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Topics - sLaughterino

Pages: [1]
Diplomacy / Diplomacy Forum
« on: March 07, 2016, 07:07:10 pm »
I'm pretty new here so bear that in mind when reading this itty bitty rant.  This is just my observation from being here for a lil bit.


You guys are the biggest babies I've ever met.

Someone on your side of the dickslapping contest spits out some incoherent babbling while smearing feces on his face like warpaint.  +1 that shit, nigga.

Anyone who fights against you does the same?  REPORT THAT SHIT AND FUCK HIS SISTER.

It's just a big pissbaby shit-fight, like gay chimpanzees.  No respect, no chilling.  Relax, niggas.  It's a game.  It's fun to talk shit but you guys just piss and moan and backstab trying to win the pixel war.

Shameful dispray

Diplomacy / Dear James
« on: March 04, 2016, 05:04:07 am »
To King 'Call me Caitlyn' James,

You spent the entirety of last strat troopfarming, ok.  Sure, everyone gets busy (you weren't, but we'll pretend you were) and sometimes has to just relax and do their own thing.

Then you make the only good decision you had ever made at that point and let someone else lead.  Oh wait, then you immediately try to turn them into a puppet king and have your guys break raid rules and gearbug.

You alienate the entirety of your clan, and make many of them so bored of your shit that they quit the game entirely or join a different faction.

With a ragtag band of loyal idealists you join a decent faction.  Taser's a smart guy, and you finally stop troopfarming.  You take some AI fiefs and seem to finally be doing something.

Then the laws of nature kick in and you squat over and take a giant steaming shit on the emaciated orphan child that is the physical embodiment of Acre, breaking through the crust of the Earth to somehow take yourself (and your clan) somehow even lower.

You bend over, distended anus and all, to the Gobblerinos, swearing your undying prison-bitchdom.  Then they (by they, I mean everyone living, dead, and yet to be born) make fun of you and put you up to some ridiculous challenge just to hoist you in front of the entire community as their ragdoll fucktoy.

You proceed to swallow the erroneous amounts of cum dribbling down your chin and show off your toothless hillbilly smile like some cock-bent Oliver Twist, tugging on Daruvian's spirally cock asking, "Please sir, may I have some more?"

On behalf of everyone in this entire community: holy shit.

You have set new records on low self-esteem and cuckoldry.

I hope for the ruined chasm that is your asshole that you finally muster up the courage of a dead squirrel and chirp out to your stank-dicked master that you refuse his offer of a Gobblin gangbang and make your own 3-man faction of cockgobblers like your destiny foretold.

Another person who is so embarrassed of you it hurts.

And no, not your father.

Diplomacy / The Siege of Shariz
« on: February 27, 2016, 06:43:43 pm »
Please note that the city of Shariz is under siege and the area is blockaded from both sides.

Visitors who have not been cleared with HoC command may be attacked without warning.

Strategus General Discussion / This game is an interesting competition.
« on: February 23, 2016, 06:33:26 am »
It's like a giant "Who can be a bigger bundle of sticks?" contest and somehow you're all winning.

Please don't ban me for one-line shitposts.

NA (Official) / [UNBAN] Andrei
« on: February 19, 2016, 04:01:22 am »
Hello administrative staff of CRPG. I haven’t played this mod in about six months and I decided to install the mod on my new pc when all my friends were playing it instead of PW. I go to log in and regain my password which I forgot after such a long pause and I get kicked from every server, pink text notifying me that I am banned. I have not played this in a very long time and have no idea what I could of possibly have been banned for.


(Posted by sLaughterino since he couldn't get the forums to work.  He doesn't remember his account info but his GUID is 1860933)

Strategus General Discussion / Tryhards
« on: February 15, 2016, 07:58:36 pm »
We're all tryhards here.  You're either a tryhard or you're trying hard to not try hard, which is even sadder.  So quit throwing that shit around like you're gonna make some 12 year old cry; you're not.  This is a shit game, but we're all playing it.

"Haha what a homo he's trying to play the game he's playing why do that when you can play the game but try not to play the game and laugh at anyone who actually puts effort into anything they do."

General Discussion / Acre Starter Kit for Beginners
« on: February 09, 2016, 10:42:25 pm »
Step 1: Go full strength, putting points into ironflesh and power strike.
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Step 2: Buy full plate and a weapon that enemies can't block.  Stack five of you side by side and who even needs skill?
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

With these two easy steps, you too can become a proud member of the Crusaders of Acre!

McSanders you ugly fucker.  Fuck your longmaul.  Fuck you.  Fuck this game.

Strategus General Discussion / It has been done.
« on: February 03, 2016, 04:47:19 am »
After six attempts, the Hounds of Chulainn have ascended the walls of Almerra Castle and placed Bonesaw upon the Bonemarrow Seat.

An ode to the guardsmen who paid with their lives for this glorious victory.

To the first castle ever taken!

« on: January 30, 2016, 08:47:10 pm »


NA (Official) / Llaeyoxe
« on: November 01, 2015, 08:39:26 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: Ser_Balon_Swann
2. Name of offending character(s): Llaeyoxe
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: NA_1, 11:37PST 11/1/15
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: Used map glitch to hide under a bridge and emerge from the ground to shoot xbows and disappear again.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: For the multiplier, the fegit
6. Multiple Screenshots:
7. Names of players that can witness what happened: Elder_Luker, Pollux

Spam / This is not spam.
« on: October 13, 2015, 10:20:28 pm »
I am not spamming.  I am a good person.

It has been requested before and I had already made a very rough draft for my own uses to decide on a 2h to use.  Zlotz suggested I expand it so I did, including a comparison module and the stats of every weapon, horse, and shield in the game.  This includes bolts, arrows.  I didn't include damage type, but if you know what the weapon is, you know its damage type.  Just edit the Weapon/shield/horse/whatever ID box and hit enter and it'll update itself.

It is separated into sheets which you can go to and from in the bottom-left of the screen.  I hope you all enjoy.

Credit: Myself for making it, Albus for helping me gather the information, and Zlotz for encouraging me.

Note: You need Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet editor to properly use this spreadsheet.

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