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Topics - Graf_Hodenschaf

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / Food, give us food...
« on: November 13, 2013, 02:29:28 pm »

I had a looong break from crpg and it looks like i didnt miss much changes on strat ( went off when bugs started to f**k strategus ).
So how about implement a food and supply options on strat? So lets say every village will produce food, castle + neighbour villages under the same clan control will gain a benefit in production, town + castle + villages .... yeah i think you get it :-)
Off course troops will need food, you can send caravans from food storages to fiefs which doestn have enough production for the stored troops. So we have 2 points with this implemention, putting thousands of troops into a town will work for a short time, but if food is gone, troops will disappear, revolt or whatever. And 2nd point is we would have another important trading good AND maybe new strategical tactics will show up then.

Graf Hodenschaf

Strategus Issues / no movement on strat
« on: September 10, 2012, 06:04:36 pm »
Hi guys

I moved my army from A to B. Suddenly it stopped moving, quick march is useless - they wont move. And no, i dont got attacked by enemies, can you fix that?

Graf Hodenschaf

Inactive / EU7: BAN Timor
« on: July 14, 2012, 06:41:52 pm »
Hi Admins,

i just want to ask you if you can ban Timor?

I made 2 screenshots of his TK.

The beginning: Timor and his friend Templer Reachard played on EU7 defend the virgin, both of them are fighter without ranged weapons. They fistfighted many rounds on the roof, or just stayed up there, not helping the team. Then i suggested them to fight or leave ( cause server were full ). Then the kicking began. I ( Bastard_Hodenschaf ) played with my xbow STF, off course i made teamhits ( but only accidents ). When i had 4/5, Timor started everytime to jump in front of me, just to make a TA again and he can kick me. I said i will report this, he got mad.

Next map followed and then Timor attacked me, i couldnt press M so fast. This happened 2 times in a row.

So im asking you to give him some break and save other players nerves too.

Btw, it just happened 10 min ago, 14.07.2012 UTC+2 18:42

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Strategus General Discussion / bug report: strat battles
« on: June 06, 2012, 06:35:06 am »
Hi Devs,

i participated yesterday on the battle caravan guards vs el banditos at ( 05/06 17:15 until 17:15 ). I played for guards and no enemy was there. Today, i looked at my roster and it says "you didnt show up" which is wrong, you can see my name on the roster too. Ah yeah, we couldnt cap some flags because the game was over after the start ( because of no defender ). We got 6k xp.

Maybe you can fix sometimes the "own performance" crashing bug?  8-)

Closed Requests / Report WallaceBRD
« on: May 25, 2012, 09:55:00 pm »

im not asking for a ban, but im going to report him but now the story:

Played on NA1, he fought 1vs1 and i went over to support him. Because of my shitty ping, i hit him twice but he was victory in his duell. I wrote sry ( as you can see on the picture ) and his reaction...

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So Admins, please keep an eye on this raging kid. ( this happened about 21:30 UTC+1, 05.25. if its important )


Diplomacy / EU to NA?
« on: May 11, 2012, 11:06:33 pm »
Hi guys!

I just see what happens here from EU side, i also saw that grey order and DRZ has a coalition and attack through calradia ( remembers me at that tall evil king on the throne from 300 ).
So im asking here cause Vovkas and Peppos threads are locked:

Im EU player and i heared rumors that vovka said something he will rape me and my shieldbrother guys even if im EU player ( btw vovka, your intel is a bit out of date, the shieldbrothers doesnt exists anymore ). So Peppovitch, do you allow me to stay in your area? Offcourse i will help an helping hand !!!!

thx and regards
Graf Hodenschaf

Deutsche Ritter Mark

Deutsche Ritter Mark is a union of germanspeaking knights and settlers in order to defend the borders of their land in Calradia/Strategus. The birth of the idea of DRM was in the battle for freedom of the settlement Rduna. The idea behind that union is that players and clans can free roleplay in CRPG but work together in Strategus in order to get more possibilities and fun. Because together we are strong.

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Territory – Heimat

Diplomacy – Diplomatie
Friendly – all factions
Hostile – nobody
In conflict – The Turks

Memberlist – Mitglieder

Faction tag
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Deutsche Ritter Mark ist eine Vereinigung deutschsprachiger Ritter und Siedler. DRM soll den deutschsprachigen Spielern eine Heimat in Calradia/Strategus geben. Die DRM-Idee entstand aus der Allianz der militärischen Kompanie "Vendetta" und der Handelsgesellschaft "Trade Guild" in der großen Türkenschlacht um die Befreiung der Siedlung Rduna. Alle deutschsprachigen Spieler und Clans sollen außer der Heimat jeweils eine Stimme erhalten. Ihr Roleplay bei CRPG soll nicht durch Einschränkungen beschnitten werden. Jeder soll sich bei CRPG ausleben, gleichzeitig in Strategus aber eine Aufgabe, einen Sinn und Spaß finden.

History – Geschichte
Das Amt des Markgrafen wurde von Kaiser Karl dem Großen um 800 eingeführt und von seinen Nachfolgern lange Zeit beibehalten. Karls Ziel war es, die Grenzen des in teilweise blutigen und langen Kriegen erweiterten Reiches gegen Angriffe von außen zu sichern.
Zur Erfüllung ihrer risikoreichen Aufgabe erhielten die Markgrafen Grenzgebiete vom König bzw. Kaiser direkt als Lehen. Die Markgrafen hatten gegenüber den normalen Grafen besondere Befugnisse. So hatten sie den Heerbann und die Hohe Gerichtsbarkeit inne.
Zahlreiche Markgrafen, die ursprünglich aus dem niederen Adel oder Ritterstand stammten, konnten sich in den Marken eine mächtige Position aufbauen, die später für machtpolitischen Einfluss innerhalb des Reiches genutzt wurde. Dementsprechend stammen einige spätere Königshäuser von Markgrafen ab. Vom 12. Jahrhundert an wurden die meisten Markgrafschaften in sogenannte Reichsfürstentümer umgewandelt.
Der Titel eines Markgrafen war also dem eines Fürsten nicht nur gleichgestellt, er war auf Grund seiner alten Wurzeln oftmals mit wesentlich mehr Ansehen unter den Großen des Reiches verbunden.

Recruitment – Rekrutierung

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We search german speaking players, the only restriction is that follow the rules of CRPG developers and cooperate with us in Strategus.
We recruit mostly german speaking players but we can maybe accept players who want roleplay as german knights or settlers from EU/NA too.

Wir suchen Kämpfer, Siedler und Schmiede, um die Siedlung Rduna zu verteidigen.
Wenn du Spaß, eine Aufgabe in Strategus suchst und die Regeln der Entwickler versuchst einzuhalten,
dann melde dich bei uns per PN oder hier im Thema.
Auch Clans, die eine Heimat in Strategus suchen können sich uns gerne anschließen,
denn wir sind ein Bund, wo alle ihre Rechte beibehalten können.

Auxilia Battle Rules – Schlachtregeln
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Wir haben bereits einen deutschen Clan und wollen den auch nicht aufgeben, können wir trotzdem irgendeinen Vorteil miteinander haben?

Ja, es gibt eine Lösung die für beide Seiten Vorteile bringt. Euer Clan bleibt eigenständig, ihr schließt euch trotzdem einfach der deutschen Ritter Mark an. Ihr habt genauso ein Mitspracherecht wie jeder andere Clan und könnt AKTIV mitbestimmen ( wo anders seid ihr womöglich nur Vasallen ). Wichtig ist aber dass ihr von euch aus KEINE Handlungen setzt, die der DRM schadet, wie zb Angriffe usw. Wie schon oben geschrieben soll die DRM ein Anlaufpunkt für die vielen verstreuten deutschen Spieler und kleinen Clans sein, um eine gemeinsame Macht zu werden.

Denn Macht bedeutet auch Freiheit!

Strategus General Discussion / trade bug
« on: March 29, 2012, 06:35:33 am »
Good morning,

i ( TG_Graf_Hodenschaf ) finally arrived at my trade point ( castle ) this morning with my 447 goods ( chalk ) and sold them as usually, but it looks like i got cheat. Cause it said "goods sold" but i didnt got any gold for it.
I made a screenshot but sadly only after the trade ( with the good solds message ).

If a admin can check it, it happened about 06:00 o clock MESZ in distar castle.

Where would we come to when a fair trade guild gets cheated !!

JUSTICE for the people !! 8-)

Edit: it was 447 not 47 !!!!

Closed Requests / Ban Bandit Umbra the Scumbag
« on: February 24, 2012, 11:48:35 am »
for being an asshole and TK!

The story:

Played this morning ( about 11:30 EU time ) a map, i dont remember the name. Most of us crossed the bridge, i saw umbra kicking people 3-4 times, then i kicked him ( and i know some of you think thats aggressive, but as long as there is no enemy and NO dmg ) once. Off course he tried to kick me 6-8 times back, but i always took a sidestep and still had time to type "lol" into the chat. Kicked once back and he tried again. Ok now the sad point:

Enemy cav came on full speed to us, we both stopped it, he with the xbow and me with the jav, then we fought. As you can see on the screenshot, Umbra hit me 3 times. Ok some of you may think this is aggressive fighting from his point, but i saw that as accident. Enemy rider got killed, umbra reload his xbow, aimed at me and boom headshot.

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I mean wtf at first he kicks people but gets wild if some1 kicks him and he is not able to kick back because of talent? Then 3x TA and then TK when no enemy was near us???

I didnt start a poll because its useless nowadays. And i dont care if admins dont do anything because i started the first kick at him - then just see it as a report to have a closer look at this kid.

Graf Hodenschaf

Mercenary Recruitment / Hate vs Trade Guild
« on: January 25, 2012, 12:44:38 pm »
Hi guys,

Graf Hodenschafs peacefully TradeGuild got attacked bye Hate. My poor 22nd merchants have to save their lifes, goods and gold from these aggressive bastards. My men have equipment, but im not able to join the battle tonight.
So for all guys who will fight for justice, freedom and love - send me a screenshot on the end of the battle and i will contact you after the battle and off course reward you!!

For a saver calradia
Graf Hodenschaf

Suggestions Corner / getting fiefs without war?
« on: December 31, 2011, 03:13:39 pm »
Hi guys,

i just want to ask what about my "new" idea, buying villages, castles or even cities with money? I mean currently we have only the possibility to siege a fief, but im no bloodthirsty lord, i want to buy the loyality with gold.
And i dont know how to make a poll here, is it restricted?

Closed Requests / Ban Deutschritter Julian
« on: December 30, 2011, 04:56:42 pm »
I just played at EU1, then Deutschritter Julian attacked a friendly HA ( Christus ) at spawn, killed his horse and hit 2 other guys with his polearm too ( me included ).

Off course to avoid some poll, he quit the game immediately.

Can an admin do something against such teamplay asses?

PS: I asked for an admin, but it seems there wasnt one here ( or wasnt interested in saying something )

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