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Messages - Judge_yiyi

Pages: [1]
中文板块 / Re: cRPG服务器借用登记贴
« on: October 10, 2013, 01:48:24 pm »
服务器用途:战队活动  与AT友谊赛

Spam / need help with our clan banner
« on: April 28, 2013, 04:09:09 pm »

we are a clan in CRPG, need some help from the admins.

we've already purchase the right to use our clan banner, but we just can use our current banner, it seems that our banner was forbidden by the system.

in this case, we would like to use a new banner. what should we do?

our clan is called "Judge"

we've been using our current banner for a long time, until a few days ago, we got this message from the system, and could not use our banner since then.

we would like admin to help us out, tell us whats happening and what should we do.


cRPG Technical problems / need help with our clan banner
« on: April 28, 2013, 04:07:31 pm »
we are a clan in CRPG, need some help from the admins.

we've already purchase the right to use our clan banner, but we just can use our current banner, it seems that our banner was forbidden by the system.

in this case, we would like to use a new banner. what should we do?

our clan is called "Judge"

we've been using our current banner for a long time, until a few days ago, we got this message from the system, and could not use our banner since then.

we would like admin to help us out, tell us whats happening and what should we do.


Pages: [1]