Author Topic: DTV more fun less annoying  (Read 1284 times)

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Offline Jony

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DTV more fun less annoying
« on: November 11, 2021, 01:48:43 pm »
Please do DTV more fun less annoying 

I'm willing to try and spend time on the above map issues if you just tell me how
i can help even only with maps overview

-is it possible for you guys to add some good maps for dtv and maybe remove some  like dtv defend the castle ( you need a quite good amount of people and good teamplay to play it) there are some maps that bots just go around and kill Vivi ( you can't win the map, you lose on Vivi dying on tincans)
-maybe undo when lose Virign lose on last level
-is it possible to add more weapons racks especially on maps where there are none, and maybe have 2-3 on every
- is it possible to re-do a little some maps, like put hut, change Vivi place, put fences  on some bad maps

if its possible and i can give a hand somehow i would be happy to
i wanna enjoy more EU DTV as possible when players on
we have some maps that people never play and leave

// please make only bosses if possible less OP and  only if can similar xp to battle or up the bonus on low population not 5 but 10 maybe

Being low level or new player  or unknowing how to glitch Bosses means you will have very little change beating boss alone

Blocking bots is awesome  but this is maddness...  range have ridiculous aimbot power (maybe reduce the accuracy of them) throwing bots are always killing you
Even rocks are super painful in the hands of bots.  If bots are at difficult 2 why cant move it down to 1?

Please stop ignoring DTV. Talk about this, discuss it at least, i understand a lot of people think DTV is stupid, but for now in EU is the only playable chilling place
« Last Edit: November 11, 2021, 07:38:57 pm by agweber »
"if DTV is the only thing you're here for, there are better games out there."

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Re: D
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2021, 01:59:56 pm »
I think we talked about this in the discord at some point. Can you make a list of the top dozen or so maps? I don't want it to just be like 3-4 of the same boring maps, need to at least have some variety. Map list is something we can definitely change right now.

Making map changes is gonna take someone learning how to make map changes. We should be able to implement new maps if someone wants to learn. You could get into this if you wanted.

The AI definitely could use some improvements, but that's a deeper rabbithole I don't know if we can reasonably get into with all the other stuff we're trying to get figured out. The AI was custom built by Dave and does have difficulty levels, which the bosses use a higher tier.

Quote from: Dave on discord in balance chat
0 - dumb old AI
1 - semi-smart AI that is a bit better than 0 mostly in decision making (when to dehorse, switch to melee, what targets to chase etc)
2 - tough AI, bosses use it and it's hard to beat
3 - invincible AI, was released for bosses initially but was too difficult. Was only realistic to beat them with teammates

I don't think just switching the bosses from 2 to 1 is an answer (nor do I know how to change that). I think it would take getting deeper into the weeds of the AI code itself.

Please stop ignoring DTV. Talk about this, discuss it at least, i understand a lot of people think DTV is stupid, but for now in EU is the only playable chilling place
It's not being ignored any more than the rest of the game modes. The whole project is a spaghetti-fest and it's difficult to get grasps on how shit works.

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Re: D
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2021, 02:08:20 pm »
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Offline Jony

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Re: D
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2021, 02:13:36 pm »
There was a page i think where you can review the villages of strategus but don't remember where
I remember saying its not a problem the number of servers, can you create one dtv with no rewards that i can votemap to see the maps more easily

 is the generator for map changing? If there is i can try it

i can easy think about good/not bad maps that can be teamplayed on DTV
Rizi, Yaragar, Istinar (not the new one, there are 3 ones), Tadshamesh, Vezin, Ilyndah, Bazeck, Karindi, Serindiar, Ushkuru, Rebache, Burvan

I think fips (maybe) created few custom maps ,  DTV Moria was not bad, DTV Helms Deep was a variaty of diferent map,   But DTV defend the castle and DTV saladin sands are nightmare, without half server full and the players not working as one team wich is impossible anyway
"if DTV is the only thing you're here for, there are better games out there."

Offline Jony

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Re: D
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2021, 02:38:18 pm »
I found video how to edit maps on native, but i cant manage to launch my native via steam... gotta figure out how to fix this

// when try do it on crpg doesn't work,  suppoust to create "Host Game"  then enter spectator then  press Ctrl + E  to launch editor panel
"if DTV is the only thing you're here for, there are better games out there."

Offline agweber

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Re: D
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2021, 02:52:17 pm »
I found video how to edit maps on native, but i cant manage to launch my native via steam... gotta figure out how to fix this

Could be related to your issue with not being able to save settings.

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Re: D
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2021, 03:26:23 pm »
yo make me admin so i can change maps in EU7. I play almost every day.