cRPG > Events & Tournaments
NA Team Melee Tournament - Prizes Confirmed! (CANCELLED)
3v3 TournamentGrab a team and kick ass
May 19, 9 PM EST, On NA Events Server
Only Skip The Fun Characters
Chest pieces must be below 20 weight
No ranged weapons (bows, crossbows)
No throwing weapons
No Siege equipment
No Cavalry
All melee weapons allowed
Loomed equipment allowed
Matches will be first to 5
Breaking a rule will result in IMMEDIATE player disqualification, prizes forfeited
Any team requiring a RANDOM sub, their sub will be picked by the opposing team
1st Place: 20 Million Experience Points, 5 Loom Points, 300k Gold
2nd Place: 10 Million Experience Points, 2 Loom Points, 100k Gold
3rd Place: 5 Million Experience Points 1 Loom Point
Participation Prize: 2 Million Experience Points
Titles will be left alone
Open until May 18th (Day prior)
Post your Team Name and Members in a comment to signup. Feel free to post a team image, or banner
This tournament is scheduled for when Kadeth comes to NA and may play
the bourgeoisie
Chicks Dig Last Place
Packmasters of Almerra
Mcdeath's TBD team name
GaydethSkoi with Albus tag along
Awaiting Teams, Bracket Will be put out when signups close
I will record myself using a program / website to randomize the bracket on video to avoid "Cherry Picking" accusations
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Rationale behind ruleset (Updated when asked)
It is your own fault, when a member of your team doesn't show up. It is not fair for the opposite team to suddenly have to deal with a top tier player such as Jayjrod to now carry your whole team. This is an attempt to encourage those who sign up to have substitutes ready to go, or to make it to the tourney. The fact that this is posted so far in advance should help with being able to make it.
Team Name: Chicks Dig Last Place
Standbys: RipperX
--- Quote from: Schoi on April 18, 2019, 09:23:07 am ---This tournament is scheduled for when Kadeth comes to NA and may play
--- End quote ---
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