Strategus > Strategus Issues

Strategus Equipment Bug

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Sultan Eren:
Well some other clan attacked our fiefs but there seems nobody in-charge to buy equipment. Like it was a neutral village, in the battle list we see "Village defending Village". I tried to be lords of the villages and still nothing changes.

Do we have to buy equipment and transfer it to village. Or Do we have to transfer gold for AI to buy some equipment?

You must buy the equipment for your village, once a village is taken AI is out.

Sultan Eren:
Nobody seems defending. I mean "no hero is preparing for battle.".

I guess owner and high rank should be able to choose hired mercs.
Otherwise it's a bug (but all server are bugged now).

Sultan Eren:
Doesn't it clear? :O

I can hire mercs. But still there's nowhere to buy equipment.


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