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Messages - Prpavi

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 361
General Off Topic / Re: Brain-computer interface
« on: April 23, 2017, 02:20:07 am »

As cute as your heroic efforts to defend aspergers are (even handing out a free psychiatric evaluation, thanks), it is a disability, it is a genetic disorder and it's not normal no matter how facist you think that statement sounds. Take you pills and stay safe Leshma.

General Off Topic / Re: Fuck you, haters!
« on: April 21, 2017, 11:32:31 am »
The first two movies were ok, this looks terrible tbh

General Off Topic / Re: Brain-computer interface
« on: April 21, 2017, 09:51:24 am »
We know what others feel better than the rest, but can't show it properly ourselves. We can't hold eye contact for long (our gaze tend to drift into distance), our facial expressions are very limited, being in crowd or handing our real people makes us feel very tired and exhausted and also have a knack for picking bad habits (doing some repetitive shit like playing cRPG for instance). Basically, what used to be known as traits of introvert or shy person is now called Aspergers syndrome popularized by Americans so they can sell pills that change people's behavior in socially desired one. They actually don't care about that, it's just an excuse to sell expensive pills to shy children.

There is some chemist dude on youtube who I subscribed to recently. He showed how to make 'medicine' for ADHD or Aspergers from regular batteries you can buy everywhere. He has crazy videos, once he tested how different kinds of  corrosive acids are affecting his hands.

Computer plays a huge role in 'development' of Aspergers because the more time you spend with computer more you start thinking like one. Which means you tend to become lazy when it comes to social interaction, stop doing things like smiling, making expressions and in general being active while communicating. You're still communicating properly, but you don't put an effort to represent it properly. You just use your voice because you find stupid to make goofy faces. People don't like that because you look like Mass Effect character. It's not that you can't do it (unless there's botox in your cheeks), you just don't feel the need. Or in other words you stop caring about others enough to put some extra effort to make yourself likeable.

You write this like you want it to sound cool ("we identify with computers, we don't move faces when we talk, not because we can't because we don't care what you think") to be mentally inferior and create this defense mechanism. Everybody feels socially awkward in certain situtions, but you deal with it and learn and grow, through experience gain confidence, instead of shutting down and airing it when you get to home base in front of your PC.

General Off Topic / Brain-computer interface
« on: April 19, 2017, 10:24:07 pm »
Facebook is working on it heavy, so is Elon Musk.

Will you be hooked up when it's ready for a lifetime of perfect VR?

General Off Topic / Re: Turkish Constitutional Referendum 2017
« on: April 16, 2017, 08:17:45 pm »
Mega lol, gratz on going 100 years in the past, guess you're trying to get to your glory ottoman years. Few more years under Erdogan should do it, he'll ne your Sultan until 2029 atleast, plenty od time to go full retard.

General Off Topic / Re: Thor goes to Tatooine
« on: April 12, 2017, 10:33:27 pm »
Programming mostly, but I do other creative work on my PC (painting, 3d modeling). Would love to do some carpentry and build a small house but don't have enough money to finance such work atm (which is why I'm trying to make some by freelance programming). Maybe in the future. Although should be noted that I don't have physically demanding job, otherwise there is no way I'd be able to have any hobby because of tiredness.

So yeah, currently working on my PC but in the future would love a small workshop to do some real physical work. My role models in life are older generations, mostly polymaths from period of Renaissance. Truly believe that current generation we all belong to, so called generation Y or millennials, will not be remembered in history as great generation. There are many similarities between millennials and people who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah as depicted in Bible. Which is obviously not a very good sign.

@Chris Pratt Cool dude, changed his body from fatso to jacked. Should be a role model to modern american youth.

I play pool

General Off Topic / Re: Thor goes to Tatooine
« on: April 12, 2017, 07:48:10 pm »
So what are your hobbies Leshma?

General Off Topic / Re: Thor goes to Tatooine
« on: April 12, 2017, 10:43:36 am »
Watching dumb movies or watching naked women doing sexual things? I think I know what is my poison when it comes to relaxing.

Maybe if you did sexual things with women you would appreciate watching movies like this afterwards.

Or end up like Brock Lesnar

Yeah I poop like an unicorn, don't even have to push, it's lovely

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General Off Topic / Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« on: April 07, 2017, 11:30:15 pm »
Yes. One recently arrested.

(click to show/hide)

looks amish

Dude looks like non fat Panos

I hope you take your time while on the loo, i heard men dont take their time while dropping a deuce and thats bad for some reasons. A long shitposter is a healthy shitposter

I do, I also have this visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 so I don't have to push much and am in pretty much a squat position accompanied with reading this forum on my toilet I'm pretty much set

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Sweden...
« on: April 07, 2017, 10:40:59 pm »
lol @ the sources  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Sweden...
« on: April 07, 2017, 10:11:21 pm »
They are getting sloppy under double figure deaths in last two attacks. They were doing better with bombs and guns, if it ain't broke....

They are sucking our Chinese overlords cocks, which you should ne doing too if you want to survive.

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