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Topics - Villain

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General Discussion / giving away looms...
« on: February 03, 2014, 04:38:37 am »
i have like 16 +3s or so, but im only giving away 6-7 i still play a map a week when im not studying/ partying/ sports. I would make this a competition but i couldn't be fucked. Everyone just post if they want something, the amount of looms they already have, and how long they have been playing. I don't want to give a loom to a fucking whore like tore/kaoklai/ etc. I just want to give looms to people who rlly enjoy this game and it would actually make a difference to them like it would have to me once upon a time.


Spam / ban testi
« on: January 25, 2014, 05:21:14 am »
I think he is cheating on me with another guy :(

plz perma ban him

btw : im on my period

General Off Topic / I need computers nerds help : 50k reward
« on: January 16, 2014, 02:15:26 pm »
I am buying a desktop, i have a 700-800 $ budget. Only pre builds i cant build for shit. If i end up buying the one someone suggested : 50k reward. I like ASUS EDIT - Does not have to be asus, and i want to play crpg on full including some other games.

General Discussion / The good ole days
« on: January 14, 2014, 11:33:16 pm »

In this thread state what you miss most that you wish would be brought back to crpg.

For me :

Better maps , equipment ladder wars etc. more balanced range so that theirs clutching thrill . Games gone to shit basically :( and where all searching for what it used to be

cRPG Technical problems / Some problems since i updated...
« on: January 12, 2014, 09:10:46 pm »
No servers will come up for me except HRE battle server :(

All filters off.... What could it be i already tried
1. Restarting
2. Repairing
3. WSE2 off and on
4. rebooting laptop
5. Reinstalling
6. Messing with multiplayer port setting

WTF do i do :( pls help

« on: January 09, 2014, 01:54:50 am »
Who is hated most : final round

General Discussion / CRPG conspiracy, much autistic manly dress
« on: January 07, 2014, 10:09:27 pm »
If your autistic, and you download the FINAL BOSS loom mod, it looks like this...

(click to show/hide)

... But um rlly, what did i do wrong

General Discussion / Funniest death pics :)
« on: January 07, 2014, 01:17:50 pm »
I know theres been some threads like this, but lets make another they are fun

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Something that really made me sad was when he posted in the other thread this
Re: IDK where to post this... ban firebus
« Reply #10 on: Today at 05:24:23 pm »


-2 Vote Down Vote Up Show voters
lol jewscious you insulted me so I kick polled you. You came back and ban polled me so I kick polled you again.

I am jewish irl and i do not appreciate that. He always make antisemitism jokes smh

From around 5:40pm - 6:05pm my time, which is Johannesburg south africa i was on duel server eu_3. Firebus not only initiated 1 pole to kick me, but 3. I have atleast 5 ppl who can confirm this including fallen_cyber , tore, lancastrian knight, qoray... This is ridiculous. After i came back from the second kick i made 1 for him.

1. Name of your character involved : African_RyderRR_fuJEWsious
2. Name of offending character(s) : Sir_Firebus
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: From around 5:40pm - 6:05pm my time, which is Johannesburg south africa
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. From around 5:40pm - 6:05pm my time, which is Johannesburg south africa i was on duel server eu_3. Firebus not only initiated 1 pole to kick me, but 3. I have atleast 5 ppl who can confirm this including fallen_cyber , tore, lancastrian knight, qoray... This is ridiculous. After i came back from the second kick i made 1 for him.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.* : idk honestly
6. Multiple Screenshots: MY internet in africa is not good enough to upload pics :( I did take 4 screenshots though and have multiple witnesses
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** Qoray, tore, lancastrian, fallen_cyber, ugig, so many ppl who where on duels watching

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Well theres one , im waiting for others to load

General Discussion / IDK where to post this... ban firebus
« on: January 02, 2014, 05:12:15 pm »
From around 5:40pm - 6:05pm my time, which is Johannesburg south africa i was on duel server eu_3. Firebus not only initiated 1 pole to kick me, but 3. I have atleast 5 ppl who can confirm this including fallen_cyber , tore, lancastrian knight, qoray... This is ridiculous. After i came back from the second kick i made 1 for him.

General Discussion / Throwing on horse?
« on: January 01, 2014, 09:27:54 pm »
I was talking to my friends about my lvl 33 horse thrower that i did quite a while ago. And i told them my build which did not include HA points because i thought a horse thrower did not recquire it? They said it does? could someone confirm ? If it does and i went lvl 33 without i will laugh so hard

General Discussion / New system of how we can manage our XP (NEW EDIT)
« on: December 31, 2013, 11:32:28 am »

I really appreciate all the feed back, the more and more i think about it and get feedback from people, we could have a consequence for getting loom points without retiring. So instead of just taking 8 mil away from your current xp, you could maybe take 16 mil off double, so without retiring , it costs 16 mil xp to get a loom point which is taken off your current xp..
And then for sending xp from character to character, i still agree with what  i said, it would be awesome to be able to send xp from each character, but there could be a tax on it like 50k gold for each time you send xp from a character . This would allow people to have different alts with different classes, allowing you to play different classes.

I have an idea, if you don't like it give me a down vote and pole no, if you like it leave feedback etc. It's just an idea remember.

So, over the past few months i have realized how many flaws our current xp system has, not only for high level players but for the low levels also . Things i think that suck are the following
1. When your lvl 33 you get 3 lp , lvl 34 you get 5lp, and at lvl 35 you get 8 lp . This is so flawed because we are working so hard for the xp but not getting what we should.
2. When you hit a lvl like 33-35 and you don't enjoy your build anymore, or want more looms ect. You either have the option to respec loose all your fucking xp, or retire and get a low amount of lp's. Or you can go bid on an auction, but need around 2.5 mil for that, so no chance really.

Ok so here is my suggestion, i hope i explain it well enough for everyone to understand.

I think that xp to retiring/respecing should be changed. I think for every 8 mil xp you make, you should be able to get a loom point out of but at the same time keep your other xp. So for example currently right now i have 44 million xp , lvl 33. If a item came out and i want it loomed! But at the same time i do not want to fully retire because i hate grinding because i have done it for three years. Out of my 44 million xp i think it would be awesome if i could just have 8 million xp deducted from it for a loom point. So my new xp count would be 36 million , and i would receive one loom point. So if i wanted to get 3 loom points, my new xp count would be 20 million xp. So i think this would let people loom what they want at high levels and loose enough xp to balance it out. A major concern i have with this though , is what happens to your build when you would get 8 mil xp deducted ? Your build would just convert to what it was eight million xp ago. Because if it gave you a respec i think that would be op and unfair.

Another thing to this system i would like to propose is sending xp from a character to another character. Say i wanted to make a 2h alt, because my lvl 33 44 mil main is a 1h shielder. I think it would be awesome if i had the ability to send 8 million from my main to my alt. deducting 8 mil from my main to 36 mil, and my alt would have 8 mil xp.

- This idea was just a though i had, i don't even know it well enough to display it thoroughly but i hope from what i explained you get he general idea. Basically manipulating our xp to our expense.
- I don't think allowing me to send 8 mil from my main to my alt will make anything unfair, because i am loosing xp i grinded but adding it to something else. It would be awesome if we had more options with the xp we spend so many hours grinding.
- Also i know a lot of people having to retire from lvl 34 or 35 because they want a loom that just came out, but when they do retire they loose 1 year of xp they grinded and they get such a bad amount of loom points.

- At the same time i know this would take a lot of time to implement so i dont expect anything to be done, i just wanted to know what you guys think about my idea. Thanks for reading

EDIT Our alts could also have the same gen bonus our main has, to let the grind me less .


General Discussion / Picture thread! Its xmas time!
« on: December 24, 2013, 09:56:30 am »
I am trying to have some fun in this silly mod. I will award someone 50k who has the most votes for them for best pic

Da rules
- One picture
- Must be funny picture or corny picture
- If you don't look like a nerd u instantly get disqualified.
- Once the top 5 people have the most likes on there pic i will make a poll for them and we will have a winner once someone gets 50 votes!


Sell/Trade / CLOSING SHOP LAST OFFERS !! SALE!!! 14 loom points in stock
« on: December 23, 2013, 10:06:05 am »
Ok ill tell it how it is


I am offering 2lp + gold for all of these items

- Spathion
- Mongolian Lamellar Robe which was (Mongol armor) before
- Long espada
- Heavy Round shield
- Broad Short sword
- Nordic champions sword

2lp + around 130k-250k depending on the item. PM me if u have any im sure we can work something out . Thanks

General Discussion / EU vs NA , Funny pics, good thread is bad
« on: December 21, 2013, 09:18:28 am »
- Recently i went to South Africa and transitioned from NA to EU. Things that i notice since playing on EU.

- No one shit talks in EU_1 like in NA_1
-     They do not use the term rekt
-     Most EU mele players are not very good  except for like 6%, the rest are very good shielders, range, and 2h/pole.
-     Range is actually decent in EU, way more accurate players than NA

Best/funniest EU players in my opinion
Best 2h
- Bjord, apsod

Best 1h
- Burak or the guy who uses elite scimy and kuyak forgot his name

Best ranged
- Hood, Baggee, steeveee maybe some others im forgetting

Best Leecher
- Conan Knight Who says BULLSHIT

Best polearm users
- Teeth, panos gay spam, KUIwon

Funniest EU player


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PS. Best Build 15-27 5 ps 4 shield 9 wm 9 athletics lvl 33 170 wpf 1h , 133 2h, 133 pole GG

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