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Messages - Templar_Steevee

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Announcements / Re:
« on: February 24, 2015, 09:19:39 am »
textures for helmets are back and that's nice, but they are in a wrong place (flying in front of player) :)
 Thx for buff for armors against cut dmg, now there is a reason to take heavy armors :)

Announcements / Re:
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:03:31 pm »
Houndskull Bascinet not visible ;(
Also running around with randomly choosen item from gear in slots isn't fun, especially with non droppable 4 arrow quivers ;(

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:34:56 am »
Well the truth is them 4 arrows you hit me with were so random in damage i was proper confused, full hp and the first arrow you hit did like 70-80% followed by 2 or 3 more which did next to nothing, its just the fact that no matter how much patience you have there was no chance of me getting to melee distance with you while you had arrows left, even if i did all archers have near enough the same melee output as me so even though i have to endure 4 arrows before i even get to you i then have to fight a fully efficient melee player which i have to hit 2 or more times. its not compatible. you can't have the best of both worlds.
still, that was a gg from your sideand you deserve to win, and everyone knows i suck in melee ^^

Can you tell me what build you have?
 Also thanks of info you gave to me I have to test something.

Anyway, that was a nice round and i run out of arrows quite fast, ones i shoot at you were looted.
So my opinion about increasing a bit amount of arrows is good IMO :D

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 30, 2014, 07:38:59 pm »
Archers don't need more ammo.

Pick them up off the floor.
For non loomed arrows there are not enought of them. For MW it could be fine , but still some ppl can run really fast and still survive 4 body shots. Example from today: Saxon survived 4 body shots from me(9 PD), If melee will have same dmg with 9 ps with most powerfull weapon accesible for them i thing there would be an ocean of tears and encyklopedia of QQ because of that :)
If archers will have 2 or 3 more arrows per quiver, nothing spacial will change, we still gona have less of missiles than before path.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 29, 2014, 09:09:42 pm »
If my old friendgits didnt run, there wouldnt be  need for weighted arrows.

If my old friend have a possibility to be a bigger my old friend, he will use this possibility in a way you can't even imagine and become ultra my old friend ^^

Give +2 or 3 arrows more per quiver and all will be "fine"  :twisted:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 29, 2014, 01:52:59 pm »
i still get 1hit from body shots while wearing 40 body armor (0 if, with 18/24)

maybe you are getting shot by x-bow, because i didn't oneshot anyone in body except total agi na armor bundle of stickss

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 27, 2014, 01:52:30 am »
-Bodkins at +0 is quite low. How many arrows is comfortable per round at minimum?
IMO 13 per quiver on +0 would be ok, but give +1 on every hireloom level, so on +3 going to be 16 - probably some hybrids will appear.

For me if i'll have 32 arrows for round to shoot it will be ok and it's still 8 less than before a patch, but at least i'll be able to kill one more extra pony (if i'll land all shots properly ^^)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Need a decent 0-slot axe
« on: October 24, 2014, 11:40:41 am »
Hand Axe
weapon length: 48
weight: 1
speed rating: 103
weapon length: 48
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 32 cut
slots: 0
bonus against Shield

Dmg got buffed last patch :mrgreen:

(click to show/hide)
Put back damages, the accuracy now is too high, even with 10PD and a longbow.
You should also mentioned that infantry from my team were playing like idiots and they were standing still showing their faces to you ^^

This screen shows also that my 7 pd is also playable (on lvl 34), but not as effective as your 10.
anyway I'll try 27 18 now :)

But you should remember, that there is a few archers that are great in pew pew and if thay have good day, they can kill a lot, same as "masters" of other weapon kinds.
you can't just make an opinion about whole class because of one unie. Afaik Algarn have hi lvl

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 21, 2014, 12:28:49 pm »
I also have 2h alt Gangtroll 27/15 and archers have bigger chances to kill me in melee than by arrows. everything up to horn bow is like mosquito, it bites, but who cares (60 body armor)
mor annoying is a fact that my animations are stopped than dmg taken.
Also hardly ever HS are taking more than 1/3 of my hp, but everyone knows, when you recive a shot everyone are starting brakedancing, so HS twice more is mostly pure luck

Suggestions Corner / Re: Arrows Complaint Wine thread
« on: October 21, 2014, 01:12:34 am »

Hell, steve is fine with it

I have 21/24 on 34 (no ps yet)

Archery after this become way harder than ever before.

Archers can still kill, but everyone can catch an archer up easily(even plated tin cans). To kill you need a lot more shots, but we have now way less arrows.

A newbie archer won't be able to get to the upper half of scorebord. 

If you want to keep amount of arows, dmg should be raised up (getting shot with ~0,715 gramm arrow should hurt like hell), otherwise  give more arrows.

Also i don't know why you decreased movement speed so much (sticking to arrows weight). Even before path there were not a possibility to kite, and now while playing on eu1 with my archer i feel like a turtle between rabbits.
Looting arrows is not a solution, because most of them stuck in shields, horses etc, and even if you kill an archer in middle of round he have no more than 5-10 arrows left.
Everyone moves faster than archers in light armor, and you should know that if you want to loot you need to run to place where arrows are.

Solution for that?
Give us 2-3 arrows more per quiver and decrease quiver weight to one before patch without touching dmg and have a look what gonna happen.


General Discussion / Re: Impressions / Thoughts on the Patch?
« on: October 20, 2014, 02:05:35 am »
Archery seems nerfed too much.

not really, on good map as an archer you can kill and wound a lot.

I tried out Long bow and dmg is fine imo also amount of arrows, it's funny to run around and saerch for arrows if you forget and spam to many of them instead of wisely choose your targets.

(i have 21/24 at lvl 34, on 35 i'll get ps, but wven with 0 you can kill :D)

General Discussion / Re: Steevee is pesant again
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:40:50 pm »
attention seeking cunt
I can agree with this, especially with last word ^^

General Discussion / Re: Steevee is pesant again
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:15:26 pm »
Damn, just why... You could have respecced really early after that patch. For my part, I already know the build I'm going for at level 37, hehe !
I'll reach lvl 35 rly fast and I have loompoints for new stuff :)

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