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Topics - Stabb

Pages: [1]
Strategus General Discussion / Broken Info Tab
« on: March 02, 2014, 02:51:55 am »
So I don't know why but my info tab seems to be broken. Through the info tab you could usually transfer stuff to another person. I have a lot of weapons and troops on me that i want to send to one of my fellow faction members. I can't do this because my tab is broken

Screenshot of my info tab:
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Strategus General Discussion / Crime
« on: February 27, 2014, 09:00:18 pm »
So I'm looking at some fiefs and I have become very confused about crime. Hopefully I'm not the only one who is super confused about this.

1. Does crime increase as there is more S&D or does it increase by the amount of time since a transaction was made?

2. How is crime decreased?

3. How many troops die per hour from crime, or does it kill them all in one hit?

4. Does crime have an affect on anything besides your troops?

Strategus General Discussion / AI Fiefs
« on: February 14, 2014, 08:22:21 pm »
So I have never played strat when AI owned fiefs. So I have a couple questions.

1. How many troops are going to be stationed in these fiefs, and will the AI "recruit" more troops if we let them sit?

2. What kind of equipment will these AI Fiefs be holding?

3. Will the AI ever attack you? Ex. 500 AI troops move out to attack you after using their S&D.

Strategus General Discussion / Strategus Live Tutorial
« on: February 13, 2014, 03:30:08 am »
I love Strategus. It is in my opinion the best part of C-RPG. So I want the community of Die-hard players to be increased. This is why I am offering a public live tutorial open to everyone! It will be this Thursday, 2/13/14, at 8:00 P.M. Est.

The "live" part is because I will be answering questions via teamspeak and will be using google docs to provide a visual representation of anything I need.

All I ask is for all people who have interest, or may not, to show up and learn wtf Strategus is. I would also like any experienced players to come and aid me in teaching the masses :) . Long Live Strategus!

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Google Docs

Diplomacy / Black Company Diplomacy
« on: February 12, 2014, 12:23:16 am »
Black Company

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Land Claims
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For questions or diplomacy send me a pigeon at my steam account:

General Discussion / Main char
« on: July 28, 2011, 07:03:01 pm »
I recently deleted my main character, and now i am un-able to make a new main character. Any help?

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