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Messages - Salierry

Pages: [1]
Global / Unban request. Please, dont delete.
« on: September 17, 2012, 07:38:50 pm »
This is the 3rd topic i started. Previous was deleted and closed..
Please, let me use freedom of speech, dont delete this topic, mute me, or ban from forum. I dont insult nobody, dont spam, i only want to prove..

I read all rules, i wasnt trying to do something forbidden, and when it happened, i tried to do everything to prevent it. I sent PMs to Wiltzu. And EVEN IF I WANTED to scam there goes 2 ways:
1. i give him +1 for +3 and in some time i get another +3 that he requested
2. i give him +1, lp, and gold for his +3
THATS EXACTLY WHAT WAS IN PERSONAL MESSAGES. if its not, please post them here, and let me see.

And EVEN IF YOU CALL THIS DEALS SCAM this cant entail perma ban of 21st gen player, who spent 2 years on this game, and had never been involved in such situation.

Global / Re: Unban request.
« on: September 17, 2012, 07:00:40 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Can you better say something clever instead of stupid joke?

Global / Unban request.
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:50:56 pm »
The first one was closed, and seems like nobody read what i wrote...
I lied about saying that i sold it to other guy, because if i say that i "hadnt bought it yet, sorry" would sound stupid.
The name i called was rather like other guy`s, who was selling shield before. And now please read this attentively:

I put offer +1 war ham for +3 sword, and told Wiltzu that its up.
Then Wiltzu told me that he is interesting and i went on market to buy shield.
When i was searching for it Wiltzu accepted my offer and i found out that this shield offer dont exist any more. It was over, accepted by someone els, or deleted, i dont know,
I immediatelly started sending PMs to Wiltzu with explanation, but he is gone... ADMINS CAN SEE THIS MESSAGES.

The last thing proves that i didnt want to scame, what do you also want, please tell me?

Global / Re: Unban request.
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:33:49 pm »
You used pretty simple tactics to do this scam:

"Ok, we have a deal: +3 heavy round shield and +1 warhammer for your champions sword." <---You give the feeling that the scammed dude is winning in the deal.

"yes, but i have some other offers now. i wll PM you later when make a deсision" <---You give the feeling that you're having a lot of other options also so the scammed guy starts to hurry up with things and starts to get sloppy.

"plz hurry up, or PM me with decline i have another buyer" <---Then you tell the scammed guy to quickly accept the deal where he's winning clearly, so he doesn't have a lot of time to think that you could actually scam him.

"dont even know what to say... have 1 loompoint now.. Maybe i will get 1 more and give it to you with 300k gold?" <---And BANG. You tell that something went wrong and you just scammed a guy. Now you do give him an option to get something back but he has lost in the deal anyways.
Yes, then you go on IRC,
Admins detect my IP
Ban my accounts

That was exectly tactic i made.

Global / Re: Unban request.
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:29:16 pm »
I have to admit that I get pleasure for you getting perma banned. I could've forgiven you if you had been like gen3 but c'mon, over gen 20, you should've had enough looms by then.
Man, i see nothing cant convince you in my innocence, even all this PMs i sent you before got banned..

Global / Re: Unban request.
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:20:15 pm »
-Perma Banning you

Some1 get Christo here, he'll have a nice laugh.
Yes what can i also expect from you? Its only fun for you.

I am ready to write an unban essay, but all what i hear is: thats not gonna help you, enjoy your ban. Why admins cant try to help make clear, what really happened?

Global / Re: Unban request.
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:16:51 pm »
oh my gush, please stop typing SCAMMING by huge letters, saying jokes about dogs at computer, be serious, check out my trades, one my friend even gave me 4 MWs to use for some time, he trust me. Now i cant even give them back, lol... Please tell me why do i have to type that all for so many times.. and still you dont read this?

Global / Re: Unban request.
« on: September 17, 2012, 05:59:47 pm »
He probably scammed couple people before me, but they haven't asked their items back so well dunno.
I didnt scame anybody, admins can check it out, and didnt think out any scame tactics...
I only used trade tactic:
0.Dont need warhammer at all, and use it as gold on top
1.Find item i need, if i cant buy it, because seller request something what i dont have, i go and search it on market
2.Find it, and if i can buy it, i do, if not, i search for what he wants and so on..
3.Then i make a deal, buy what first guy requested and get my item in exchane
and thats all, NO SCAME.
I played for 2 years, alwasy made deals this way, and nobodu NEVER COMPLAIN ON ME!

Really tired of proving my innocence.. Only want to say: please dont ban people without real understanding of they faut.

Global / Re: Unban request.
« on: September 17, 2012, 01:39:36 pm »
So what we have got:
1.Wiltzu accepted my offer +1 for +3, but he did it consciously. Maybe we really wanted to make this trade because he owned me 2 lp?
2.Ive got 2 accounts, 3rd comes from neighbour flat. I made a second one for secrecy.
3.There can be multitude ways how i can get shield he requested to fulfil our deal: maybe i saw offer on mrket with it and was going to buy, but then someone els did it before me, maybe my friend promise to give it and then suddenly get disconnected... But admins just permanently banned me without investigation, nice.
4.And even if i am so retarded and desided to get 2 lp for free, while i know that he get on IRC same sec, admins detect my IP and ban all accounts, perma ban is too cruel, for killing thousands hours of my life.

Well, all of this is nothing compared to this: After we had a deal, I WANTED TO GIVE HIM HIS ITEM BACK, I SENT LIKE 3 PMs, but he was already talking to admins on IRC...

Global / Unban request.
« on: September 16, 2012, 05:25:11 pm »
Today i got banned on all servers, dont know the reason.
Please tell me the reason and unban...

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