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Topics - Nihtgenga

Pages: [1] 2
Beginner's Help and Guides / 1h weapons without shield
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:30:46 pm »
So I am looking for a one hand weapon to use. I will use it without a shield.

Are there some sort of weapons which are better suited for use without a shield then others?
Or are there some stats which are more important?
I will be having 5 and later 6 PS.

Thanks for the help.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Build problem
« on: March 10, 2013, 10:27:03 pm »
soooo, as the latest patch fucked my level 33 main pretty much over, I retired.
I was 2h/xbow and I really really loved it. It was a 1 slot xbow so I was playing 70% meele and 30 % ranged.
My build was 24/18

now I cant decide which build to go for. I have been thinking about the following options.

1. arba/2h (because from time to time I like to just go 2h with my MW LS) <--18/24 at 33. downside, I cant use my beloved MW LS if I got the arba equiped.

2. arba/1h (not much variety if I get bored by my xbow from time to time) <-- 15/27 or 18/24 at 33

3. thrower/2h (5 ps at level 33, MW heavy throwing axes) <-- I had quite some IF last time. THis build compared to the pure 2h build would give me 7 points less IF. I might use 21/21 if I choose this.

4. Horse lancer/2h or pole

5. Pure 2h (downside: I might get bored) <-- 18/24 at 33

So, maybe some people who played these builds can tell me how they are after the latest patches.
Is thrower with 5 PT good enough?
Any one playing a Horse lancer/2h just for the sake of variety!?

I appreciate all input you guys can give me. Thanks

Closed Requests / Poll abuse - ban request for Ahayri
« on: January 21, 2013, 06:03:00 pm »
So this guys made a kick poll for me at round end for no reason.
I was last in my team, but only for ~10 seconds. you can see in the screenshot that I was fighting before and my last teammate just died seconds before me. further I was neither trolling nor delaying.

no idea why he polled me but I am getting sick of this. it was around 17:45 on EU1, no admin around...

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Inactive / GodlikeFD teamkilling and banpolling
« on: November 24, 2012, 12:09:23 pm »
no words needed. started attacking me round beginning! then he came back after he got kicked because I pressed M 5 times and started a poll on me. which failed. next map he started a poll AGAIN on me to get me banned...

1. picture
him attacking and tking me

2. picture
him polling me the first time

3. picture
him polling me the second time

Beginner's Help and Guides / 27/18 or 24/21 at 33
« on: November 13, 2012, 06:09:17 pm »
hey guys.

planning my new level 33 build right now. i am mainly 2h with a bit of xbow for some maps. so I got three choices

1. 27/18 with 9ps, 6 ath, 5 wm. 125 in 2h and about 95 in xbow.

2. 24/21 with 8ps and  7ath/5wm.
not sure if the 7 ath is worth it.

3. 24/18 with 8ps, 6 ath, 5 or 6 wm and rest in IF



Beginner's Help and Guides / Same nickname running around ;-)
« on: September 20, 2012, 01:01:24 am »
sooo, I had this alt for along time. I dont play alot on it but I still had it for a long time.

now today for the first time I saw someone with the exact same name running around, except with a clantag infront.

the name is BashiBazouk_Closer

I tried to contact him in the chat ig and tried to find him on the forums.
I think one of us should change the name. I dont care too much if I do it, but I am unable to just change my name like that : )
so if someone could guide him to this thread, thanks!


Guild Wars / question - is my grafic card good enough?
« on: September 14, 2012, 12:02:33 pm »
hey guys...was thinking of buying gw 2.

I was just not sure if my grafic card would be able to run it.

I have a radeon 6490m, because I use a small laptop.

I tried sites like "can you run it" but it doesnt detect the grafic card. it only detects my onboard card which is a hd 3000.

soooo, would you say I can run it? and how nice and enjoyable is the game with low settings?

Suggestions Corner / Crouching
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:53:14 am »
just throwing it out there, I know it has been suggested already about a year ago.

the Vikingr mod has some really cool crouching animation. why not implement it? if you ask nicely, I can imgaine you might be allowed to use their animations.

further one must decide which features would benefit crpg, which wouldnt.

for example crouching for ranged while shooting should that be possible?? (I would say no tho)
maybe a nicely timed crouch could dodge a really high sideswing to the head??...and so on

would add some depth to the game.

any thoughts?

I added a poll. please notice that it is only for the mere implementation of the feature not defining yet what and what not is possible with it.

edit: here's a video from the vikingr mod. jump to about 1:10 to see some crouching animations

Beginner's Help and Guides / what to loom? : (
« on: September 09, 2012, 12:03:31 pm »
soooo, what should I loom? I have two loompoints to spent.

I got my main weapon +3, my head, body and gloves +3

leg armor? bolts? or crossbow?

are the boots worth it?

Strategus Issues / Can't attack
« on: August 20, 2012, 02:40:34 pm »
Hey, so I got this problem. Somehow I cant attack anyone anymore.

Yesterday evening I cancelled a battle and tried to attack a gain a couple of minutes later.
This did not work. So I tried it with other armies, did not work either.

Now, 18 hours later I still can not attack.

Is there a specific amount of time I have to wait after I cancelled a battle?


Strategus Issues / AI accepting players for battle
« on: August 14, 2012, 03:34:45 pm »
So, I know about the discussion with Reliability and Performance and so on.

3 times in a row now I first got accepted by AI and then dropped.
My Reliability is at 8.

Me, being clan-less, how am Im supposed to get my reliability back up if AI doesnt accept me?
further, I felt that my reliability dropped quite fast, I had ten, then missed two small AI battles because of time shift confusing and now its at 8?
After playing around 25 sieges straight with always showing up???

I say you should give players a chance to get reliability back up some other way.
like if you sign up but dont get accepted and you still logg on the server for 1 minute giving you back some %.


ps: I spot check some of the players still on the list and some have worst stats then me?!

Closed Requests / Ban request Skeyri_of_Acres
« on: August 07, 2012, 03:52:20 pm »
Was playing EU1 earlier. This guy dehorsed some enemy, the enemy landed right in front of my feet and I killed him.

The guy then started teamhitting me several times.

screen is below

(click to show/hide)

Title says it all.
In my inventory on the site I can still see my Lordly Sarranid Guard Armor, ig howsoever it is a byrnie??!


edit: oh yeah, has been like this since I retired yesterday night!

cRPG Technical problems / Freezes all of a sudden!
« on: April 22, 2012, 03:23:33 am »
hey guys...

for 2 days now I got a little problem.

about every 30 seconds it seems like I am lagging. but its not ping related. when this happens it doesnt run smoothly (alot of miny freezes, no big ones) for about 10 seconds and then its back to normal. difficult to explain.
I guess they are mostly fps related...during those laggs it drops to 15-30...

besides work I am not using the laptop much so I dont know how to fix it myself. it was good for long time.

any changes under options I should make? or how to get my fps back up constantly?

Thanks for the help in advance!

Sell/Trade / Trading House - MW Arbalest, Reinforced Light Kuyak
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:48:56 pm »
Offer:                                                  Request:

MW Arbalest                      -->               Lordly Wisby Gauntlets
                                                             Lordly Scale Gauntlets
                                                             MW Jarids

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