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Topics - awesomeasaurus

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"i" key in standard servers disrupts my key rebinding and accidentally opens that administrator chat. please make it a key we can rebind or a MENU OPTION like kick.

"h" key in deathmatch
the h key and other keys on the right side of the keyboard spawn construction sites and other things that spam and crash the program if pressed.

I would really like to see these hardbound things removed from the mod. <3

Sell/Trade / +1 Javs for +1 Heavy Throwing Axe
« on: March 27, 2012, 10:55:21 pm »
It's on the market.

Buy / WTB Heirloomed Broad One Handed Battle Axe/Elite Cav Shield
« on: December 06, 2011, 04:50:22 am »
WTB Heirloomed Broad One Handed Battle Axe, any loom level.
WTB Heirloomed Elite Cav Shield, any loom level.

Sell/Trade / SOLD: +3 Military Hammer
« on: December 02, 2011, 04:11:00 am »
Sorry Zapper!

Sell/Trade / Trading Champ Destrier for Champ Lrg Warhorse
« on: November 13, 2011, 07:36:18 am »
see title.

Strategus General Discussion / Something is broken... the community?
« on: November 12, 2011, 10:59:47 pm »
CHAOS got Tadshamesh because only 5 defenders showed. What a joke.

Closed Requests / NM
« on: October 22, 2011, 07:24:21 pm »
I don't have proper proof.

Game Balance Discussion / Low Siege Population
« on: October 10, 2011, 02:55:12 am »
When the population on siege is low the defense is at a severe disadvantage because of the 30 second respawn timer. I would suggest that the flag takes longer to lower when populations on the server are lower to maintain a balance.

Or defensive respawn timers could be lowered.

Game Balance Discussion / Shield Collision Detection too small of an area
« on: October 04, 2011, 03:34:14 am »
please see:,17177.0.html

Shields are nearly useless to use to body block on siege or battle alike. I think this should be reverted or fixed. Discuss.

Do not talk about kick-slash or mauls because it is irrelevant.

General Discussion / Shield Wall
« on: September 30, 2011, 08:30:59 pm »
I have been easily pushed past recently. I am upset that another shielder and I can not effectively block stairways and doorways. Is this in my head? Is this intentional? Is it rational? Discuss.


Scene Editing / Map Makers, please respond!
« on: August 22, 2011, 04:34:08 am »

I am looking for someone to create two (2) scenes for me. One is simple. One is complex.

The first is a snowy viking duel scene. Ideally a small round patch of dirt with a snowy background. Possibly located in hills. Very small map.

The second is a siege-game mode keep made of timber. Blue prints available upon request. They are also posted in another thread.

Thank you

Strategus / 36K Strat G for 137K CRPG
« on: August 18, 2011, 08:55:50 pm »
Near Reindi Castle.

Scene Editing / Map Ideas
« on: August 14, 2011, 07:34:23 am »
Would anyone create scenes if I provided blueprints/ideas? Or do all you map makers have tons of great ideas and don't need mine.

Suggestions Corner / Message to the Administrator
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:15:00 am »
I'm still upset that 'i' is bound to sending a message to the administrator. Is it possible to make that be chosen by the player???? Could it be changed to a numpad key?? anything??  :cry:

Game Balance Discussion / Upkeep/Armor Disparity/Cavalry Usage
« on: July 13, 2011, 08:04:36 am »
Recently I have been thinking about the monetary benefits afforded to classes that do not require high armor and survivability (such as archers). These players can wear inexpensive armor and earn more gold than heavy armor wearers. Might it be a good idea to tier armors and make the best of each tier most expensive and comparable to the best of each other tier? I personally believe each viable class should probably incur similar upkeep costs be it a light armored archer or a heavily armored 2-hand user. I would agree that cavalry users should incur greater costs.

I have been thinking that it is a shame few people use the slower but more heavily armored horses and equipment. Having a mount should be more expensive than not, but I think there should be an internal trade-off of stats rather than an even greater monetary disparity when considering a Charger or a Courser. Is there a way we could balance the  speed and agility of light horses/equipment with the strength and durability of the heavier horses/equipment??

I don't have a well thought out compromises or solutions but just an idea of what I consider problems.

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