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Messages - Ronin

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 177
Official cRPG 5v5 EU Tournament II / Re: Rewards from the Tournament
« on: July 23, 2015, 02:20:21 pm »
Team Name: Templars

Character Name: Templar_Ronin

Standing: 5-8

Prize: 250 k gold

General Discussion / Re: Stop nudge from interrupting blocks
« on: June 03, 2014, 10:14:50 am »
So, the nudging ceremony is a summoning ritual to call abdulla from the demonic realm?

To be a pirate, you gotta be naked with a turban. It's very hot in the mediterranean you know. :D

Also, use a scimitar :)

General Discussion / Re: Nice patch, Right swing on 1h
« on: June 03, 2014, 10:04:07 am »
Chinese server population is not that low compared to EU and NA actually. I also think they should have their own strategus.

On the other hand, they may not be "a very friendly and polite group of people" after that :mrgreen:

It has 19 less health and 19 more armor. Isn't it better?

General Discussion / Re: Nice patch, right-click on 1h
« on: June 02, 2014, 12:49:41 pm »
Yuang please tell us more about Chinese server metagame too. What playstyles are more popular and seemed as more effective?

I'd say Eastern warhorse is quite good. It has the highest manuever: 42
It has the same manuever with a destrier. Has also better survival and charge. But that's just my opinion.

Suggestions Corner / Farewell to annoying weathers
« on: June 02, 2014, 11:36:48 am »
-In warband multiplayer, there are mostly sunny maps. (And for good reason)
-In singleplayer, you can fight on every type of weather.

-In warband multiplayer, you either play the current or join another server if you don't like the map.
-In warband singleplayer, you can fight in what type of weather you want to fight; since it's a sandbox type of game. You can pick the destination, time and weather.

In crpg, there is only one server. The weather and daytime is random. You either play that shit or wait for 30 minutes for the weather to pass up.

No one likes fog, no one likes rain, no one likes nighttime and possibly other shit. (Am I wrong in this one?)

Just remove these weathers from the database so we can play at will maybe?

Announcements / Re:
« on: June 02, 2014, 11:23:35 am »
I don't think so. If agi builds were better with heavy horses, people would have it figured out long time ago.
It comes down to playstyle mostly. STR doesn't make your horse better, but AGI does. I still think the most important stat for a horseman is riding. Cavalry differs from infantry in philosophy. Infantry relies on fighting head on with raw power mostly, cavalry relies on good manuever in the battlefield.

Don't get me wrong, some elite tier players prefer STR over AGI. But everything that can be done with high STR can also be done with high AGI, even if it takes a longer time sometimes. But the opposite is not exclusively true. People who wanted to have some athletics preferred to get more STR mostly (less points needed for both riding and athletics, easier to maximize the usefulness of attributes).

Also keep this in mind: Bump is one of the greatest weapons in the arsenal of a cavalry. STR doesn't improve it, but AGI does.

While theoretically this all is 100% true, the last part is practically impossible for some peole without destroying their whole character/build by retiring or respeccing a level 33, 34 or even 35 char they don't want to retire or respec.

Thats the whole point here for some people.
Exactly my point: "It will only take them time/gold to achieve it, nothing more."

Guides / Re: Marketplace guide (under construction)
« on: June 02, 2014, 10:15:47 am »
No pm me instead. I offer the same service for a cheaper price, 98k only!

Announcements / Re:
« on: June 02, 2014, 10:11:30 am »
This patch doesn't balance anything, it just messes up with people builds since they can't use their equipment.

Think of it this way:

-15/24 build, possible for level 30. 15 allows nearly every armor to be used.
-8 riding gives better manuever and speed for the horse, it was already more powerful than 5 riding.
-If you're not playing siege, it's not really that important for cav to get athletics. It is still possible to fight on foot after being dismounted. (If I can fight with 2 quivers, 0 ath and 3 ps on foot so can everyone)
-Hitting hard is not that hard as a cavalry, making power strike/STR less important.

Gothic plate + plated charger + 8 riding = Good luck

You just encouraged people to use a more stronger build. It will only take them time/gold to achieve it, nothing more.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Lvl 33 cav build help
« on: June 01, 2014, 12:49:23 pm »
I wouldn't get any ath, but I see it's too late already. And maybe you just want to play siege too.

Oh spencki :(

But count me in. I might use some gold. 154

Why choose one type when you can have both of them? Use swords. Slash and pierce as you see fit.

General Discussion / Re: About DTV and Rageball
« on: May 31, 2014, 02:00:31 pm »
When does people play rageball? Sometimes the server is empty and I want to play this gamemode once again.

I also remember that, riding skill counts as athletics on this server (like in DTV). Athletics or riding, whichever is higher your character has that much athletics.

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