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Topics - NuberT

Pages: 1 [2]
Game Balance Discussion / [WHINE] Long Maul is useless now
« on: May 03, 2011, 10:13:19 am »
Reason: Long maul or boulder on a stick was always a very slow "one-hitter", but with latest nerf and the one before it has become a 2-3 hitter which makes the weapon obsolete as it is a disaster to defend yourself with it. Suggestion increase weight back to 9 where it was in january increase blunt to 42 (great maul has 43) and as compromise increase difficulty to 21.

I know most people wont agree because they dont like getting hammerd, but every class should have its counterpart!

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Closed Requests / [Ban] Velikiy_Leni
« on: May 02, 2011, 01:03:16 pm »

Strategus General Discussion / [Suggesion] Limited Alliances
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:08:58 pm »
I think forming Alliances should be limited somehow, because otherwise the game will end up like most other mmorpg with 2 big meta-alliances fighting each other and everyone else wiped out, which is boring.

So heres my idea:

The number of players within an alliance is limited, lets say to 50 players. So it could consist of 1 faction with 50 players or 10 factions with 5 players etc. This does not mean a faction can not have more then 50 players, but they can only have 50 players active on the strategus map while other can only participate in battles. Within an alliance gold, troops, equipment, fiefs can be exchanged for free, while outside an alliance it can only be traded.

This would of course still end up with 2 big metas so the number of wars an alliances can have simultaneously should be also limited..

Hopefully this would bring many small wars, a lot of action and fun.

Scene Editing / Native Castles
« on: February 11, 2011, 04:56:00 pm »
What about all the native castles? Is there no easy way to make them work properly on the siege servers? I mean we play them on strategus. I have no idea of map modding but I think it cant be that hard to move spawns a litte add a siege tower etc. or is there anything else which makes it impossible? 20 castles more would be awesome...

Suggestions Corner / Gold for killing enemys
« on: January 06, 2011, 11:03:22 am »
A Bonus for killing an enemy (think of it as looting), so people who actually can play this game get something for their skills. Horse-Bumb-Kills should get you no bonus.

It could go like this
Y:   1 E:    1 = 10 g
Y:   1 E:  10 = 20 g
Y: 10 E:    1 =   1 g
Y: 30 E:  30 = 10 g
You lvl    Enemy lvl

Teamkilling should cost gold, in my opinion much gold like 500 :twisted:

Edit: Included some community suggestions.

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