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Topics - Zomg

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The Chamber of Tears / Blame Panos thread
« on: October 31, 2013, 05:15:14 pm »
Not sure why we don't have this.

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Türkçe Forum / Lider Jumongi!!!
« on: October 20, 2013, 06:53:19 pm »
[AST]Lider_Jumong: kebabmeister
[AST]Lider_Jumong: ben vazgeçtim kardeş
[AST]Lider_Jumong: k.b
[AST]Lider_Jumong: bir ordu kurup  Saren i ele geçirecem
Kebabmeister: dostum
Kebabmeister: bak bunu açık açık söyleyecem kusuruma bakma da
[AST]Lider_Jumong: ama yardımcı olabılecegım bırsey varsa
[AST]Lider_Jumong: yardım ederım kardeş
Kebabmeister: şu oyuna iki hafta önce başladın belki
Kebabmeister: bırak bir şehiri kaleyi,
[AST]Lider_Jumong: 6000 saat warband oynadım kardeş
Kebabmeister: köyü bile ele geçirmen imkansız.
Kebabmeister: eee?
[AST]Lider_Jumong: benımde bılgım var yanı
[AST]Lider_Jumong: askerleri toplayım
Kebabmeister: dostum köye saldırdın
[AST]Lider_Jumong: 4000 troops la bir köye dalıcam
Kebabmeister: ekipmanların berbattı
Kebabmeister: 4000 askerle bir köye de saldırılmaz
[AST]Lider_Jumong: ekipmanda alıcam
Kebabmeister: 2000 ticket'ı bile bitiremezsin
Kebabmeister: kolay kolay, 4bin askerle saldırdığında 2k asker
Kebabmeister: savaşı kaybettiğinde puf olup gidecek
[AST]Lider_Jumong: son bi şansımı deneyecem
Kebabmeister: oyunu bilmiyorsun
[AST]Lider_Jumong: Allah yardım ederse
[AST]Lider_Jumong: tek saldırıda alırım
Kebabmeister: dostum öyle bir şey yok
[AST]Lider_Jumong: etmessede crpg yı bırakıcam
Kebabmeister: allah yardım ederse, şans yanımda olursa falan
[AST]Lider_Jumong: 4000 troops la
[AST]Lider_Jumong: ekıpmanlarım olucak
[AST]Lider_Jumong: o zaman daldıgımda köyü aldığımda
Kebabmeister: kardeş, kimse kimseye 4k troopla saldırmaz
[AST]Lider_Jumong: Gerisi kolay
Kebabmeister: herhangi bir köyü alman da imkansız
[AST]Lider_Jumong: 2000 le veya 1500 ile girerim
Kebabmeister: ne strat yönetme tecrüben var
Kebabmeister: ne insanlar senin savaşına gelecek
[AST]Lider_Jumong: o var işte
Kebabmeister: yok dostum
Kebabmeister: 5 kişilik klan yönetmekle
Kebabmeister: 50 kişiyi idare etmek farklı şeyler
[AST]Lider_Jumong: savaşta wolves ve grey ler
[AST]Lider_Jumong: dostum
[AST]Lider_Jumong: bozdag lacoste
Kebabmeister: he, gelecekler di mi?
[AST]Lider_Jumong: flan var
[AST]Lider_Jumong: onlar gelir
Kebabmeister: askjgasgas
Kebabmeister: tamam
[AST]Lider_Jumong: sen görürsün kardeş
[AST]Lider_Jumong: alınca köyü
[AST]Lider_Jumong: :d
[AST]Lider_Jumong: o zaman şaşırıcan :D
Kebabmeister: dostum bunu söyleyince çıldıracan da
Kebabmeister: o köyün yerine üçün birini alacaksın, kusura bakma.
Kebabmeister: kolay gelsin sana.
[AST]Lider_Jumong: sanada sen kardeş
[AST]Lider_Jumong: bence önce Kendi köylerini koru
[AST]Lider_Jumong: sonra bana tavsiye et
[AST]Lider_Jumong: k.b da
[AST]Lider_Jumong: kızmada
Kebabmeister: asgasfsa
Kebabmeister: dostum şu oyunda bir köyün
[AST]Lider_Jumong: 4 bir yandan basıyorlar sana kardeş
Kebabmeister: hiçbir değeri olmadığını anla birincisi
Kebabmeister: hee tamam
[AST]Lider_Jumong: Hangı bırını koruyacağını zannediyorsun
[AST]Lider_Jumong: Greyler var
[AST]Lider_Jumong: Wolves var
[AST]Lider_Jumong: Druzhina var
Kebabmeister: Farkındaysan Kapıkulu ile Wolves çekilmek zorunda kaldı
[AST]Lider_Jumong: Kapıkulu var
Kebabmeister: DRZ saldırmaya çekiniyor.
Kebabmeister: Greyler de tek kaleyi hala alamadı
[AST]Lider_Jumong: troops fazla dıye
Kebabmeister: (:
Kebabmeister: Dediğim gibi
Kebabmeister: bundan 3 ay sonra
Kebabmeister: 6 ay sonra oyunu öğrendiğinde
Kebabmeister: dediklerimi anlayacaksın
[AST]Lider_Jumong: bir kale asla ve asla  Tek saldırıda ALINAMAZ
[AST]Lider_Jumong: ve 13 bin troops dan
[AST]Lider_Jumong: Kalenizi
[AST]Lider_Jumong: 6 bine indirdiler
[AST]Lider_Jumong: O DA yeter ama onlara
Kebabmeister: (:
Kebabmeister: o kale
[AST]Lider_Jumong: senın kaç bin askerin gitmiş
Kebabmeister: 1k troop a indi
Kebabmeister: 6k troopa çıktı
Kebabmeister: dediğim gibi
Kebabmeister: bilmiyorsun oyunu
Kebabmeister: öğreneceksen git bir klana gir
Kebabmeister: istersen git kapıkuluna gir, wovles a gir
Kebabmeister: grey e gir. nereye giriyorsan gir.
Kebabmeister: ama kimse sana ne troop, ne de ekipman verecek.
Kebabmeister: köye saldıracaksın, roster çıkmayacak
[AST]Lider_Jumong: merak etme sen -2
[AST]Lider_Jumong: MİLLET BANA
[AST]Lider_Jumong: +3 ekipman dizili vericek
Kebabmeister: bunları hakaret etme olarak algılıyorsun
Kebabmeister: etmiyorum
Kebabmeister: he verecek amk
Kebabmeister: of
Kebabmeister: tamam siktir git allah rızası için
[AST]Lider_Jumong: doğru konuş lan
[AST]Lider_Jumong: pezo
Kebabmeister: he
Kebabmeister: tamam
Kebabmeister: uğraştırma amk
[AST]Lider_Jumong: yaşınla muhattap ol hadi paşam naş naş
[AST]Lider_Jumong: Top gibi sesin avr
[AST]Lider_Jumong: ts de
Kebabmeister: he tamam kardeş
Kebabmeister: troop ver bize
Kebabmeister: ekipman ver
Kebabmeister: saldıralım
Kebabmeister: huhuhuhuhu
Kebabmeister: askgasasfgas
Kebabmeister: mal amk

gel, kapıkulu'ya laf sok önce, konuşmak iste benimle. sonra troop / ekipman iste, alacaz kapıkulundan köyleri diye. Yok olmaz diyince, ben 4k troopla Saren'e dalacam falan filan.



Faction Halls / Order of Vivi
« on: October 01, 2013, 08:32:58 pm »

Closed Requests / [BAN] Egehan and Technoviking - Teamwound and teamkill
« on: September 18, 2013, 06:43:48 pm »
1. Name of your character involved

2. Name of offending character(s)
Kapıkulu_Egehan_the_Butcher and RegnumNovae_TechoViking

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
18/09/2013 19:35 EU1

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Spawned for the new round. Naked, with 4 throwing weapon stack. Got bumped by Egehan and got killed (swing overhead) while running to the enemy.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
Can't speak on their behalf.

6. Multiple Screenshots
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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.
Fallen Blackberry and Fallen KutayK was there to see what happened.

1. Name of your character involved

2. Name of offending character(s)

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
28/AUG/2013 04:00 - 04:20 GMT +3

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Intentionally team hitting team mates with a Donkey during the Battle on cRPG EU1 server, with a Donkey or a Horse. Not attempting to play, not attacking the enemy and just causing trouble overall. There was nothing before or after worth mentioning.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
Pure boredom. Willingness to cause trouble. Who knows?

6. Multiple Screenshots
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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.
Those who were online and ingame at that time, that can be seen on the above screenie.

Suggestions Corner / Strat Battles - Battle Times and Mercing
« on: August 17, 2013, 08:51:08 pm »
Will try to keep it simple.

Battles sometimes take longer then expected. For example: a battle may start at 20:45 and there might be an another battle at 21:45/22:00. However, the first battle might actually not be finished at the time of the start-time of the second battle itself. However, the second battle starts (script-wise, I take?) at the time given, even if it doesn't (in reality). So, no more accepting/removing people from roster, etc.

So: in a nutshell, there should at least be a 10 minutes gap between the END of the first battle (at least) and the ACTUAL START of the second battle. That way, people will have time to join respective VoIP Servers, be in roll call and make things go a lot smoother.

Just my five cents.

Strategus General Discussion / Wiltzu and S&D
« on: August 10, 2013, 01:23:46 pm »
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Never steal Wiltzu's S&D.

Tendalor's idea. Memes are created by Tendalor and myself.

Closed Requests / Ban Request - Kapikulu_Azap & Sultan_Hodor
« on: August 05, 2013, 04:03:22 am »
1. Name of your character involved:
Kapikulu_Azap and Sultan_Hodor with few other people, also raging and insulting one another.
2. Name of offending character(s):
Same as above.
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible:
05/AUG/2013 - Between 04:10 to 04:40
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
Kapıkulu Azap and Sultan Hodor started to insult each other, using derogatory sentences, in Turkish of course, spamming the inGame chat. Though I am not very sure how it is started or who was the first guy to start the whole shitstorm, it later out turned into more aggressive. Those two were speaking about a strat fief and how Sultan Hodor and his clan betrayed them, et cetera.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did:
No idea, to be honest. There is no actual reason for one to go that stupid and senseless to rage at an ingame chat for a fief or for any other reasons.
6. Multiple Screenshots
Have only one, my apologies, and it includes some small part of the convo. Other screenies seems to be gone, for some reason.

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Though I really don't want to translate the whole convo - here is some of the sneak peeks.

karluksunuz ya ipnesiniz şerefsizsiniz > Karluks, either bundle of stickss or dishonored people
lan orospu bebesi > you, child of a son of a bitch (or just son of a bitch)

yavşak > bundle of sticks
ibne > bundle of sticks

7. Names of players who witnessed what happened:
ReBorn_Khan, maybe
As I forgot to take the screenie of those who were online, not much to offer here as well.

I know this is the interweb and people are expected to be thickheaded. Though, screenshot provided here shows only the ten percentage of the whole situation. I don't know neither parties but it was just an useless, unneeded and stupid shitstorm that both sides were acting nothing but like a 5 year old children.

And I know this may sound like a minor issue and one may actually go ahead and mute them; I believed they will never stop it, unless there is some kind of a slap on the wrist.

Thanks again.

Suggestions Corner / Character Stories for Forums
« on: July 01, 2013, 02:44:13 am »

Though I am not sure if this is the right place to post this or not, I will go ahead anyway. We currently have Faction Hall and Diplomacy forums under Strategus catagory, which is awesome and gives an ability for those who wishes to, to roleplay. However, there is no actual place for one to create his character stories, or lore, so to speak, which I believe is one of the most important aspects of roleplaying.

By creating such forum, it will serve the meaning of Strategus and help those who wishes to roleplay, to have some good fun.

If you don't support this, following cutie will cry to death;
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xoxo (gossip gurl, nope)

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