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Messages - Overdriven

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 292
In fairness Sean Murray did out right lie. Problem is that it was so bloody obvious when he was lying it was pretty hiliarious to watch the interviews.

'Does it have multiplayer?'

*Nervous tick, looks away for a bit and says in croaky voice*


Pretty much the same way he answered all the questions that were blatant lies.

The more hilarious part is there are still people trying to defend it. Some of them with really retarded arguments. Probably just trying to justify to themselves a wasted $60.

Downloaded it. Tried it for an hour and confirmed what a waste of money this is for people who bought it.

Seriously the most mind numbingly boring thing. For an exploration game it doesn't even look good.

It wasn't over yesterday when I played. Still he's ragey.

I've seen much better Genji's overall. That's what I meant by average. The kills he was getting were purely down to the bullshit skill set but I've seen much more devastating Genji's overall.

I'm glad he's been nerfed. The movement was part of what makes him so annoying even at lower skill levels because he can dart around so much he's impossible to hit. Particularly with slower moving projectiles. At least Tracer, who is also annoying from that standpoint, has a relative cap with charges on teleport which catches a lot of lower skilled players out. But Genji can dash, wall climb and generally get around so fast pinning him down is frustrating with no real cap on how he does it. Not to mention he can just reflect everything even if you do catch him somewhere.

Just played competetive for the first time in ages and remembered why I stopped. Genji trash as always.

Enemy team had a very average Genji and yet he still could rip us apart. Game came down to 1 round as well so was close even so. Some bullshit plays from him. Blasted him off the edge as Pharah, dw dash and wall climb. Miles in the air as Pharah, dw dash makes him fly so it doesn't matter how high you are. He was shredding our tanks and damage heroes. Total bullshit. Putting it away now until they fix it.

If it's just a solo exploration game the art style is enough to put me off. It's kind of cartoony.

General Off Topic / Re: Refugees "flooding" Europe !NEW POLL!
« on: August 12, 2016, 09:57:25 am »
It's a well known recorded phenomenon in fairness. If there's a long queue of people plenty of people will join just to see what the fuss is.

General Off Topic / Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« on: August 04, 2016, 05:20:40 pm »
Pretty much everyone is an arsehole. If you can make money from being an arsehole then why not?

Twitter clearly has you wound up but there's no need to be part of it. It's quite easy to ignore. Why does it matter what other people are doing if it's harmless and you're no part of it?

General Off Topic / Re: The Trumphog has seen its shadow
« on: August 04, 2016, 02:33:02 pm »
As far as I understand it the only reason profit forecasts/valuations for sites such as Facebook/Twitter are falling (which were massively over inflated because of the tech bubble bullshit) is because the rate of new users signing up is falling. Which is inevitable considering the limited population of the earth.

A better indicator would be if regular users were falling but I've not seen much about that.

The reach on it is one of the main problems. I've been high in the sky as Pharah in the past and Genji has reached me with his ult. Total bullshit.


This game now has a new persistent world map mode just released in alpha. You basically coop with 4 other crews and take on AI objectives. It's challenging and tough and a great deal of fun. If any of you have been sitting on this one and dropped it I would suggest getting back into it.

Obviously ideal if you have a group of 4 of you as you can crew your ship much better.

They've added new maps and new ships and you can pick which faction you join and fight for on the persistent map.

General Off Topic / Re: France Priest slaughtered
« on: August 01, 2016, 04:11:12 pm »
Guerrilla attacks aren't a problem as long as the politicians let the military take its gloves off.

I think that's an issue in modern warfare as well though. It's covered so much by the media that you simply can't get away with shit as easily. It was difficult even then. But then it may well be different if there was ever a total war situation within the west again.

General Off Topic / Re: France Priest slaughtered
« on: August 01, 2016, 11:52:09 am »
Are you talking about WW2?

Nope more a reference to general bombardment tactics. Neither of which have proved very effective in modern warfare, particularly against guerrilla tactics.

WW2 was a different ball game where mass bombing of big cities, Dresden being a good example, was arguably effective for a number of different reasons as long as you didn't give a shit about civilians.

General Off Topic / Re: France Priest slaughtered
« on: July 29, 2016, 05:41:18 pm »
Carriers can strike from thousands of miles away. They also have around 30 other ships supporting them, ships that can also strike from thousands of miles away that are also designed to shoot down aircraft/ incoming missiles and hunt submarines. It's an insane amount of power projection in the form of endless barrages of missiles from the safety of  the ocean thousands of miles away.

Liberating the EU would be easy, we wouldn't even have to taint European soil with radiation because our conventional power projection is so insane.

Cause that has totally worked in the past...

General Off Topic / Re: France Priest slaughtered
« on: July 28, 2016, 11:16:22 am »
Yup Trident is literally just there in case nuclear war breaks out. Otherwise they don't do an awful lot.

No point having a ton of aircraft carriers and battleships in such a situation.

But regardless of course our Navy is a shadow of itself. In it's glory it had the finances of the Empire behind it. There's no way the UK now would be able to finance a massive navy and it would also be pretty pointless. Warfare has changed too much to really warrant it.

General Off Topic / Re: Leave or stay in the EU?
« on: July 22, 2016, 06:04:56 pm »
Yeah they are predicting a minor recession at the moment unless a serious bounce back starts in the next couple of months.

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