load_resource = op_terrain_borders_materials
load_resource = op_terrain_borders
load_resource = op_terrain_borders_b(If you see this lines in "ini" file, so "Expanded Horizons" already installed, and you can just replace textures!)
and save the file.
3. Paste 4 files from "Expanded Horizons" folder to "CommonRes" folder of your Native or mod folder:
--- End quote ---

New Heirloom Models
Excellent mod specifically for cRPG by Final_Boss and now continued by Jarold. Enhances the looks of upgraded weapons.

Download latest version

"New patch broke heirloom mod! WHAT TO DO WHAT TO DO *runs with hair on fire*"?
(click to show/hide)When new version of cRPG come out, I always do this (5 - 10 min work):

- delete your cRPG folder
- download cRPG Launcher
- download cRPG
- install Heirloom Models
- install Korgoths Chainmail Retextures
- play

I did this every time for each new patch and never had any problem. - Sagar
Alternate crosshairs

Backup in your Warband/Textures. Paste the downloaded ui_gadgets there, overwrite.

#1 white triangles
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#2 white triangles with red dots (Merc crosshair)
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#3 white lines
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#4 white lines with red dots (Meow's crosshair)
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#5 small dots
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#6 thick red lines (Makuab's crosshair, both versions in one .rar)

#7 red dots with additional shapes (Life's crosshair)
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Native crosshair here, if for some weird reason you'd like that hideous thing back.

Old arrow/bolt flying model

For me, and for a whole lot of people, new "realistic" arrows are rather impossible to track in flight. Therefore here's how you can bring back the old, "blurred" and much larger version of flying projectiles.

As for now, you can just use this made by me itemkinds1 file which does the trick (though when cRPG updates it might replace it or it become incompatible)  (updated 18-11-12)

What to do with this:
1. Backup itemkinds1.txt, it's in Modules/cRPG
2. Copy the downloaded file there and overwrite.

Now, the manual method (when above becomes outdated) looks like this:

(click to show/hide)1. Backup itemkinds1.txt, it's in Modules/cRPG.
2. Open it, using notepad CTRL F look for arrows_flying and bolts_flying. It will be in quite a few different combinations with specific arrow models etc. - it doesnt matter.

3. Replace every phrase containing arrow_flying and bolts_flying with flying_missile.

So, if you have

"tatar_arrow_flying_h1" you change it to "flying missile"
"steel_bolts_flying_h1" you change it to "flying missile"

4. You must do it for every occurrence of the mentioned phrase.
5. Save the file!
Skyrim UI


ScaryMod by Segd version 4.0 now!

The ultimate low-res texture pack. It makes your game look like it was 1996 but with it you can probably run Warband on your phone.

Thread with download and stuff

(click to show/hide)Download

1. Backup your texture folders
2. Copy&overwrite corresponding texture folders using low-weight textures from the downloaded pack.
Old bow animations 

Thread and download here

Blood enhancement tweak

Official thread and download here

--- Quote from: korppis on July 03, 2014, 07:42:21 pm ---Instructions are here:
If you use modified particle_system.txt, you have to do this by hand. If not and you feel lazy, I uploaded one version here -> It's using the 5th tweak (open artery++).

--- End quote ---

(Thanks korppis)

Instructions are here:
If you use modified particle_system.txt, you have to do this by hand. If not and you feel lazy, I uploaded one version here -> It's using the 5th tweak (open artery++).

How to run Warband in windowed mode but without borders (meaning it looks exactly like it was fullscreen) by Smiley

(click to show/hide)
--- Quote from: STARik on March 31, 2011, 08:16:48 pm ---- Get Autohotkey, install it (tiny program, extra useful)
- make a new txt file
- remember to set it run windowed mode
- past this code
(click to show/hide)
--- Code: ---;Set your game path here
Run, D:\Games\Mount&Blade Warband\mb_warband.exe
;Set your desktop resolution here
w = 1680
h = 1050
;20 seconds delay before script makes game "fullscreen", you can set different amount, just see that you press play before time has run off
Sleep, 20000
WinMaximize, Mount&Blade Warband
WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, Mount&Blade Warband
DllCall("SetMenu", uint, WinExist( "Mount&Blade Warband" ), uint, 0)
WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, Mount&Blade Warband
WinMove,Mount&Blade Warband,,0,0,w,h

--- End code ---
(click to show/hide)
--- Code: ---;Set your game path here
Run, D:\Games\Mount&Blade Warband\mb_warband.exe
;Set your desktop resolution here
w = 1680
h = 1050
;when you press "Q" script will make it "fulscreen" and then close itself (you can change the hotkey, but it doesnt matter as it will work only once, thus not conflicting with any bindings in the game)

WinMaximize, Mount&Blade Warband
WinGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, Mount&Blade Warband
DllCall("SetMenu", uint, WinExist( "Mount&Blade Warband" ), uint, 0)
WinSet, Style, -0xC40000, Mount&Blade Warband
WinMove,Mount&Blade Warband,,0,0,w,h

--- End code ---
- rename txt to ahk and doubleclick it
- dont forget to set your desktop resolution and game path

Now you can run this file instead of shortcut or make a shotcuts to this file instead of mb_warband.exe thus giving you a chance to put a mb_warband's icon to this shortcut to *.ahk file making it completely same as launching normal game but getting rid of crashes because of alt+tabbed fullscreen.

This script is launching a m&b loader and waiting 20 seconds then making it pseudo-full-screen, whats more you can browse internetnet or doing whatever you want while game is loading, script will affect only game's window.

Here are screenies showing you its complete fulscreen, but still game has windowed nature

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--- End quote ---


Good thread.

There have also been alot of new armor an gear retexture somewhere and helmets should try and find em all too lasy to do it myself  :mrgreen:



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