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Messages - Zanze

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83 infamy? Is infamy not as bad as it is in the Europa games?

Ulm is indeed mighty. One of the easiest Eu3's I've played. Not sure about Eu4 though, I am sure it translates well. Are there any good all-around mods for this, a one fix all kind of deal?

Watch some youtube tutorials for it. Both Albion and TC are awesome. My recommendation would be to use albion for the vanilla experience and TC for the xtended mod.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hoplite/Thrower Advice
« on: October 03, 2014, 03:45:56 am »
18/18 used to be able to do 100/100/100 split. Good ol days...

Heavy throwing axe is definitely what you want to use.  It throws for good damage, and it melees for very good damage. Not to mention its good against shields. Just takes a bit to get used to the short range, after that it really shines though. Not sure on a build nowadays, but I would recommend the war spear over the red tassel (and ashwood over war, and light lance over ashwood). You want a long stick that hurts people. Speed is negligible.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Is Melee a Class in cRPG?
« on: September 30, 2014, 05:24:02 pm »
We only need an improvised Short Bow which would require 0 power draw and does ~10 cut damage and we will successfully have removed all classes from cRPG.

Grab yourself some throwing daggers. 1 PT and maybe 50-60wpf and you'll be fine. You get 8, they are thrown quickly, and each do about 28cut damage.

Total War Series / Re: Rome 2 Co-op anyone?
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:35:20 pm »
I would, and am, waiting for the next patch and release of emperor edition. Not sure where I read it, but it is supposedly not save game compatible. So any games we start now will derp out next patch. If only they had common sense and made an option to not update automatically...

Total War Series / Re: Rome 2 Co-op anyone?
« on: September 11, 2014, 06:16:54 am »
I am always down for the things and stuff. My steam name is Zan, look for the dark souls profile pic. I'm around US Est.

If you learn how to spin and count when fighting multiple opponents, that shield width is amazing. It is something many shields lack actually...

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Thrower/1h
« on: August 07, 2014, 06:18:27 pm »
(click to show/hide)

Axe them from far, axe them up close. If you have too little wpf in throwing to pick up your axes in your current armor, either cut armor or do 18/18 and get more wpf. Use a skip the fun for testing.

My personal recommendation on equipment is using any sword or mace, a shield, and two pairs of heavy throwing axes. Never throw your last axe, if you are like me, you will use it more than your sword. Getting use to the length is rough, but a +3 of it does 36cut up close and smashes shields. Change your main 1h weapon depending on the enemy: too much plate, grab a mace. Light armor, grab a sword. If you have a sword and do run into a plated player, grab your axe.

On throwing weapons:
Daggers/Darts are not killing weapons. You use them to catch that annoying archer running from you.

Javelins are ok.

Heavy Axes / Jarids are the bread and butter of throwing murder.

Lances are just funny, but impractical for a lv 30 hybrid due to the requirements in wpf and power throw.

As a rule of thumb, Powerthrow 4 is good for softening people up. Powerthrow 5 is where you will start killing things routinely. Powerthrow 6 and above is simply murder, but sometimes unnecessary for the wpf investment.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Hoplite
« on: August 04, 2014, 01:28:19 am »
30/9 is indeed viable.

In teamfights, use teammates as shields. Don't try to front line or your shield will break faster. Don't duel with the shield either unless you have a very fast weapon. Without tons of wpf, people might realize your stab will actually connect first and block.

Personally, I think with 30/9 you can give a single or two people amazing support. I prefer more balanced builds because I can then support entire groups of people. For example, if I'm in the far left of the mass and see cav coming to the far right, without enough agi I might not make it in time. So if you actually care about your team, missing that easy cav is simply disappointing. If you care for damage, aim your pokes better. Most people have rags for boots or paper bags for helmets.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Question About Hoplite
« on: August 04, 2014, 01:24:32 am »
With a light lance you can outreach everything except a pike. It all depends on three things: When you released your stab, when he released his(or couch in this case), and footwork.

If you want to give yourself more wiggle room, move backwards as you stab. Aim for the horse's head too, not the feet. Feet do more damage, chest hits the player, and head will rear the horse fastest. Dying is bad, so in the case they have such a long weapon just get the horse to stop.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Question about 1H Polearm+Shield build
« on: August 02, 2014, 01:55:33 am »
The point is you have to learn manual block at some point and it's better sooner than later.

You don't have to run before you can walk.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Question about 1H Polearm+Shield build
« on: August 01, 2014, 10:07:14 pm »
If you are not very good at blocking manually, I suggest you to completely drop that shield :)

I actually disagree with this one statement. If you are not good at blocking manually, you should use a shield. A few reasons why I think that way.

Also this game is turn based.

You learn little when you're dead a few seconds into a round. (Watching good players is still good though)
You don't know you should be blocking until you are dead.
You panic and block sporadically.
You have difficultly adjusting to moving your mouse in the right direction. ( same with attacking)

All in all, I think a shield is GOOD if you can't block. Just as obvious as it sounds.

It keeps you alive longer.
It makes it easier to identify when to block.
Pressing the block button stops all damage from the front. (As opposed to only a direction)
No mouse movement required, even though it is highly suggested.

Game is still turn based.

A big negative of it though is the mindset of a shield as safe happy zone. Don't hold it up longer than you need to. Press it to block and let go. Holding it up is a bad habit. The solution is to think of your shield as something to protect. (what?) You DON'T want them hitting your shield. You want the shield up as little as possible, which brings you to either stand still or be attacking. Always attack. (incoming confusing statement) If you are attacking, they are not... unless they are. Rule of thumb to use when considering 90% of weapons. If they start attacking first, you must block or get hit. If you attack first, they must block or get hit. Footwork, weapon speed, and wpf all may change this rule but it is still there. This is why I say the game is turn based until you learn how to bend the rules. For now though, pick up a shield and stay alive as long as possible. The longer you live, the more you learn.

General Discussion / Re: Valour
« on: August 01, 2014, 09:40:58 pm »
To get valor you need to get more points in the round than the average of your team by a long shot. Sometimes that is 10 points because you killed two people and everyone else has 0, sometimes you need over 100 points because people actually did their job and scored.

It pretty much comes down to this:  Ignore the existence of valor. If you do well and get it, good. If not, oh well. If you are doing as good as you think you are, you'll get your 5x soon enough.

Sandersson - Never learns, fun to play with.
San - I just avoid him.
Miley - Zanahoria's revenge.
Canary - Good stuff.
Lubu - Fuck this guy.
Daruvian - Learned my afk trick. Sneaky bastard.
Dynamike - I don't even.
Itchy / Vick - Tie. They both headshot the f out of me.
Desire - Crazy stuff in strat battles.
Gryt - I like his style. True hop.
Testi - Fuck this guy.

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