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Messages - Geon

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Hey all,

Character: Geon

package sent ✔

Suggestions Corner / Fixing EA
« on: April 08, 2015, 07:40:00 pm »
I believe it's time we discussed a very important topic. That is, the state of Equestrian Archer. Now before you go hit that - button hear me out.

Rather than providing a sob story lets get to the point. Sure the latest patch lifted the damage cap from equestrian ranged (which was a horrible idea anyway) I still feel there is further work to be done in order to put the classes in balance. As of right now there is a penalty percentage on both qeuestrian speed, and damage. I -can- sort of understand the speed penalty however I do think it's still a bit too high. Most equestrian ranged choose the arabian steed for its maneuvering abilities (It is quite the beast). While typical light cavalry use the destrier or courser which are quite a bit faster than arabian. Which means overall the players who should be dealing with the equestrian ranged should have no trouble catching the agile yet slow arabian.

The battles between equestrian ranged and cavalry just aren't the same anymore. I feel more inclined just to shoot the enemies steed in the head a few times rather than deal with the rider on my rear end constantly. Should a light steed really be slower than a heavily armored one just because the rider is wielding a bow or some other form of ranged weapon? You may argue a few points against this for sure, but I believe it should be at least up for debate. My request - lower or simply remove the speed penalty.

As for the damage penalty I think it's pretty obvious that at least for archery the penalty is too high. It can take a truly ridiculous amount of arrows to take down any target even with a few headshots. It doesn't help that you can only care one type of arrow either. That's a topic that's been brought up a few times before anyway. I can see how the equestrian throwers might need a bit more of a penalty than someone using a bow. Still the damage difference between using ranged on ground vs mounted is quite too drastic.

In conclusion I think it's time we had a real debate. Something other than burning us poor EA/EX/ET at the stake. Please make sure to state your opinions and arguments in a mostly gentlemanly manner.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Arms
« on: November 17, 2014, 02:49:17 am »
I updated the picture. I must've deleted it accidentally.

To respond to the accusations - Yeah I might troll in chat, but I don't tk or harass people. I follow all the rules. Always have. Say what you want about the classes I choose to play. Doesn't make my posts any less meaningful.

NA (Official) / Ban Arms
« on: November 11, 2014, 08:35:43 pm »
1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
NA1 11:20~ am pst
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Arms was butt hurt over the number of throwers on the server, and the fact that I use a athletics build. I had gotten a headshot on him earlier in the round which killed him. He then continued to spam me with the anti  leecher thing for the rest of the round.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
He's probably 14.
6. Multiple Screenshots
Unfortunately I only took one screen shot at the time, but check the logs I guess.. he did it like 3 times.
(click to show/hide)
7. Names of players that can witness what happened.
Others in the server can attest to his childishness, but no one else saw the reports obviously.

Hey man. Always enjoyed playing with you. You're good company. Good luck out there in your future endeavors!

Suggestions Corner / Re: Two handed throwing
« on: September 10, 2014, 06:47:49 am »
You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

Suggestions Corner / Heraldic Dress
« on: August 26, 2014, 08:13:55 pm »
Because why not? Only logical reason is stretched images, but who really cares. It's a dress!

General Discussion / Re: Farewell cRPG Loom Lottery NO EUROPEANS
« on: July 21, 2014, 11:00:01 pm »
I was under the impression "HAs don't qualify" would be assumed.

But I'm willing to make an exception if you sincerely degrade yourself and praise me.

Haha, no. I withdraw my raffle, but my comments stand!  :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Farewell cRPG Loom Lottery NO EUROPEANS
« on: July 21, 2014, 10:00:02 pm »
I always liked your attitude in game, Havelle. On several occasions you've particularly impressed me with your dagger skills. I may have even overlooked targeting you a few times just so you could stab some jerks.

Good luck and stay safe bro.


Great idea, but what good would this really do? Nerfing damage and accuracy wont change much. So what if it takes 16 arrows to kill someone instead of 10. You want to really nerf HA? Change shield difficulty to STR. That way all the 2h heroes can carry around board shields. I'll still play HA either way because there will always be idiots left to kill.

On a side note if this was implemented I assume that would take away any chances of being able to weapon switch between arrow types.

Faction Halls / Re: SEMENstorm - Ss clan
« on: July 18, 2014, 08:53:47 am »
when are you going to accept my application! You shouldn't have kicked me the first time  :(

Great job man! Ain't nothing wrong with a little donkey archery

Suggestions Corner / Re: What to do about horse archery?
« on: July 12, 2014, 06:25:41 am »
Have you seen Gigglebyte on his horse lately?  When I play my hoplite, I can't stab him as he charges me, because the second I drop my shield, he shots me, interrupting my stab.  Then he still runs me over with an armored horse.  When I play my 9Ath build, he just runs away because he is faster, shooting over his left shoulder with ridiculous accuracy.  It's going to be the same for a 1h shielder.

Against an archer, he moves faster and is more maneuverable making him harder to hit, while drawing with the same speed.  He can constantly interrupt crossbower's reload unless he is up some stairs and behind cover.

He can shoot from outside a thrower's effective distance with higher range and accuracy.

He doesn't have to go anywhere near infantry.

There is no one on one counter, and if ever presented with a team of archers, he will simply go to the other side of the map and pick off targets there while his team hopefully kills all the archers.

So unless he's being an idiot and runs into some trees or a rock or whatever tactics you're talking about, how do you stop him?

This entire post can just be summed up with "git gud m8". I'll try to beak it down at least.

First of all Gigglebyte is a great horse archer. Yeah he uses an armored horse, and take makes it a bit tougher to take him down. However he does have to pay to ride it. Normally I use an arabian horse which does die a lot faster obviously.  Though the point of this isnt really to argue about how overpowered or not heavy horses are.

In regards to getting shot before you get your stab off that takes a  bit of practice/timing to pull off. Also why are you trying to chase a horse on foot? Humans can't run faster than horses. HA vs Archer battles are rough, but it really depends on the terrain. Sure on flat ground in an open field the ground archer is at a disadvantage, but most of the time archers aren't in an open field. Xbows should always be behind cover whenever possible, and besides they can pretty much 2 shot any horse or HA. Most throwers use shields which makes them very tough targets. You have to get in close to kill them - in their range. If they aren't using a shield (like my thrower) then they probably shouldn't be going after HA or really any archers for that matter.

I'm not going to address infantry, because it makes no sense for them to counter HA. Grab a shield and cover your archers.

I feel like you are just getting annoyed at the few "great" HA. People don't complain when a good melee or cavalry go 20+ kills in a map with little to no deaths.

So really what point are you making? You're complaining about the tactics that HA can use. Which is all you can really complain about, because HA damage is low, and accuracy is really only mediocre at speeds more than a trot.

General Discussion / Re: Small archer/ranged counter
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:39:30 am »
I endorse this. HA doesn't need a nerf guys!

Suggestions Corner / Re: What to do about horse archery?
« on: July 12, 2014, 05:06:19 am »
The class doesn't really need anymore nerfs. As far as accuracy goes anyone who has played HA on more than an STF should know how annoying it is to hit people anyway(Especially with all that dancing going on). Most HA opt to use the Nomad/Tatar bow so damage with even bodkins is negligible on most targets. So what else is there really left to nerf? Horses again?

I think the real problem people just don't know how to deal with HA. The people who rage the most are 2h heroes who don't carry a shield and expect to be able to jump slice kill everyone in one hit. I've never really had any problem dealing with HA on my other characters. People just need to use more tactics against HA(Trees, wells, rocks, fences, and bushes come to mind).

I don't deny that HA can be annoying, but I don't agree at all that the class is game breaking. If there were no ranged cavalry the servers would be over run with lancers, and 1h/2h cavalry. Every class brings a balance to the game.

I understand that delaying at the end of round is what causes most of the rage. However in reality every class delays at the end of rounds. HA just do it in a little more annoying way.

Anyway that's just my opinion as a long time HA, and I'm sure it doesn't matter to most of you. Sorry for shitty the shitty formatting.

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