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Topics - oguzhangoka

Pages: [1] 2
cRPG Technical problems / worst patch, in crpg age
« on: March 25, 2015, 10:38:42 pm »
this patch ı fuck this patch.. idiot game play, idiot lag, idiot movies, and idiot faster than old, but bugs bugs bugs,. ı fuck this,

cRPG Technical problems / PİNG problem.. big problem..
« on: February 04, 2015, 10:05:31 pm »
ı doing test from  test point is frankfurt or milan... its 75 ping jitter:2 , but. I coming in server.. ping is 90-105.. and lag lag lag... where are this eu1, eu2?

EU (Official) / unban
« on: October 03, 2014, 07:44:15 pm »
admin wtfhigo??!!! I was talking on the phone!! and ı moving on the game .. 3 minutes . and ban really??
for Tokmakchi pasha gokturk...

EU (Official) / unban pls
« on: September 01, 2014, 07:36:30 pm »
4 minute afk for ban.. wht not kick?? ı came back... for Chol_BakkaLI_GkTrK.... banned server..___?? My mom called me admin really??

Global / unban
« on: September 01, 2014, 07:31:11 pm »
4 minute afk for ban.. wht not kick?? ı came back... for Chol_BakkaLI_GkTrK....

General Discussion / Siege!!!
« on: August 13, 2014, 10:52:38 pm »
Defenders 0 - 3 atackers... why? İs this technical problem???

cRPG Technical problems / Eu 2 defenders
« on: June 05, 2014, 06:30:51 pm »
!!!! defenders  extra  waiting ...  İs this big problem???  +12, maybe 18 seconds extra..

General Discussion / Eu 2
« on: June 04, 2014, 04:13:17 pm »
Defenders are waiting waiting waitin... When finished seconds.. why... this is big problem for siege server....

Spam / aaaaaaa oooooo aaaaaaa ööööö hmmmm
« on: April 25, 2014, 11:05:40 am »
I have got +3Knightly Kite Shield... You have destroyed his features,
weight: 3 ****
body armor: 25 !!!!!!!!!
difficulty: 5!!!!!!!!!!!!
hit points: 219  !!!!!!!!!!!!!
speed rating: 100
shield height: 66
shield width: 46
upkeep 295 gold!!!!!!

Knightly Heater Shield

weight: 5
body armor: 35******
difficulty: 4*****
hit points: 232*******
speed rating: 100
shield height: 55
shield width: 50
upkeeep 305gold wtf*****

Hand Pavise Shield

weight: 5.5
body armor: 24
difficulty: 4*******
hit points: 365*******
speed rating: 100
shield height: 55
shield width: 50
upkeep 290******

Elite Cavalry Shield
weight: 4.5*****
body armor: 25
difficulty: 4******
hit points: 250*******
speed rating: 100
shield width: 64
upkeep 266*****

My shield..kite shield.. Can not be traded...I want something be done... What do I do with this shield??? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:wtf wtf... This shield is no good to me.... aaaaa.....   :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

cRPG Technical problems / Maybe tecnical..
« on: April 25, 2014, 10:51:27 am »
I have got +3Knightly Kite Shield... You have destroyed his features,
weight: 3 ****
body armor: 25 !!!!!!!!!
difficulty: 5!!!!!!!!!!!!
hit points: 219  !!!!!!!!!!!!!
speed rating: 100
shield height: 66
shield width: 46
upkeep 295 gold!!!!!!

Knightly Heater Shield

weight: 5
body armor: 35******
difficulty: 4*****
hit points: 232*******
speed rating: 100
shield height: 55
shield width: 50
upkeeep 305gold wtf*****

Hand Pavise Shield

weight: 5.5
body armor: 24
difficulty: 4*******
hit points: 365*******
speed rating: 100
shield height: 55
shield width: 50
upkeep 290******

Elite Cavalry Shield
weight: 4.5*****
body armor: 25
difficulty: 4******
hit points: 250*******
speed rating: 100
shield width: 64
upkeep 266*****

My shield..kite shield.. Can not be traded...I want something be done... What do I do with this shield??? :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:   wtf wtf... This shield is no good to me.... aaaaa.....  :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Türkçe Forum / Pc yi bozdum !!!!
« on: March 14, 2014, 02:51:01 pm »
Sayın cemaat bi kaç gün önce bilgisayara yumruk attım ve sonuç bozuldu.. işlemci nin soğutucusu çalışıyor... ekran kartının fanı çalışıyor, ışıklar yanıyor. powersup çalışıyor. fanlar çalışıyor. ekran çalışıyor ama ekrana görüntü gelmiyor nedeni ne olabilir??? ayrıca anakartın 10 bortluk kısmındada görüntü gelmiyor zannımca problem ekran kartın da değil. işlemci mi yanmıştır. ramlar mi bozuktur, harddisk mi yoksa poversap mı problemlidir. bi bileni varsa söylesin parça alıcam...

Türkçe Forum / normal dışı özellikleri olan karakterler soruyorum!!!
« on: February 26, 2014, 09:31:22 am »
Fantastik build fantastik eşyalar, bildiğiniz yaptığınız düşündüğünüz bir built ve bu builde alınacak eşya ve silahlar neler???

bu aralar bi tanesini kasmaa çalışıyorum 12 str 30 agi, ps 4, ath 10, elde long spear, deparcı pikemen... wm a gerek yok zaten yetenekle artıo artık....

Ey c-rpg mod oynayan cemaaat!!!  GunTR oyun nick i lacoste!!! Forumda  sizin hakkınızda konu açarsa, göt etmeyin çünkü neden biliyor musunuz??!!! Ts  nize liseli elemanları gönderip size küfür ettiriyor..  Aman deyim sakın göt olduğu hissine kapılırsa dediğimi yapar alim Allah kim küfrettiye gidersiniz???? ( Gördüm de; hayatımda böyle eziklik görmedim!! )

Closed Requests / Unban Kapikulu_Spearmen
« on: July 30, 2013, 09:35:01 pm »

I didnt kill him. He pressed ctrl+M form y pounchs. If i had hit to him it s certain that he would have died. Punching shouldn’t be a ban reason. I didnt hit him with a weapon.

cRPG Technical problems / Character belongs to someone else !!!
« on: June 24, 2013, 09:37:07 pm »
I wanted to play today but everytime i try to join a server it says this character belongs to someone else.___ ??? Why? Does it help me if you have administrator?

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