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Messages - BlindGuy

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General Discussion / Re: Check this out, people (EU only)
« on: February 24, 2016, 10:28:45 am »
Nice google translate and im counted as eu cunt

MAYBE for Eurovision but not IRL mate, fuck off.

I put nausam in first tbh but then checked declension and couldnt remember so swapped to nausea :C

dude, do not get me wrong, and do not forget that I hate ranged probably more than you, but what you are suggesting will kill ranged entirely.

Nah man, you could make them shoot balloons or even heal enemies when they shoot and the bundle of stickss will still shoot. They do it because they have no spine. It's not their fault: they have never had any parental guidance in their lives. One day hopefully they will learn what a man is.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How much PS for Long Spear or Pike?
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:39:46 am »
Have 4 PS (and 150 Polearm)... but seem to keep glancing with my Long Spear!

You have 4 powerstrike yet only 150 polearm prof? What did you DO? Anyway yeah you need to double that powerstrike.

This thread now just a series of non sequitur ad nausea.   What we need is a round of cock or balls.

General Discussion / Re: Describe crpg with gifs
« on: February 23, 2016, 07:31:19 am »
MRW I've chased half the ranged down but the others are escaping over walls, through windows and Husein Bolting it across fields.

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General Discussion / Re: End this ranged malaria
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:33:37 pm »
Is too many archers and crossbowmen and throwers. Please think happy friendly internet person, are you having skills? Dont be a gay.

General Discussion / Re: EU Servers down
« on: February 16, 2016, 02:19:14 pm »
is not fun to playing to CHN server. Well, let me qualify: is not fun with europing. Im sure is very fun for chinese cause crpg is da bomb

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 16, 2016, 10:43:36 am »
I'm pretty familiar with shields.  Since 2012.  The huscarl and heavy board shield are already big as heck.  Compared to those the viking shield is from another dimension. :)  It's all good to have a nice big shield, a balanced shield of that size should have speed and weight like the steel shield to compensate.  Either that, or a nerf in durability (hp/armor) would balance it.

Usable on horseback also needs removing. That or make my round shield also usable on horseback.

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:36:29 pm »
Thanks for the feedback  :lol:

You're a cheeky cunt and you should look before you leap in life.

Also: do you have a lazy eye or some other reason you cannot judge scale?

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:22:51 pm »
Stats are off cause I added all the items on this patch  :mrgreen:. I didn't really look at any other stats cause I was short on time, so didn't really do any stat balancing with the new items.

Save your tears though, Matt2507 has some pretty big item balance changes coming up  :lol:
WHY when you add a new item do you not even consider balancing first?

I really don't give a monkeyfuck about how happy you are with new gear, I only like playing. But you broke it.

You've added a pole-arm and a shield that make every one in their class redundant. I understand you are excited to put your new goodies in, but this is still a game we play, not just a showcase. Once again really disappointed that the basics are ignored and you continue to build a tower of sand.

ALSO why not fix current stuff before adding new:

(click to show/hide)

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:12:12 pm »
Blah blah blah the download link gives an outdated version and repairing it returns errors or no mirrors, but lets do random changes to weapon stats based on noone's feedback.

Once more crew working on cRPG loses the plot: why does working on this mod make you lose your perspective?

this reminded me of the movie
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I once went to France (I mean, I've been to France many times but THIS time I was young, that film was in cinemas, and I couldn't speak French at all yet) and saw that film and I fucking loved it despite not understanding two words together for the entire time.

Suggestions Corner / Re: new items. I beg you!
« on: October 03, 2015, 10:17:10 pm »
PLEASE revert the hood changes in this last patch. Or add these ones as new items, or something. I really really miss my hoods, new ones have (IMHO, and its just that, my opinion) a nasty texture, and they bug the head/face so its floating in the hood texture. PLEASE let me have my hoods back. Blue and Purple/Green especially PLEASE :C

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