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Topics - rustyspoon

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Suggestions Corner / Fix DTV End of Round
« on: November 21, 2013, 04:58:34 am »
I REALLY like the new DTV. However, there are a lot of problems with bots getting stuck. You'll have killed all of them but 1-3, and then you have to walk all the way down the long path to find where the last few are stuck. Once you kill them, you are now being chased by the entire next wave.

It was especially a problem on the Helm's Deep map. 2-3 bots would get stuck in an area where melee couldn't touch them. They could only be killed by ranged. Kind of a problem if there aren't any ranged people left alive or crossbows laying around.

Could we get something similar to end-of-round flags in DTV? Like if there's only a few left and no damage is done for a minute or so, they bots instantly die or flags appear? Something like that would make DTV much more enjoyable.

Game Balance Discussion / Nudge vs Kick discrepancies
« on: September 02, 2013, 06:37:05 pm »
Why do nudges have cooldowns that delay a follow-up nudge or kick, yet kicks do not have cooldowns to subsequent kicks?

Since this got moved, thought I'd update.

Currently kicks have no cooldown, have area of effect and long range.

Nudges have cooldown, (that also effects kicks) no area of effect and short range.

If you nudge, your only way to defend against kicks is to back up and hope you're out of range. You lose the ability to chamber kick or nudge until the cooldown passes. Kicks don't have this problem. If you're fighting against someone who kicks, you're better off never nudging as you're better off chamber-kicking which has no cooldown.

Kicks are overall vastly superior to nudges. To bring them into balance, kicks should have the same cooldown as nudges.

This would also stop you from being able to chain kicks. (something that I also abuse the hell out of)


Suggestions Corner / A new mode for battle.
« on: July 05, 2013, 05:58:52 pm »
Why I don't like Battle

I'm not a fan of battle mode. The biggest reason being that I don't get to play this game much anymore and battle is all about waiting around.

Say someone on the other team randomly fires at your team and you get a bolt in the head. GG. Now you get to wait 5 minutes to play again. Or just waiting around for that asshole HA/HX to die. No fun.

Not to mention that strategy and tactics on battle is to stay on the group and gangbang the people on the other team who didn't stay with the group. Then one side eventually has a lot more players and the round is over. Or you hit the high point of battle tactics; where each team just camps and shoots each other for 5 minutes. Good times.

I'm not a fan of TDM either. If we switched to TDM, everybody would just be trying to gangbang peasants to try to up that kill counter as fast as possible. Kind of lame.

New Mode Idea

I suggest a new Battle mode where you respawn and it is sort-of ticket based. But instead of tickets, you use gold. Each time you respawn, your equipment cost is taken from your team's gold reserve plus an additional cost for your extra life. The first team to hit 0 gold loses. Battle then becomes about conserving your own assets, while removing the other team's. Sure, your cavalry can keep respawning now, but those horses will cut into your team's gold pretty quickly.

The devs can probably pull player gear cost pretty easily and extrapolate upon that. For example, let's say that your average player uses 35,000 in gear. If we multiply that by 3 (to assume each player gets 3 lives) that gives 105,000 per player. At the start of the round, the server can change the team's gold by the amount of players in the server. So if 80 players are in the server, each team gets 4.2 million gold. So that 4.2 million would be your team's pot.

Whenever you respawn, your new life will cost about 500 gold (if you're level 30) on top of whatever your gear costs. Your respawn cost will vary depending on your level. So it will cost a level 2 player (2/30*500) 33 gold to respawn. A level 10 player (10/30*500) 167 gold to respawn and a level 35 player (35/30*500) 583 gold to respawn.

Each player could also be awarded a gold/xp bonus based on their efficiency. The more damage you do with the less gold you spend increases your efficiency rating for the round. It can also be used to help cut out griefing. Is your efficiency rating terrible? Sorry, you aren't allowed to spawn with that plated charger.

What do you guys think? Comments? Concerns? Questions?

General Discussion / Public Service Announcement for NA 2-Handers
« on: June 06, 2013, 06:02:32 am »
NA friends, something has come to my attention lately that made me think that NA needs a public service announcement. I am referring of course, to how prevalent the Longsword is among 2h players. If you take a look around a server sometime, you will notice that the vast majority of 2-handers are using the Longsword or maybe even the Heavy Bastard Sword.

Being CRPG players, we know that people only choose gear for the looks and not because of stats. (Which isn't even an issue in this case, as we all know that the Longsword is terrible.) Still though, that didn't answer my question as to why it is so popular. And then, it hit me. Obviously the average NA 2-hander doesn't know that other swords exist! And that is what this public service announcement is all about.

So let me tell you friends, you are in for quite a surprise! Upon looking in the CRPG store, you will be happy to discover that there is an entire section entirely devoted to 2-handed weapons! There are such weapons as the Danish Greatsword (named after the pastry) and the plain old Great Sword. (You know it's good 'cause it says so in the name.)

Now that you know all the wonderful variety that 2-handed weapons provide, feel free to go ahead and explore all your new options.

Now you know...and knowing is half the battle.

Paid for by the Coalition of Raging Pubbie Gits

General Discussion / RIP NA Siege. Gone but not forgotten.
« on: September 09, 2012, 03:29:08 pm »
I don't get to play that much nowadays. Honestly I'd say I spend WAY more time on the forums than in game. That's why I like siege mode so much. The longest stretch of time you spend dead is 30 seconds. It's also a pretty laid back mode to play. Not all super-serious like battle often is.

Nowadays though, my beloved server seems to be down more often than up. If it is up by some miracle, it crashes constantly. Playing the other night it crashed 3 times in the span of an hour.

Basically Devs, all I'm saying is I know this server is fucked up. So...what can we do to fix it?

I would totally donate money to such a cause if I knew that the whole amount was being added to fix that shitty, shitty server. How about making a "Fix the Goddamn Siege Server Fund." As soon as I'm made aware of such a thing, my dollars would flow.

Fix the goddamn siege server.

Game Balance Discussion / Let's fix the long maul.
« on: July 14, 2012, 07:02:46 pm »
Face it, the long maul was never really good. Generally people use it for the lulz, 'cause as a weapon there's a million that are WAY better.

The recent nerfs hurt the long maul very hard. Since it's ridiculously slow (the slowest weapon in the game by a large margin) you need to make a lot of adjustments when you swing. ESPECIALLY when you overhead. The reducing turning radius hurt that a lot. Removing polestun is also a huge detriment to the weapon. Since it is so slow and unbalanced, if you hit someone who's using a fast weapon with it, they can hit you back before you can even possibly block. It's long length and heavy weight also dramatically slows you down, which makes it harder to maneuver.

For comparison, look at the stats of the great maul vs the long maul:

Long Maul
weapon length: 125
weight: 7
difficulty: 18
speed rating: 70
weapon length: 125
thrust damage: 10 blunt
swing damage: 37 blunt
slots: 3
Can't use on horseback

Great Maul
weapon length: 68
weight: 8
difficulty: 20
speed rating: 80
weapon length: 68
thrust damage: 0 pierce
swing damage: 43 blunt
slots: 3
Can't use on horseback

The great maul is heavier (more reliable crush through), does 6 more damage and is WAY the fuck faster.

I suggest the long maul gets the difficulty increased to 20 and it's speed increased to 80. It will still be slow enough to where you can outspam it, but it will at least give the user a chance to adjust for movement and to block.

Sell/Trade / MW Heraldric Mail with Tabard, MW Bascinet
« on: July 14, 2012, 02:52:36 am »
I'm selling these fine items:

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I'm looking for: Reinforced Ankle Boots, Reinforced Straw Hat.

I'll also trade for gold/loom points.

Make me some offers.

General Discussion / Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« on: June 22, 2012, 03:00:50 pm »
So after doing a bit of testing, I feel that the turning speed nerf has more of a detriment to 1h than 2h or pole.

It comes down to 2 factors:
1. 1h have shorter range, meaning it's more difficult for them to compensate for enemy movement.
2. 3 out of 4 1h attacks originate from the right side of the model. This is especially detrimental for the stab.

Let's look at the stab for example. The stab animation extends straight from the right side of the model. This requires a 1-hander to turn just to place the sword at a point where it can even hit the other player. 2-handers and poles stab from the center of their model. They do not need to turn at all in order to hit an enemy player. Due to the fact that 1-handers always had to turn somewhat to even connect, limiting their ability to turn makes it even more difficult to connect with an enemy.

Basically, your chances of landing a stab in a 1v1 are terrible unless you are fighting an idiot. All they have to do is strafe to their right and you will never be able to hit them. The point of rotation not being centered on the weapon combined with the short length makes stabbing with a 1-hander a joke.

Now for some pictures! Obviously these aren't to scale, but I only had a few minutes since I have to run to work. I made the 2hander longest, pole in the middle and 1h shortest for stab reach. Doesn't make too much of a difference though. On the second set, I rotated each one 45 degrees with a point of rotation of the center of the circle. Notice how the 1-hander has the shortest horizontal distance by a LARGE margin. That's why this hurts 1-handers more than anything else.

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Sell/Trade / Selling/Trading Champ Arabian
« on: June 15, 2012, 03:02:38 pm »
Champion Arabian Warhorse
Requirement: 7 riding
Speed: 43
Body armor: 14
Hit points: 115
Maneuver: 50
Charge: 24

If you've never been on a Champion Arabian, you are missing out. It is fun as hell to ride and no one will ever catch you unless you want them to. So, why am I selling this fantastic horse? Because cav bores the shit out of me!

In particular I'm looking for a MW Gambeson or Lordly Splinted Leather Greaves over Mail. I will also sell it for a combination of gold & loom points. Make me an offer!

Suggestions Corner / Changing the XP/Gold system
« on: May 05, 2012, 04:03:15 am »
Ever since CRPG changed to the xp/gold per minute system, we’ve had some good changes and a lot of bad.
Good things

  • Upkeep – Fantastic change in my opinion and something that was really needed. I still don’t think things have gone far enough, but that’s my opinion.
  • Ease of advancement - Even new/unskilled players can advance and earn gold.

Bad things

  • Personal contribution – personal contribution still matters, but the individual player has little effect on their overall reward. You can play the game of your life and lose with a x1, or play like shit and get x5’s.
  • Leeching – as you don’t REALLY need to contribute, it’s caused a whole new problem. Devs have to constantly be aware of people who are hiding, or not contributing enough, etc.
  • Attitude shift – the addition of multipliers has caused the overall attitude in CRPG to change. It used to be more about fun. Nowadays it’s all about the multi. The amount of anger, resentment, bad sportsmanship, etc have really increased since we moved to this new system.
  • Reward discrepancy – with the multi system, losing is a HUGE punishment and winning is a HUGE reward. Especially combined with the balance system it’s usually 1 side that wins over and over again and can hold x5’s for hours. Sure, they may lose it the first round when the map switches, but they’ll get back up to x5 again in no time. Being on the other side of a clan-stack is no fun as you are relegated to getting x1’s the whole time.
  • Builds – as winning is more important than anything else, (gotta keep that x5!) people will abuse anything they can in a desperate attempt to win. Instead of using more “fun” builds, people have moved towards more “gamey” builds.

I personally feel that the xp/gold per minute system has really ruined a lot of fun that was present in the old system. I suggest we return to a modified version of the old xp/gold system.

For those that weren’t around back then or forgot how it worked, it worked like this:

If you were near combat you got gold/xp for every enemy killed. Higher level players were worth more xp/gold. After you died, you still received gold and xp for a certain amount of time. If your team wins, you gain all the xp and gold you earned over the round. If your team lost you gain (if I remember correctly) 25% of it.

Now what if we combined the old system with upkeep? Your cumulative chance of upkeep would continue as long as you were alive. With our current system I think it’s a 4% cumulative chance per minute. So, if you’re alive for 4 minutes, you have a 16% chance of upkeep per item. If we based it on how long you live, if you only live 2 minutes, you have an 8% chance. If you lived 4 minutes, you’d have a 16% chance. That way, people who die early and lose out on xp/gold will still be able to keep pace with people upkeep-wise who live longer.

In the new system, being a peasant is pointless. It doesn’t matter what you do and it’s over in hours. In the old system, you had to play and you had to play hard as a peasant. You had to try to stay alive at all costs which was fun as hell. Nowadays, it doesn’t matter what you do. You could just tape down your w key and no one would notice. It’s just a time-waster.

In the old system, being a peasant was more of a learning system. Since staying alive was so important it forced you to play better. New system keeps players bad and rewards them anyway. Those are the people who grow up to write forum posts about how such and such is overpowered.

Obviously the gold/xp per kill will have to be increased from the original system, but I think this will help bring a lot of fun back to the mod. I feel that it would help promote teamwork, all the while making individual contributions important again. I just think the current system has gotten really stale and could use a change.

What say you?

Suggestions Corner / New Game Mode Idea
« on: April 03, 2012, 02:07:30 am »
One thing that I think has been missing in this mod for a while is ridiculous mayhem and the chance for one player to make a big difference.

So, I suggest a new game mode: Last Man Standing.

It works like this: No teams. Everyone is spawned in a random location. If you kill/damage someone, you are healed. Your multi will be based on how long you last. Let's say there are 6 minute rounds. If you are the last one standing, you get an x5. Then it scales down depending on how long you lasted. So if you last at least 5 minutes you get an x5, 4 minutes x4, etc.

For the healing, I've got two different ideas so far. One idea is to gain a flat amount of hp on kills. Another is you heal a percentage of the damage you do. I think the second idea will help people feel like they are contributing more and will give a bonus to even low-strength players. So for the second idea, say if you hit someone and do 60 points of damage. Maybe you get healed for 6 points.

Since you can calculate who is actually fighting and who isn't, you won't get a multi for a particular time period unless you were fighting for a good portion of that time period. So let's say you lasted 4:30, but you didn't fight for a whole minute. You would get an x3 instead of an x4 for being a dirty coward. Since I'm not sure exactly what the devs can or cannot check for, it's hard to say exactly how this would work. We know that they can check for proximity, so that can be used to determine who is actually fighting or not. Also, I'm wondering if it would be possible to check for leechers. Things like, being close to someone and not doing anything. That would stop groups of people from hiding off on the map somewhere. Another way to easily solve that problem though would be to make all of the maps arena-type maps.

Horses will be unusable for obvious reasons.

If it goes to MOTF, the person who caps is the winner. Anyone who is alive during MOTF and didn't cap gets a x1 for the round for being dirty, stinking cowards.

I think it would be a nice change of pace compared to the other game modes and has the potential for great heroism and wacky mayhem.

What say you?

Sell/Trade / [SELL/TRADE] +3 Heraldric Transitional Armor
« on: February 18, 2012, 06:49:57 pm »
As the title says, I have a Lordly Heraldric Transitional Armor that I'm looking to sell/trade.

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I'm specifically looking for a MW Ashwood Pike, Lordly Bascinet or Lordly Splinted Leather Greaves over Mail, but I'll also sell it for 1.35 million. All trades are up on the marketplace, or send me a PM.

Buy / Buy bascinet at any loom level
« on: February 14, 2012, 08:13:00 pm »
Just like the title says I'm looking for a bascinet at any loom level. I'd also buy a loompoint to get it. I'll pay gold for either.

Sell/Trade / HOLY SHIT! +3 LONG MAUL! New Cheaper price!
« on: February 12, 2012, 05:34:18 pm »
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How would you like to be the proud owner of this ultra-rare item! This particular long maul has sucker-punched most of the top NA players. Think of the history this fantastic item represents! It is also hilarious to use and will make your enemies cry. I've held on to this for a long time, but polearms just bore me to tears nowadays.

I'm mostly interested in trades and here's what I'm looking for:

Lordly Bascinet
Champion War Horse

I will take gold but as this is a rare item, I wouldn't take less than 1.5 million. I'll take 1.3 million 'cause I'm CRAZY!

Get this today before it's gone!

Strategus General Discussion / Ways to improve Strategus
« on: December 29, 2011, 10:40:05 pm »
To put it simply, Strategus is currently kinda boring. If you're in a clan, generally you just sit your ass in a village, grinding troops or crafting items to pass onto someone else. Then when your clan eventually (hopefully) attacks someone, you get to fight.

If you aren't in a clan, you're pretty much shit out of luck. There's nothing really for you to do.

I think we should introduce classes into Strategus. Different classes will give you benefits/penalties that will help with a specific play style. Here are a few that I just though of.

Warlord: Increased chance of recruiting troops, can support the most troops, decreased movement speed, increased sight range

Raider: Supports the least amount of troops, reduced movement penalty in rough terrain, reduced cooldown on quick march, shorter quick march duration, increased profit on selling goods, increased cost on purchasing goods, less efficient crafting

Trader: Supports medium amount of troops, crafting more efficient, decreased cost on purchasing goods

So the Warlord is the main attack force. With his increased chances of recruiting troops he can get up and running much faster. He can also support an unlimited amount of troops. With his slower movement, it will be more difficult to sneak up on people, but with a larger sight range, it will be harder for people to sneak up on him. I'm hoping that this would help promote more fights.

The raider will max out at about 50 troops. His movement penalty will be reduced in rough terrain which will help him in sneaking up on people and escaping. His reduced cooldown on quick march along with the reduced duration means that he can quick march more often, but can't do it as long. This will help him to make quick attacks and escapes. They would also make good scouts for clans wanting to guard specific areas of the map.

The trader is pretty self-explanatory. I'm figuring he'll max out at around 75 troops. This guy will be the main moneymaker, yet he can also support a decent amount of troops to help fight off raiders.

There's also one other thing that will REALLY help bring this idea together: roads and waypoints. I know everyone has been begging for waypoints for a while. So, can we get those implemented? Then we could put in roads that would grant a movement bonus. Players could then choose the faster, riskier routs or the slower, safer ones.

So, what do you guys think? Good idea? Bad idea? Ways we can improve it? Really, I just want to make Strategus more than the boring grind fest that it is currently.

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