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Topics - Wiegraf_BRD

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General Discussion / Kill Dire Kill WOOF
« on: May 26, 2024, 03:14:01 am »
Two evil clan

teh dire cheat hak , bully, send the virus to my steam through art program, drink a lot of booze n say the evil racis thing to my people

woof clam tk me notorious tkers well known bad imvdiduals, HMB atck my vro snickelz, n insult the krem, and then   yel at my friend wow

plz kil these clams on sight, bad membranes of tehese cer rmpg community, Asheram tel me to let u all know it is the open season to game n u wil hunt n kill this dire and woo fon the sights

Unban Essays / plz unban me
« on: March 17, 2024, 09:20:12 am »
hemlo good envening i was bant from dis gayme ahnd zottlmarshc TK me n and the responser from me was to TK bka n swear at hm n i call him a retarder

[Q1] Provide the Ban link or if none, the reason

[Q2] Did you break the rules knowingly?
yes i was swearing n i tk

[Q3] Do you think your Ban was fair? If not, please provide a reason.
yes it’s fair because i’m the one in the wrong i shouldnt swore at the zottlemash
That moment I was lost control of my words n i spoek lik e an yngng

[Q4] Why should we unban you?
I sincerely apologize to everyone for my swearing at other players liek the zotlamash. I know u mistake and hope you guys can give me another chance to correct my mistake. I promise I won’t do it again. I hope the admins will give me another chance. Thank you berry much , ps dupre is ugle idiot n he fate i cannt blief he eat all the pudink and he is FAT end

General Discussion / Have you seen this man? Missing: ASHERAM
« on: October 09, 2023, 07:07:35 am »
Have you seen this man?  Missing: ASHERAM

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General Discussion / NA Game Changers
« on: October 02, 2011, 08:33:49 am »
Hello everyone.

I have been playing this game for a long while, and even though I have moved to Taiwan, I still get on and see you play from time to time.  I have seen a few people come and go here in my time, and so I have decided to post up the best of the best in the order of  `threats` I feel are most dangerous.   These are people you need to and should watch out for.  Goodluck.

Critical Threat
Cavaliers_Huey_Newotn (but only to teammates)

High Threats
Thol (John)
Bigsandwich of Chaos

Moderate Threats
Dextaa (former Chaos)

« on: September 02, 2011, 03:18:42 pm »

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WIEGRAFS ILLUSTRIOUS AND INVINCIBLE HATCHET WIELDING CHINESE ARMY OF GUAM or the "AXE GANG" or "斧頭幫 FU TOU BANG" was a joke / troll one man clan formed by WIEGRAF.  In reality, the sentence you had just read is actually 100% false, and is a conspiracy.

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Requirements to Join and Mission in Strat. 
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(( And on a serious note, past all the crazy and randomness... This will be eventually organized into a serious strat recruiting clan, with less than serious goals.  We will be collecting troops and building armies under the protection of others who we will consider neutral.  We act more as bandits, if anything... Attacking no factions, or whomever we come across... hmm, thanks. Hope to see you on the battlefield.  ))


Spam / cRPG Heirloom Harrassment
« on: August 20, 2011, 05:37:42 am »
Hey can I borrow your masterwork arbalest? No I wont trade it away or sell it, I put some points into xbow so it would be rather useful now. .Report · 3:01am I own your soul. No.  Ha hah ahaha.God_Balton_The_Benevolant is currently in Ichmaru working in STrategus.  Epic. .Report · 3:02amWhy not..Report · 3:02amCUZ U R A BITCH AND U FAILED TO USE THAT SUMPTER I PROVIDED IN MY BATTLE. BLACKLISTED\.Report · 3:04amSomeone took itCan I please.Report · 3:56ami  had 4 horsesbitch.Today
Report · 11:19amHEY BOYARE U ON THE CHINESE SERVER.Report · 11:19amvewnt died
internets on a slow rate right now, ill get like 300 ping even in chinese server.Report · 11:19am listen to thatcant get enoughIM FUCKING HOOKED ON PHONICS.Report · 11:20amme tooill listen now.Report · 11:20amremix to youre favoriteGEE GEE GEE BABY.Report · 11:21amthese are cute girlsbut they're hand picked out of the crowdyou knowIm not going to outright lie to you, butall the Japanese and Korean popstarsare beautiful, and thats why they are pop starsporn stars, pop starsjapan and korea, have very few good looking gals.China, also has very few good looking in the amounts that ugly girls come byBUT...Taiwans ratio of good looking girls, is the highest ratio per ugly in asiaim not even lying, if you came here and just walked around you'd see... go to Japan first, then come here.Report · 11:23amWELL.Report · 11:23amSechuan in CHINA is the same way.Report · 11:23amWTF AM I DOING HERE.Report · 11:23amsouthern Chinese provinces are where its atnot these fake SNSD hand selected rich girlsyou're wasting your life my son.Report · 11:23amNOOi need a nice womancant wait for collegelul.Report · 11:24amin taiwan.Report · 11:24amlots of asian girls going to my collegeso.Report · 11:24am76% of the women.Report · 11:24amthis is win.Report · 11:24amwhere short shorts like that
during the summer and alland I look at these girls in the photo you just gave mehAnd I think their chests are fake as hellhahahahawhy say I this?They all have approximately the same chest size
look at their boobs sirits pretty apparent and obvious.Report · 11:25amphotoshop.Report · 11:25amAsian girls, can have natural nice curves , .Report · 11:25amfor surebut.Report · 11:26ambut photoshop and breasts on most asian girls are not so big.Report · 11:25amTHEYRE STILL FUCKING CUTEi know.Report · 11:26amyeah, but they'd never go for you.Report · 11:26amthats what you think.Report · 11:26amthats why you go for the ones who arnet stars, and look equally as cuteWHAT U STILL GUNNA WIN DA LOTTERY BOY.Report · 11:26amBUDD-EHwell obv.Report · 11:26amAFTER U GRADUATE BUEDDEHO WAITU DONE DID GRADUATE PUNK.Report · 11:26amim gonna win the lottery when i grow up.Report · 11:26amWHERES DA MONEY FUCKER.Report · 11:26amGRADUATE COLELGEBITCH.Report · 11:26amUR ALL GROWN UP AND DARES NO MONEY IN YOUR BANK MUTHA FUCKAH
.Report · 11:27amGEE GEE GEE.Report · 11:27amYOU WRETCH.Report · 11:27ami am the world.Report · 11:27amCONSPIRACYGUAM IS THE TRUE SUCCESSOR TO THE NORTH AMERICAN POPULATIONDOWN WITH BARRAK OBAMA.Report · 11:28amlet me borrowone of ur looms.Report · 11:28amDO YOU WANT THE ONE THAT SPINS SILK OR COTTON?.Report · 11:28amFUCK UWHAT LOOMS U HAVEBESIDES ARBALEST.Report · 11:29amI HAVE ONE FROM A GERMAN CASTLE , 1653, WHEN PLATE MAIL BECAME OBSOLETE IN THE WORLDAND I HAVE ONE FROM 1856 WHEN THE PIONEERS MADE IT TO NORTH AMERICA.Report · 11:29amPLATE MAIL BECAME OBSELETE THE DAY I TOOK THE BATTLEFIELDFOOL.Report · 11:29amTHAT WAS THE DAY YOU USED ONE OF MY LOOMS TO CRAFT A FINE STICK OF YARN IN ORDER TO MAKE YOUR KAFTAN.Report · 11:29amFUCK UR KAFTAN.Report · 11:30amMY LOOMS, TAKE THE SILK OF THE FINEST WORMS, AND SPIN THE MOST FINEST SILK SPOOLS YOU HAVE EVER SEENTHE SILK IS BEYOND THAT OF MORTAL METALAND THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT, ONE OF MY LOOMS.... U THINK U ARE WORTH TO WIELD SUCH POWER?GIVE ME A BREAK, YOU POLAROID BITCH GIRL.Report · 11:30amsrsly tho.Report · 11:31amseriously..Report · 11:31amdo u ahve any other looms i can borrowi wont sell or trade them.Report · 11:31amTheres one that a maiden pricked her finger on..Report · 11:31amstrictly borrow.Report · 11:31amOn the spinning wheel.Im being seirous here, didnt you read your stories when you were youngI already gave you 100,000 for your soul.Report · 11:31ami was never youngi was born 18.Report · 11:32amyet you crawl back to me on your pathetic hind legs begging for loomsyou make me sick in the stomachi want to throw up the meals I had several days ago.Report · 11:32amo yaforgot to mention'im rich nowi have like 800kcuz i sold my x3 shieldbitch.Report · 11:32amyou worm, you grotesque insignificant , pathetic, mindnumbing scum fuck.Report · 11:32amHEH SOUNDS MAD.Report · 11:32amyou better believe im upset, after you come to me asking me for loomsmr. 800 K living the big life.Report · 11:33ambig pimpinspendin gold.Report · 11:33amwhy dont you invest like memaking 3 milldont keep that gold in your parents socks

Strategus General Discussion / WIAIHWCBAOD Vs Sedurut
« on: August 15, 2011, 09:40:31 am »
It was just like single player, where the bandits got creamed.  But I was wondering...

CAn you post up that video of the battle we had?  I need to see it.

Move this if this is spam, though this battle really did happen.

General Discussion / Goodbye Everyone. Goodbye Hackers.
« on: July 02, 2011, 05:09:35 am »
[19:53] <Xol> [21:48] <Xol> hey [21:48] <Xol> I'm 99% sure wiegraf just got hacked [21:48] == Quirian [[email protected]] has joined #mount&blade-crpg [21:48] <Xol> I snagged his mw arbalest and his tempered longsword for 1 gold apiece [21:48] <Xol> any brd guys around? [21:49] <Xol> unless he's quitting :x [21:49] == Quirian [[email protected]] has left #mount&blade-crpg [] [21:5

First of all, I am not leaving because I recently got hacked.  To tell you all the truth, this monday evening I am leaving to China/Taiwan to start a new life and work.  I was planning on leaving the cRPG community for some time anyways.  However, as you can all see, we clearly have had some security issues as some of us lately in the NA have been hacked.  For myself, my character was reduced to level one, all my generations lost, my large mass of gold lost, and all my heirlooms given out to randoms on the auction house for all a mere gold.  Thats quite a lot of game time just blown down the drain.  But you know what, I am not in the least bit upset, simply because... a) I was going to give out a lot of that stuff on leaving anyways to close friends in the game (too bad for you guys now, huh?)  and b) Im going to TAIWAN. I dont really care, Im going to be in Asia speaking Chinese and eating amazing foods and you're all still playing a video game, wahwahawhwahawhhawa.

In any case, I do hope that whoever is hacking gets caught and are promptly dealt with.  Through all honesty, i do not understand what joy and what kind of sick mind people must have from bringing misery to strangers.  I dont care if its ripping someone off in the real world, or hacking a video game account.  It is one thing to troll a man or woman about something in a video game, but to randomly select them and remove all their stats just because you can.  Are you really that bored hackers?  Is this how you get your kicks ?  Don't you know that somewhere down the street theres a gun store where you can put that pistol into your mouth and blow your evil brains out?  Luckily for you, I am too happy right now to take this all to heart, but I know some of the other people who have been hacked, and they are great players as well as important members to this community.  I mean, seriously.  What kind of sick mind do you have?  Can't you go drown kittens or eat squirrel heads or something more productive? 

In anycase, now that the hacking hatred is out of the way (actually, it really isn't.  other people are still at risk. Please drink poison now you cunts) I would just like to say some things as my last forum topic post. 

First of all, you have all been a great community here putting up with us who are retarded and love to troll and speak completely unrelated shit.  I have made some cool allies , not very many enemies (none come to mind, actually), and have met a lot of sweet N neat as well as stuck up fruitcake individuals.  Let me just go through a list of people that are important and leave them some messages / shout outs

These are in no particular order and only come up as I think of them.

Huey_Newton:  I am glad to see that you have kept your small clan alive throughout our time here , and allied to the FCC with BRD, despite your lack of members at times.  I hope you can keep finding members and stay loyal as leader of your clan.  Please watch your TKs Budd-eh, and dont stop listening to sexy korean chicks play lame pop music.  You have always been fun to battle with / against and have been fun to talk to on vent .  Make sure you get into a good college and go get drunk sometime you crazy face.

Kalam:  Thanks for letting me join BRD, and being a good leader.  It is good that BRD has a good leader willing to sacrifice much real life time into building up his clan.  Thank you for playing Never winter nights 2 with me and being a retarded roleplaying newb.  Please keep trying to build up this clan, and keep it successful.  Dont abandon any real life things for your girlfriend when you live with her though :P

Kesh: Pretty much the same as above, thanks for being one of the original members and helping run the clan.  Dont try to get too mad at horses, and try to get your devastating scores with archery you had before Christmas.  And fuck you for one shooting me in the foot while I have full plate armor on. 

Kaelean:  Make sure you find another version of me to follow around and harass.  Keep eating pizza every other night, but do not get fat.

PewPew: I know you came back after a long while.  I know RS become Chaos.  I also  know you can no longer run around as a spanish chick (the helmet) in black plate throwing rocks and spears while riding a crap horse.  Buts its cool, you were cool, stay golden, have fun when you do come on.

To the Templar Clan: Haha, you guys sucked in Strat and all you that still exist are so annoying and trolly.  May you all perish in it again if it re-rises.  Actually, I enjoyed fighting for you, but seriously, you guys sucked hardcore.

to Shik: You dirty double crossing son of a bitch.  You promised us some land in the desert of Calradia  only to let some troll clan come and take it after.  May you forever have bad luck and your children be born with weird birthmarks.   Meh, Oh well.  Have fun !

Xol:  Keep my MW arbalest man.  Even though I got hacked and you saved it, I wont be playing for a bit. enjoy it!

Ecko:  Ecko, despite what I have heard in not only vent from my own clan members, but as well from various other clans / guilds Teamspeaks and vents, the majority of NA players dislike you and for the most part, hate most of the ATS crew.  I remember when ATS was still in Native and had their own server, before all these other players exist in cRPG, and we would go on to POM server and wear nothing but leather caps and great mauls, and just royally piss people like BkS_Rhade off by spamming them.  Good times.  to tell you the truth, I think you're a good guy, even though many would disagree with me.  You deal with problems to the best of your ability and manage your servers fairly well, nor do you leave us in the dark when it comes to managing the servers and the problems (financial or whatever have you).  I would like to apologize for the times that I may have caused near delaying or a little delaying, but I rarely dragged rounds on too long with my weirdness.   Please send me an ATS mug, or else.

Cyranule: Honestly man, I do not even know where you came from.  One day after christmas I jumped on vent and you were just there.  yOu fucking inspire people man with your sportsmanship and skill. Keep being merciless and hating on Zulu.  And for goodness sake, get off the horse.

Matey: You are a weird turtle thing.  When we first met on VENT, we found out you lived like just down the street from my house.  what the hell?? Oh well... It was awesome playing alongside your shield/wall , as well as playing with you on SHOGUN2.  May your enemies forever lay in trails of blood.

Goretooth:  You're a good player, archer or bec, whatever you use.  And this allows people to respect and fear your name.  This is good.  But for the love of God.  Stop banning people for speaking trash to you or calling you out on things.  Theres a mute button for a reason, you know?  If you dont want to use a mute button, just suck it down budd-eh. Have some fun, guy.

Northern Empire:  Please please please please please STOP allying with people.  How come we have to be friends with all the NA clans... cant we fight each other?  Is it going to be a massive northern american alliance vs the EU?  Boring!  BORING. 

Lorne: You were cool in native...... then cRPG and your voice came. 

Aldryk:  I like Aldryk because of his distinct voice, his attitude, and his way of playing.  If he was not a sneaky snake, then he was carrying a fire to light the way.  He also 100% supported me in his plight wherever I went.  May the troublesome Aldryk forever exist.   

to CHAOS:  You guys are good and all, but you are too serious compared to before.  I enjoy your company and fighting with  / against you in battles and skirmishers, and think you are all actually quite great.  But nothing will EVER TOP RS. never forget RS.
And thank you for letting me come talk to you all on TS while I was drunk out of my mind.  And ... why the hell did you need to ally with the northern empire for?  Land?  stupid excuse!

To LLJK / Lady_GaGa:  I dont mind you guys trolling or being goons, at all really.  I just think your cost in the guild is rather ridiculous.  Eh, whatever.  I miss the original gaga on full plated horses and the morning star... goodluck to you all, and please do not ban people if you come across some passwords to admins.  Thats almost as low as hacking and deleting accounts.

Linden  / Wallace:  Damn your plate armors.  Damn your crush-throughs. 

Native: Fuck your throwing lanced horse riding goose stepping ass.  Have a good one, buddeh.

to all my chinese cRPG buddies / yyy : See ya soon, 你們都是傻B!!

Apsalar:  Beat up Kalam for me sometime.  You are the best player that busts out 200+ ping .  Thank youuuu

LouisE: thanks for being a great sport, and being an original BRD member, as well as our only Japanese one.

Horse and Sword: Silent, but fun.  Keep up with the Cavaliers and FCC.  eh hehheheheh. 

To the rest of FCC/BRD/Cavaliers: Thank you for making the experience nice.  I'll come visit you guys in vent sometime.  I wish you all luck and good fortune in your upcoming battles and fightings.

There are tons of you guys that I liked / are important, but to list you all would take forever, and writing Forum posts about a video game and people you played with is also 75% lame. 

Long live GUAM. 


General Off Topic / When are we going to get this down in cRPG?
« on: April 26, 2011, 06:42:41 pm »

I can do it with throwing axes sometimes on native..... and I've hit large groups of npcs lobbing a shot directly upwards and waiting forever for it to come back down, but id love to kill someone in cRPG multiplayer this way lolll

Suggestions Corner / With Fire And Sword is coming. New cRPG equipment?
« on: January 27, 2011, 10:43:32 am »
As you guys may or not know, With Fire and Sword, Taleworlds latest project, is going to be coming out very very soon, probably sometime in spring.  With that, new multiplayers, new single player, and a whole new game will be available in the mount and blade style.  With that being said, there is also going to be tons of equipment and gear released with this new game ...

Now, knowing the taleworlds company, the chances of them using python script as well as similar files to edit and create their graphics is highly likely.  If you look on their website, they're alrady looking like they will be releasing some pretty intensive looking halberds and other weapons, this includes guns.  I am just wondering if there has been any thought about implementing some of this games gear into cRPG.

Im not sure if chadz has been trying to stay true to a certain time period of history for cRPG (because this mod has weapons, like guns, that were not in the medieval era) , but there are definately tons of gears and weapons in this new Fire and Sword that could be used and worked with in cRPG (considering it uses the same engine and system)

Just suggesting its worth looking at if you want some quick and easy graphics for more weapons and armors.  You can check out the screenshots at for basic stuff, of course :P   

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