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Messages - jacouille

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EU (Official) / Re: [Unban] Darklolz_da_Bitch
« on: February 12, 2015, 03:41:17 pm »
As i said, he's not really smart so i don't think anybody will care about what he's saying :D

EU (Official) / Re: [Unban] Darklolz_da_Bitch
« on: February 11, 2015, 11:28:50 pm »

Darklolz didn't break the rules here, his teamhit was purely unintentional.

Even if it's true he likes trolling a bit french people, he nearly never break the rules, i can confirm it.

One other thing we can point is that this "Algarn" guy don't really care about teamhitting people with his bow ... He's not known as the smartest french guy actually if you know what i mean :)

So to conclude, i really think warimus didn't deserve this ban, and i think admin should think twice on their decision because he's known as a very good and nice player, a well known warrior who is playing this mod for more than 3 years ...

Forum Français / Re: Des personnes chez orange?
« on: January 17, 2015, 10:08:25 pm »
Haha mais pourquoi tu t'enfonces toujours plus loin dans la stupidité ?
Je t'ai clairement pas supplié et c'est vrai que ça m'amusais bien à l'époque de troll tous ces Jackies de pécores, le plus drôle c'était de les entendre rager sur TS ! ^^
Du coup jme suis dis autant tenter de me faire deban par un de ces débiles chroniques, con comme ils sont ça peut marché ! (d’où ton impression peut être de supplication ?)

Au final il me semble que j'ai du réussir a me faire ban de votre serveur minable une bonne dizaine de fois, tu checkeras l'historique des bans t'as l'air d'avoir que ça a foutre de chercher des trucs vieux de 3 ans :)

Bref si tu pouvais dire des trucs intelligents au lieu de me ressortir de la merde ça arrangerait tout le monde, le plus simple resterait quand même que tu fermes ta gueule bien entendu :)


Forum Français / Re: Des personnes chez orange?
« on: January 17, 2015, 04:47:09 pm »
Euh non franchement je vois pas désolé .. S'il fallait que je me rappelle de chaques pecores que je troll ...  :D

Mais de toute façon y'a plus de serveur pécores (ni même de pécores tout court) depuis belle lurette, donc je ne vois pas en quoi c'est supposer n’emmerder ?

A moins que le but de ton post soit plutôt de te donner de la crédibilité : "vasy tavu jété admin pékor g t ban lolz tavu jui tro puissan"

Mais bon dans les deux cas, t'es encore plus pitoyable que ce que tes précédents posts tout aussi dénué d'intérêt le laissait penser ...

Aussi te suggérerais-je de préserver le peu de dignité qu'il te reste en arrêtant de répondre a chaque post, car tu te ridiculises tous les jours  un peu plus, a bon entendeur salut !

Forum Français / Re: Des personnes chez orange?
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:55:30 pm »
C'est qui se bouffon de cosmos_shielder ?  :D

T'essayes de faire de l'humour en t'incrustant dans un débat ou tu n'as rien a voir (oui comme je suis entrain de le faire), mais t'es absolument pas drôle ...

Non sérieusement, tes vannes elles sont zéros :/

Laisse donc Pepe se défendre tous seul, parce que la tu te couvres de ridicule mon grand ... Autant avant je rigolais en lisant leurs messages, autant les tiens me donnent envie de pleurer devant ton incompréhension globale du second degré ...

Faction Halls / Re: The Norsemen Recruiting NEW NA BRANCH
« on: December 08, 2014, 12:28:17 am »
Outch you are running the game in very low quality ?

EU (Official) / Re: The_Great_Dictator
« on: November 29, 2014, 06:37:44 pm »
Wow that hate. Don't be so mad about a game dude, peace :)

EU (Official) / Re: The_Great_Dictator
« on: November 26, 2014, 08:38:48 pm »
As far as i know, afking is not really what we can call "a shit reason" ...

EU (Official) / Re: The_Great_Dictator
« on: November 26, 2014, 06:39:32 pm »
Well man your topic should be moved in "spam" cause there is no point here.

I'm free to request a poll if i think you deserve it. Deal with it.

EU (Official) / Re: Pollabusing "King_of_PEPE
« on: November 25, 2014, 12:38:11 am »
Pepe is the kind of guy that abuse polls (his polls always fail but he keep doing it), he did it to me also.

EU (Official) / Re: The_Great_Dictator
« on: November 23, 2014, 07:20:39 pm »
well man, you've been afk the whole round just waiting to be the last man standing ...
You deserved this kick poll.

Spam / [Ban Request] Jesus of Nazareth
« on: November 01, 2013, 03:11:04 pm »

Yesterday I heard about a guy who abused double spawning sometimes ago. This is against the rules and bannable. So here is my ban request for him :

Name of offending character :
Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Jesus Christ

Time and Server :
About 2000 years ago, on server Middle_East_1

What Happened :
First he get caught by the melee, and get crucify violently. Then he immediatly left the server, and came back again.

I think he probably did that because he was raging about the fact that one of his mates told the other team the place he was camping.

Screenshots and proofs :

First some screenshots :

Here you can see him getting ganked by melee and cavalry. By the way, we can also notice he was leeching : naked with no weapons.

Here he get out of the spawn for the second time.

You can also check the logs :
(click to show/hide)
Here he confessed that he doublespawned. Moreover he seems to be proud of it !

(click to show/hide)
On this one you clearly see that he double spawned, and a lot of witness have seen it.

Witness :
Here are the nicknames of some peoples who were logged on the server when it happened and witnessed it :
   - Simon, who is called Peter
   - Andrew
   - James the son of Zebedee
   - John the brother of James
   - Bartholomew
   - Matthew, the tax collector
   - James the son of Alphaeus
   - Simon the Zealot
   - Judas Iscariot

As you can read on the logs, they are a lot more people who saw it.

To conclude i don't think we should accept such a bad behaviour. He acted like a dickhead by doublespawning just because of his rage. He deserved to be banned.



Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] The_Great_Dictator
« on: September 05, 2013, 11:30:26 pm »
Your own screenshot is enough... You polled me for not a correct reason, that's why i polled you back. I usually don't really care about noob facehuggers in duel, not my problem if you are too bad to do it fairly ^^

Btw skono is a french guy, he is always raging and insulting others (in that case me), he is known for that in french community :P

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] The_Great_Dictator
« on: September 05, 2013, 10:52:55 pm »
You broke the rules, and acted like a dick, i polled you. Nothing to do with rage (the contrary of your poll).

PS :

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] The_Great_Dictator
« on: September 05, 2013, 06:13:09 pm »
He was facehugging at the beginning of the duel, which is not allowed, that's why i run out.

He decided to rage pollkick me, unfortunatly it was accepted.
I don't have to accept this kind of behaviour, so i came again and poll ban him, because of his reasonless poll.

So i think he should be the one banned, because of his reasonless poll, also because of his behaviour on the duel server.

Here are the rules he broke :
(click to show/hide)


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