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Messages - Jeade

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Announcements / Re: Version 0.232
« on: July 12, 2011, 04:01:48 am »
I'll be super sadface if they don't up the missile speed to something more realistic and decrease the arrow damage.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.231
« on: July 11, 2011, 11:06:26 pm »
I'm going to post the same thing I did in the other thread right here again:

As an archer, arrow damage is absolutely absurd, and with the current projectile speed, I might as well be throwing the arrows with my hand, and that's what a thrown weapon is supposed to be for. This is different criticism than what a number of archers were saying about "QQ arrow speed is slow and it's harder to hit people." I have no problem with hitting people right fact, I think it's a bit easier since there's much more room for lead. The projectile speed is just stupid slow right now. I'd really suggest some consideration for it, but maybe not back to what it was before.

Lancing seems pretty broken with the 40 degree nerf. Poking and coaching are effectively no different because of it...poking does less damage, though, and can't be blocked. Might as well just coach. The 90 degrees or whatever it was before was pretty extreme, and I would never suggest going back to that, but perhaps try 65 or something for the poke. Coaching seems fine where it is right now. Making coaching and poking locked in at 40 degrees completely obliterates the aspect of reach. I remember getting into a tight situation and would use a poke in someone's direction to try and discourage them from attacking. Right now it's looking like I should save up for the plated charger and get used to mindlessly charging into groups of people, lance coached....that is if I can afford it with the repair costs.

Just a suggestion, of course. No QQing here. :)

Announcements / Re: Version 0.230
« on: July 11, 2011, 08:46:08 am »
So, as an archer, the archery nerf is pretty painful. I'm doing WAY too much damage for it ever to be considered fair and my arrows are shooting as fast as they might if I picked one up in my hand and tossed it at someone with the intent to kill them- I believe this is the point of thrown weapons (I may be wrong).
The repair costs on arrows are derp. I guess it doesn't matter since I can two-shot anything anyway. Bodkins are practically cheating right now. Might as well use the ol' Arrows.

Lancing on Greg is pretty retarded from what I can tell. I'm not sure what the point of lancing is when you might as well just coach and one shot someone just doing that. I think I saw someone mention that the aspect of reach has been completely fucked for a lance on horseback. Reach was what you could make use of with the lolpoke before. Coaching could be used on a stubborn shielder. This was fair enough since poking someone that's at a 90 from you would do not much more than standing still and poking. So, I think 40 is pretty extreme. 90 is the other extreme though, because while down-blocking isn't hard, killing a good, defensive cav player was nearly impossible when you could hold any attacker off of you with a 90 degree stab in their direction. Maybe try 65 degrees or something?

Just my 0.02.

Anyway, off to level a two hander. I hear agility builds have been balanced quite nicely, amirite? Yeah, I'll stack agility and check back for a patch update in a bit.

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] Snoggy: Horse-killing, TK'ing
« on: June 16, 2011, 07:09:03 am »
Oh, no way?!
Sweet, yeah I'll just use Steam for screenshots then. Thanks for the tip!

Edit: Fuck yes! I can even change the Steam screenshot bind! Whoooooo!!

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] Snoggy: Horse-killing, TK'ing
« on: June 15, 2011, 04:29:51 am »
Yeah, I can understand that. I did see him hacking Digglez the same round as well, though. I suppose it's all only gossip without more screenshots. Of course, I had assumed the Print Screen button would save screenshots in game until I found out it was CTRL+ Insert. What a retarded configuration. Is there any way to change the default screenshot command to something like CTRL + Spacebar? Something a little less out of the way?

But yeah, I can understand needing more to make sure there wasn't any extra provocation, and I will admit I'm an aggressive fighter (against the enemy in game, not IRL lawl), and do try to make the best of bumping, but I'm also irritatingly cautious to the point that I get myself killed. I keep a constantly cool temperature though and understand people getting frustrated and whacking a horse every now and then. Just seems like it's becoming more prevalent to team-hit horses. Next time I'll mash the CTRL + Insert button so I don't have to quickly alt-tab to MS Paint. lol

Closed Requests / [BAN] Snoggy: Horse-killing, TK'ing
« on: June 14, 2011, 08:39:43 am »
I'm not normally a bitch about these sorts of things as people get frustrated and do stupid things, but this is the second or third time tonight I've been intentionally team-hit. I think the majority of players know I'm pretty careful when it comes to bumps, but there were a few plated horses running around charging through crowds of frendlies and enemies, and I assume, being on a horse, I was a target regardless. Snoggy had hit me the respawn previous and then this one as well. While I don't have a screenshot for the first few hits, I do have one for the second:

I suppose this is posting under Jeade, but the character this happened to was Gregory_McFin.

Edit: In the screenshot provided, you'll notice the horse's health bar is missing. That was the second hit he had delivered before I could get out of his way, killing my horse. He followed up with one other hit. He only actually TK'd me intentionally the first time.

General Discussion / Re: Message and Poll to NA
« on: May 13, 2011, 01:52:32 am »
Ya I know you don't control it, but you take advantage of the fact that you have the most servers... and then you make bullshit forum threads like this one crying about how you "might" shut down the server.... stop fucking around and just do it already.
Is that your wife in your photo right there? She's hot.

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