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Messages - Zerran

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 55
General Discussion / Re: NA Siege is Dying
« on: November 03, 2012, 12:06:07 pm »
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I decide to check the forums for the first time in forever and see my name at the top of a list.  :o
Oh btw I was 21/18.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: New Players need some love
« on: September 20, 2012, 09:15:37 am »
It really has very little to do with gear or level. Once you're around lvl 20 and have mid-tier gear, you've got a good enough setup to be able to contribute. The problem is that the playerbase is 90% veteran players (by which I mean people who have been playing for a year or more, let's not get into a terminology debate  :P) and even of that 10% remaining, most of them have been playing for a few months. So what we end up with is a situation where any new players are going up against people with vastly more experience. No matter what you do for them, it's going to suck until they get some practice. If you don't occasionally "air-out" the playerbase in a game as skill-dependent (or gear dependent), you will inevitably end up with a situation like this.

I don't have an answer for what we can do about this. The obvious solution is a huge influx of new players, and a steady stream of them after that. The only problem is we have very little control over that sort of thing.

Because it is 152 length, with the +80 from stab animation that makes 232. Making it the longest stabbing weapon allowed on horseback (if implemented) since the great lance is 230.

Or does it have the same stab as the polearms? In which case it's still over 200. I think since it would be mounted, it would use the 1h stab anim - I could be wrong though.

However, if stab were disabled and you could only swing while mounted... hmm...

Hold on now. I don't agree with the idea, but this math is incorrect.

The lances also get a massive bonus to their reach on horseback (the same the flammy would get) and have a greater base length. so they would still outreach it.

I know I'm not wearing pants, that's for sure.

Pants are seriously outdated. Nopants is definitely better.

Realism Discussion / Re: Siege towers, ladders, siege shields...
« on: September 14, 2012, 10:25:41 pm »
Even without an advanced fire mechanic, flaming arrows should be quite possible. Just make them be low cut damage (negative, even) and have awful missile speed (if arrows can affect that), so they would be useless against players, but have a static amount of damage that siege equipment takes when struck by them.

In order to balance them, make them fairly expensive, and buff the health of siege equipment (which it needs anyway).

General Discussion / Re: OPEN THE GATES - Tribute to crpg
« on: September 14, 2012, 10:15:00 pm »
Great comic. Though, what we really need is one for "Defend the stairs!", which obv needs to be set on Random Plains.

Suggestions Corner / Re: More Hitpoints or armor for horse.
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:36:12 pm »
So... you can't use a light horse... as a heavy horse... Ya, that seems like a problem.  :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Aim on horseback
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:32:56 pm »
This isn't just a problem with HA, it's an issue with all ranged. You get what looks like a perfect shot, but turns out it was a miss. Or on the other hand, it flies way off the target, BOOM headshot.

I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess, it might be an issue that lag causes the server and client to use a different seed, so the actual arrow is using a different seed than the one you see is.

Rextard that was fucking poetry. I cried a little.

General Discussion / Re: Turn rate nerf
« on: September 14, 2012, 04:00:04 am »
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I think you misunderstood. The fact that they're hard to aim is one thing, but it isn't why they're broken. They're broken because the hitbox isn't anywhere near the actual weapon, so what looks like a hit can miss completely, and what looks like a miss can hit. Makes it a bit hard to aim when you don't even know where your weapon is.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 2h Archer Build - Need Help
« on: September 14, 2012, 01:31:20 am »
Fips already said basically everything I'd like to add. Just throwing in though that I personally prefer the Fighting axe on my 2H archer. Shielders are a pain to kill, and bonus against shields is quite nice for that.

Similarly, the art of pushing defenders at a chokepoint rather than killing them is not very widespread either. Most attackers will try to kill the first defender they see, even though just moving past him attracts the attention of the defenders and opens up the way for the attacker behind you.

THIS. My god, THIS. When at the top of a ladder, or at a chokepoint, so many times I see the attackers just holding there, afraid to jump in. Yes, you WILL die if you jump in, no you will NOT get a kill, but it breaks the front lines. Sadly, when I try and tell people this, they tend to just make snappy remarks.  :lol:

I'll be there. If I'm not, yell at me on steam and I'll get on.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban ArsyOakButts
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:41:55 pm »
You name a char "Neko_Pantsu_Mangaka" and expect to NOT be TKed?  :lol:

I would wager that it'd be smart for defenders to have one or two people try to shut gates or doors if it will actually benefit the team and slow down attackers with the remaining defenders holding the flag.

From my experience in KUTT, this is actually very beneficial IF and only IF, you actually have some organization to it. If you don't allocate your players well when doing something like this, you end up with too many rushing to the gates/doors, and have too few on the flag, so it gets taken anyway. This is the problem with trying any kind of tactics aside "camp flag" with people who don't have voice comm, or simply aren't organized enough. Assuming you actually manage to get some people to listen to you, you end up with half the defending team rushing the gatehouse/walls that have at most 2-3 enemies on them, and the flag is completely overrun while the defenders take the gatehouse/walls back.

Tactics in siege are completely viable, but you HAVE to have good communication, and have people that will actually follow orders. Even then though, it's generally best if 90% of the team just sits at flag. That, is simply an intrinsic flaw in the design of siege mode. With attackers always spawning at the same points, the longer you make them run to you, the better. As such, the flag is the best place to kill people.

There are some maps where there are key chokepoints, but for most of them, the chokepoints just aren't worth it aside from having at most 2-3 people at them. For example, I'll often team up with Para, and stab over his wall of steel. Makes it very hard to get by.  :lol:

However, if you have too many people, or people who can't take a beating, at a chokepoint, you're just wasting resources.

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