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Messages - Ozan

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« on: December 18, 2013, 02:45:09 pm »

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Everyone has a limit of patience.Mine is end. For me:No one can use our national flag,our religion and my clan name (this one not so important) like that.Also THx to these guys whom they voted me (-) (also some smart turks in it).Im really tired for to see these things repeatlly in the forums.

THX to devs team for this free online game.And thx to my real friends whom they know me.

Türkçe Forum / boş
« on: December 18, 2013, 08:01:40 am »

Türkçe Forum / Re: Strategus Reset
« on: December 17, 2013, 04:21:15 pm »
Sonunda Rondelden kurtulduk ohbe Bumbo Tones ipnesinden de :) Ozan abi strat olayını biraz daha açarmısın sıfırlandı derken mesela bütün kale, köy ve şehirler sahipsiz kalacak tekrardan mı feht edilcekler.Benim lightly armor itemlerim olduğu yerde durur herhalde ?

Reset de her şey sıfırlanır yani tüm harita.Herşeye sıfırdan başlanır.Kale,köy ve şehirler no faction olur.Bütün oyuncular haritanın farklı yerlerinde doğar ve üzerlerinde sadece 100 asker olur ve köylü itemları.Klanlar belirledikleri bir yerde toplanarak önce asker item ve para kasarak zamanı geldiğinde daha önceden claim ettikleri toprakları almaya çalışırlar.Ama bu son stratta oylama sistemiyle fief alma durumu vardı.Bütün oyuncular oy kullandılar.Bir fief te hangi klanın oyu çok çıktıysa o fief o klanın oldu.Çok sıkıcı ve gereksiz bir uygulamaydı.İnş.eski strattaki uygulamalar karşımıza çıkar.

Announcements / Re:
« on: December 17, 2013, 11:32:06 am »

Türkçe Forum / Strategus Reset
« on: December 17, 2013, 07:43:37 am »
Beyler Strategus pazar günü resetleniyor.Yenisi Ocak ayı sonlarına doğru açılacak.Bu arada wpt leriniz resetlendi.dikkatli dağıtın.Rondel dagger problemi ortadan kalktı.

Announcements / Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
« on: December 17, 2013, 07:37:51 am »
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday, and a new one will start somewhen in January.

Please drop suggestions what you want changed, keep it short and to the point though.

Also, DoubleExPee is on for the holidays!

THX chadz.Mod will alive with new round of strat.January is perfect.

For new strategus:

1-Old Aİ fief defence sysyem ( it was a lot fun and realistic)
2-Member Limit for to build a new clan in strategus
3-Sea battles and ıf possible add some islands
4-Na and EU in the same map again
5-No vote system
6-İncrease 51 player to 70 for strat rosters
7-Very expensive tincan armours
8-İncrease hp of catapults and siege towers

... and all the other things floating around out there / ?
« on: December 11, 2013, 02:48:52 pm »

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Request forum name change.
« on: December 09, 2013, 10:33:27 pm »
Can u delete Turk from my name.Just Ozan is good ;)  thx

General Discussion / Re: Speed bonus for Cavs
« on: November 20, 2013, 07:11:30 pm »
I used to ride 26/15 (lvl 32, would be 27/15 at 33) and I loved it. Destrier is a great horse and a lance with that additional ps was dealing a pretty nice damage.

It's obviously easier to ride when your riding skill is 6 or 7 but I wanted moar str. I recommend 8ps for lancer.

ı think we dont need lots of ps while we have 170-180 wp+speed bonus.   im just searching this.

Played way too much in the past weeks, upgraded my Jagdpanter to Jagdpanther 2, from Panther to Königstiger, Jumbo to T20 and finally fully upgraded my E-50, and some other tanks.

Though, that mostly had to do with the X5 that one weekend.

Also, in case someone has a T-28 Prototype, would you go to the normal T28 or the T30?

I myself would like the normal T28 more, and of course the T95 afterwards, but that would take a long time for me anyways.

ı will go for  T30.  İ watched T95 while its playing.great fun  :D    Nearly unpierceable front gives lots of fun  :twisted:

General Discussion / Everything is acceptable
« on: November 20, 2013, 03:19:51 pm »
Yes everything is acceptable for new patch.But even if devs put firearms into mod.What we will gone do?  :twisted:

General Discussion / Re: Speed bonus for Cavs
« on: November 20, 2013, 02:57:50 pm »
when i was cav i used 24/15 or 27/15

as much power strike as possible, 5 riding for war horse or large warhorse (cataphract works too)

grab either a lance or great lance (heavy lance is too slow imo)

was my first "successful" with which i usually got a positive k/d (that means a lot in my case :D )

use your skip-the-fun to see what build works best for you :D

ı played with 15\21( M.H.Lance+C.Destrier ) in (EU1.My kd was 12:3) H.Lance worked prettywell with 170 wpt  :wink:   But the problem is 15 str is not enough for survive from incoming hits.So ı think 21/21 can be the best choice?

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