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Topics - seddrik

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Closed Requests / intentional TK by Kevind of Chaos
« on: January 18, 2012, 06:52:42 am »
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Horse coming at me pretty fast. I reflex attacked.  Turned out to be kevind of chaos.  Ok.  My bad.

Then he runs me down and attacks me repeatedly until I die.  Sorry for the accident sir, but ur intentional multiple attacks & tk are not justified.

When he chased me to kill me I tried to avoid him but did not retaliate.  Even if he had hit me once, I woulda just pressed M and went on.  But he pressed on until I died.  So here we are.

cRPG Technical problems / collision detection
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:13:33 am »
Since patch Ive notice a LOT of times when my weapon passes clean thru someone with no apparent effect.  I think the patch has lessened the games ability to detect when contact is made...

General Discussion / Bring back the fun please...
« on: January 17, 2012, 04:08:17 am »
NA 1 seems.... hugely laggy.  Like playing on EU.  Swings go thru people like mad, only to be hit by swings that to me seem way off.

My throwing alt seems feeble now.  I assume all ranged was affected?

Headshot bonus is kinda lame.  Headshots were just fine before damage wise.  Now its... stupidly strong.  One guy used a short bow to Headshot 7 people in just one round...  I have archer alts/thrower alts and its never been THAT easy...  Altering the game system and altering it again, and again... please stop.  It used to be really just about playing and having fun.  Now its money grinding, gear oriented... And every patch u gotta practically change ur build just to break even where u could actually do well before.  : (  Bring back the fun please.

Closed Requests / Multiple Team attackers/delayers
« on: January 13, 2012, 09:15:21 pm »
On NA1
Several people, mostly Chaos members, but not all, were building a siege tower / fort.  Fine.  No problem.  Until they delayed rounds by several minutes because people on both teams (like Ryden) wouldnt kill the opposing team, but rather just played around.

Then when ppl tried to kill the fortifications and boxes, they would attack teammates.  They would even defend the other team.  TONS of team hits and team kills, tons of delay.  I didnt get all the SS since I can only take on at a time then alt to save it, then alt back in... but heres what I got.

Sir Ass Rammington attacked me 5 times.  All 5 of his reported attacks were against me.  He hit other people who didnt rport him.
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Cavalieres Huey Newton defending the other teams fortifications...
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the log of an example of Cavalieres Huey Newton defending the fortifications...
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their fort...
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Jar of Chaos defending the enemy fortifications...
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johnnys of chaos attacking teammates who wanted to end the delaying by killing the boxes...
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johhnys of chaos & rhyden... johnny spawning without weapons, one example (of several) who left the server for siege.
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ryden defending the enemy...
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Closed Requests / Anusholamaggan - TW & then TK, intentional
« on: January 05, 2012, 06:50:40 am »
Just joined the game, spawned.  Crossbow in the back from spawn.  I reported and went on.

I ran to a spot, and low and behold the guy follows me and finishes me off...   I report him again.

Clearly some kind of troll.

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Closed Requests / CON_Robert_Namo
« on: December 23, 2011, 04:36:08 am »
9:30pm central us

Round starts, CON_Robert_Namo starts pummeling me.  No reason, right from spawn.  I lose 1/5 my hp per hit.  I got mad a swung back, but he killed me.

Next round he starts chasing me again.  I backed off, he followed repeatedly.  Finally i just killed him.

Then he threatens to get me banned.  Really aggravating since he started it, killed me and continued it, literally chasing me for no reason.

Next round ends.

Then I get kicked fomr the server... losing my 4x.  Wonderful.  Griefed and punished.  I asked if any admin was on, Man of war of Chaos was but he said he didnt kick me.  I dunno who did.

Closed Requests / Dalbajobas
« on: December 19, 2011, 08:39:07 pm »
Start of the round Dalbajobas starts kicking people on his own team, multiple people.  He also had a pike with which he killed me in three stabs.  Next round he was on a high walk way and as teammembers passed by he tried kickingthem off.

Rather annoying to sit our 6 minute rounds on a full server and not help ur team win to keep the multi...

Looked to his name in the vote kick list but it didnt show.  Too many people in the server for all names to show I guess?

cRPG Technical problems / Market error
« on: December 19, 2011, 01:40:39 pm »
Want to sell a a plated charger for 57k.  Market will not accept this.  I've tried putting it up 5+ times now and it just won't go......  help?

cRPG Technical problems / Retiring Issue HELP
« on: December 18, 2011, 08:04:43 am »
On  Fallen_Cedrik

This has always been this way for me.  But until now I never had an issue in looming the item I wanted.  My loom list shows maybe half my gear.  Not even the items I want to loom.  I have wasted a bunch (multiple thousands now) of money selling off gear trying to get the list to change but it wontt show the items I want to loom.  This is very frustrating.  I want to regen, loom my bblanaced LS to MW.  But I can't.  Do I really have to sell more and more stuff just to buy it back to regen & loom?

Current IE explorer, win 7.

Well, I accidentally vendored my +1 miaodao... but it seems to still be there? (wipes sweat off brow).  Dunno how that worked out.
Finally sold off half my gear.... sooo much wasted money.  Finally got the item to show that Iwanted and regened.  Still... this is a horrible issue that needs fixing.

cRPG Technical problems / CONSTANT repairs since patch
« on: December 14, 2011, 06:16:28 am »
Wow... just patched.  lvl 23 horse archer.  TEN STINKING rounds of full repairs........................    really.  As is this rate... the game is more and more about working than playing.  Fix this please...................       : /

Got off to do this post and got back on an alt (1h/Shielder)... thought maybe itd stop...  2 more rounds of full repairs..........................  does not make you want to play this game when u can't just enjoy it.

Tried again:  one round of HALF repairs... and another round of FULL Repairs.... will this ever stop?

Tried again:  Seriously.  Its still going on... EVERY round I repair...............................

Ok.  Tried again.... this is just too much to put up with.  I'm losing money like mad.  Fix this stupid patch please.  I do not intend to be reduced to peasant status.  Its hard enough to run with mediocre gear as is.  I can't play this game right now.... thanks.

Strategus / 6.9k strat gold to crpg gold near Rheindi (Make offers)
« on: December 12, 2011, 12:20:17 pm »
6.9k strat gold to crpg gold near Suno, moving towards Sargoth
Make offers by PMing me ingame (Raven_Seddrik)

[SALE/TRADE] +1 H Swiss Halberd, +1 Thick Vaegir Helmet or +1 Mallet for one loom point or one of the following plus a small incentive:
+1 Hornbow
+1 Arrows
+1 Turkish Shoes
+1 Goedendag
+1 Steel Bolts

[SALE/TRADE] +3 MW Katana for three loom points or one of the following plus a small incentive:
+3 Rus Bow
+3 Hornbow

Other deals will be considered as well, though.  PM me and we will set the deal up.  I'm Raven_Seddrik on the market.

Scene Editing / Looking For Valid Comments On 2 Maps
« on: July 20, 2011, 07:32:18 am »
They have kindly added 2 maps on NA Siege that I made.  I was on today while they were played and asked for comments, and am here asking for futher info.  Plz, dont just rage.  Actually give comments with details of bugs, errors, glitches, needed changes, etc.  I'll list what I have noticed also.

Map:  "Camelot"
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My notes:
1.  Flag pole sideways.
2.  Main gate buggy.  If open at end of round it stays open at start of next round.
3.  Defenders spawns may be too close to flag... too easy to defend?
4.  I saw several "I dont like it" comments, but no one gave substance in game. Please do let me know WHY.  Map making is a process, it doesn't happen instantly or perfectly at the start.  Should something be changed? If so what... etc.  Oh, and the pitfalls are intentional... learn to use them (defenders) or avoid them (attackers).

Map:  "Hangin"  (as in the gallows at the flag)
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1.  Some suggested a back entrance.... I'll think about it.  Seems pretty even so far as is.
2.  I did not notice any other problems.  In fact, I was really suprised to find several people complimenting the map.  It seemed pretty "balanced" in having multiple ways to attack (even without the back ladder).  Fighting could be spread out or in large waves depending purely on what attackers do.  I saw an even number of wins both for attackers and defenders.

Closed Requests / ban request: Orden_cats_FanBoy
« on: June 27, 2011, 12:15:18 pm »
NA Siege on my lvl 20 Chuck__Norris.  I was guarding flag when Orden_cats_FanBoy comes and kicks me.... not once.  But some 40-50 times over several minutes (see screenies).  I wear light armor and was taking damage.  He also started swinging at me, so i finally got mad and clocked him (sorry...kinda).  ViuexCrotter  witnessed and said he'd look for the thread I posted.  I said something in *I* for admins but none were on i guess.

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cRPG Technical problems / name change
« on: June 07, 2011, 10:38:44 am »
read several posts on this and tried what they said (waiting, clearing cookies).  First time money disappeared and a new (peasant) toon was created on the crpg site.  After a few hours it disappeared and my 1k was not returned.  Tried it again, this time it happened faster (disappeared and my 2nd 1k is not returned).  Kinda dont wanna try it anymore... wasting money.  Can any one help?

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