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Topics - Christopher_Robin

Pages: [1]
Scene Editing / This is not a good battle map!
« on: September 25, 2014, 03:22:48 pm »
This is not a good battle map!  :?

Way too cav and archer friendly. NO cover for infantry, and don't tell me to go play seige beacause I want to play battle.
Just a reminder, infantry is the weakest class in Warband and you are making them even weaker by putting maps like
these in the rotation.

I hear a lot of commplaints in-game about cav being overpowered, especially HA (horse archers). This can be fixed
by making maps that profit the weakest class in the game, infantry. Keep in mind that infantry is what most
people play in c-rpg. Make town and city maps for battle, not plains with some ruins spread out, or super small villages.

Ya'll probably think that the classes needs to be buffed or nerfed to regain balance, but I strongly believe that the map you
play take a great part of the balance, im sorry to say but most maps I see in battle look like there been 30 minutes put into them, or less.
Great mod, but sadly bad maps/levels.

Please give input on this, we all know this is the case, but if you think the maps that are in battle rotation are good (there are some good) then
you have seen nothing of what you can achive with the warband world editor.

Edit: Here is my work on a map I did in early 2013!
I have no street view of it but there is a fair amount of detail on that entire city, cause I care/d
about the quality of the server I was making maps for. I never finished this one though, turned
out to big, but that is not the point, look at it's beauty. I've worked with many creative sceners
so it hurts my soul when I see stripped down boring maps in any mod or server. :shock:

EU (Official) / Another fucking ban
« on: September 23, 2014, 10:58:26 am »

Today I got banned for making a kick poll on a Cav guy who was doing nothing but running people over, I found that very trollish and annoying.
Admins replies "yeh, that is not a vaild reason" and BAM im global banned. What is a valid reason? Where is the valid reasons list? I would like to see it jackass.
To me that was a valid reason, and I'm sure the people who were horse bumped over and over again by that cav press 1 on the poll. Only when he fell of horse
he started fighting.

Have these admins ever heard of a kick or a warning? I bet most admins on CRPG are like 15 years old. Something you admins should try to do is reason with the
person that you are about to ban and hear what he has to say in his defence. First step should be to warn the person, next should be a kick and the last resort should
be a ban. That is not me telling you how to admin, that is me speaking logic into your heads.

Here is a screenshot:

EU (Official) / Unban Request - Christopher_Robin
« on: September 21, 2014, 01:46:06 pm »

I got banned the 20th of september, my birthday. I turned 18 years old so I had some beers and I was tierd so I ended up trolling some on Seige. Basically I was acting like a new player, opening and hitting doors and when I was on attacker side I team wounded the guy who was next to me trying to break the door. This all happned durring one map, you could of just given me a time out and not a global ban from all servers, or even better just give me a warning in the first place. So I appeal the global ban, not saying I didn't deserve any type of punishment but a global ban I did not deserve. I think gobal ban should be a last resort option for you admins to use, you are pretty much cutting the player of from the entire mod. Might be worth mentioning that this is my first time causing any problems.

- Christopher Robin

Scene Editing / Battle map commplaints
« on: September 19, 2014, 02:44:32 pm »
I see way to many maps in battle that are so archer and cav friendly.
Infantry is the weakest class in Warband and therefor I think that maps should be adapted for infantry.

Any map with ladders leading to roofs is stupid, and open plain map in battle is stupid beacause it gives infantry no
what so every advantage over archers or cav. Many might say "Grab a shield noob" but what if 2 hander is my primary class?
Sure I can still have my shield on my back wich does litteraly nothing, and while it does protect me while I walk up the the archer
I will have infantry and sometimes cav chasing me and forcing me to take the shield away and there is no where to hide because
all maps are so open with only few buildings, and even for people who use shield and sword, they must fight infantry while having no
cover making them a easy target for cav or archers.

You can keep tweeking the classes and nerfing weapons but I don't think that is the problem, I think it's the maps.
My tip is to make towns and cities, not open fields or ruins. Villages are okay if made with thought.

Now when that is of my chest, I'm gonna get drunk and listen to sad songs till I cry and fall asleep.

Edit: I know that making maps take a long time, I've been mapping/scening myself for many server in native for most of my time here in Warband,
but I would rather play 2 good maps over and over again then 15 bad ones, so spend time and make good maps.

Suggestions Corner / Texture rework on Black Lamellar Vest and more!
« on: September 18, 2014, 12:22:13 pm »

I saw a slight texture problem with the Black Lamellar Vest and is wondering if it can be fixed? I can fix it myself with the permission to do some texture work on it.

This is the White Lamellar Vest!

This is the black one!

As you can see the cloth folds (wrinkless) on the black version don't look so great. I believe it's beacause the shadows are to dark, if you compare it to the hood that is seen in the screenshots
you can see that the hood has brighter colors and shadows, and that is kind of what I would like to change on the Lamellar Vest.

It's not a big deal it's just something that could be fixed in less then an hour really and it would be a major improvement on the armour.

Beginner's Help and Guides /!
« on: September 17, 2014, 07:32:23 am »
Hey, I'm going to retier to get a heirloom point.
I know that I can use the heirloom point to reinforce my armour or weapon, but I have questions because I don't want to do stuff I will regret.

Is the heirloompoint retrievable after you have used it? Lets say I use it on my chest armour, then I regret it and want to use it on another piece of armour or weapon.
I want to have a masterwork Katana and a reiforced chest piece, wich means I have to retier twice, but if I retier twice I lose my loompoint I got from the first retierment???

About retierment in general, do I lose all gold, armour and character? Should I transfer my gold to another character before retierment? How do I go about it?

cRPG Technical problems / Private message on forums do not work!
« on: September 17, 2014, 06:34:46 am »
The title said it and I'm to lazy to re-type it!
I think the verification is broken. It gives you a picture with numbers on it, I type the numbers in and press "send" but I get an error saying "the letters given in the verification are incorrect".

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