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Messages - Anuran

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General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: November 06, 2014, 03:13:16 pm »
German newspaper FAZ on September 21, 2013 (when Ukraine was still fine): "The NATO thinks about its future after the pullout from Afghanistan. [...] For some time, the NATO sees itself confronted with a question, which is anything but irrelevant for a military alliance: What to do without war? At the end of the next year the alliance wants the combat troops to be pulled out from Afghanistan, the process is in full swing. If there won't be another large scale operation, and that's probable because of the combat fatigue in the West, the alliance won't be in an armed conflict for the first time for more than 10 years. Especially military officers are concerned about this. "How to retain the operational capability when the troops are back in the barracks?", leading officers wonder. A first, to outsiders possibly suprising answer is: By fighting a battle against Russia."

This is what the FAZ wrote on September 21, 2013 about discussions of high ranked military officers of the NATO.

Edit: The author of this article, Nikolas Busse, became NATO correspondent and the deputy head of FAZ's foreign affairs after he strongly supported the US in the Iraq war in 2003. Got this info from another interview with Udo Ulfkotte.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: EU_7/DTV server not showing in server list
« on: October 31, 2014, 07:47:59 am »
It's back

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 19, 2014, 05:51:48 pm »
The following lines are written in an article of one of the most anti-Russian, onesided newspapers in Germany. Someone gets afraid of a more and more enlightened crowd I think :wink:

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General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 15, 2014, 10:17:12 pm »
Mybe its banned cause its such load of bullshit, not truth. Like for example, quite many russian TV channels, that have been made by the sole reason of propaganda and claim to inpict "truth" are basically banned in the Baltics. Not really cause its so true, its banned, but rather its so insultingly not, that anyone beliving this crap is clearly so easy to manipulate with by eastern bullshit media that he/she could become a potential threat to a certain foreign government for bullshit made-up reasons.

But I digress, I dont know enough about Udo to discredit him, but im just saying, banned status and collective silence about a piece of litterature that claims to tell "the truth" about Western lies, may not be related to the fact that its true, but rather to the fact that its just not. Cause Russia at this point is so desperate to seek dirt on the West, that im quite confident they are throwing huge piles of cash at everyone who have some degree of credibility and are willing to sell themselves out.

First of all the book is not banned. If it contained bullshit then why don't they say that? Why don't they warn the readers that this book is really not worth reading? If they don't say a word about it they don't want the issue to become public. But since a record of the phone call between the Dutch journalist and the FAZ is existing in the internet, the Streisand effect might occur. FAZ tries to ignore the book, the strategy becomes exposed publicly, so the issue might get even more attention.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 15, 2014, 09:56:51 pm »
I mean that people rather believe that there is a relatively small group responsible for such events like in Ukraine instead of acknowledging the complexity of it.

Isn't that how it is? Isn't there always a small group of people responsible of such things?

ok, you asked me why these videos disgust me and made me realize more clearly then before what a complete moron you must be:
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These two videos disgust me, because:

2) Sentences like "I come from gdr, and I can say we lost more than we won" makes me crazy. I mean, have you talked with some victims of Stasis "Zersetzung", been to one of various good exhibitions on the topic or read a book about it? Wait, here comes my favourite about GDR from the video: "The essential is [...] your daughter and son can study anywhere for free:lol:

Well, yeah I also disagree with this point. My parents have grown up in East Germany and they can for sure say that they did not go on the streets for a "better socialism". My grandfather got tortured by the Stasi, my father was forced to cut off the West German flag from his jacket (he was held captive by the Stasi until he did it and his father freaked out like 'those bastards' when he heard about this incident). I know how East Germany was. The worst thing was really the Stasi. That woman indeed talked shit. Still, some certain aspects were better in East Germany than today, socially. But it's an open mic so everyone can speak.

3) There are many more statements from different persons that draw wild connections between the financial debt of USA, worldwide wars, gap between the rich and the poor [...] and much more with no logic or coherence identifiable.

If you understand the basics of the economical system we all currently suffer from, you will understand the connections between all this. The higher the debt the more do the people suffer. Look at Greece, the € is killing Greece's economy.

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5) They both are generally full of lies and falsifications of history and present events and wrong connections between both.

I don't think so. What do you mean? That one quotation from Elsässer about Tyahnybok was a bit different, but Elsässer probably just made a slip of the tongue, he knows it since he quoted it several times already.

6) Like in general with these so called "neuen Montagdemos" it is completely unclear what they actually want. They seem like a bunch of somehow butthurt and/or depressed people that are somehow unsatisfied with current situation

In main media these demonstrations are called "Reichsbürger" (Reich citizens)-movements and right-wing extremists full of completely stupid assholes and conspiracy theorists. One speaker once said "you can only understand the media if they write about you", and yep, I agree with this. I don't see why demonstrations for peace are blamed of all this. It's simply not true. Sure, there are strange people (like that woman before) but it's an open mic and everyone can decide whether they agree with a person or not. It's not like either agree with everyone or with noone. They are not just "butthurt". They see what's going on in the world and they worry about their future.

combined with a handful of professional conspiracy theorists like Ken Jebsen or Andreas Popp

Nowadays one is already defamed a conspiracy theorist if he only questions something... Or one is called a moron if he generally supports going on the streets against war and for peace. :rolleyes:

that share and utilise the general hatred for USA of these people.

There is no hatred created against the US population. People are getting enlightened and this also contains that the US population as well suffers from for example the economical system. It's going against the decision makers responsible for all the chaos.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 15, 2014, 12:02:14 am »
The only thing I notice is people getting more and more receivable for conspiracy theories and less able to differentiate between the different media and contents they get presented and instead of seeing the complexity of things just make up their own truth. Which right now in germany seems go well with an incredible charitableness with Putin's and his fellow's actions.

„Conspiracy theory“… Is that meant to be an insult? However, I don’t see how Putin’s and “his fellow’s” actions make the German population less able to differentiate between the different media… German media mainly are indistinguishable already. If not forced into line…

By the way, I still got a question you didn’t answer yet.
Thank you for your constructive and helpful criticism.

What's your problem with the videos man?

@Anuran - so some political actress has an oppinion and supports one guy over the other. This is proof of... what exactly?

Wow, are you serious? You didn’t really pay attention to what they said. I also don’t talk to my neighbor and tell him about Merkel that she should call Obama 3 times a day and that the German finance minister should better become the foreign minister. I don’t say that to my neighbor for nothing.
Payette to Nuland: “[…] so I think you reaching out di­rect­ly to him helps with the personality management among the three and it gives you also a chance to move fast on all this stuff and put us behind it be­fore they all sit down and he explains why he doesn’t like it.”

You know, if russia AT LEAST PRETENDED to act in the interests of Ukraine, or did not shat left and right on international agreements - it might be worth talking with on the level you expect/propose. However - there is one sad thing, that only a VERY small minority in the west are willing to admit - russia will talk, only if it has a SIGNIFICANT upper hand and can raep you left and right OR when it has not much other choice. In the first case - not talking is sometimes better, in the second choice... well, it happened with China recently, what with all the gas deals (if you can call this a "deal", when even the price was not agreed upon  :rolleyes: ) Ukraine is NOT in this situation and it chose to talk with the EU. Why should it invite russia?
I understand your reasoning, i.e. how butthurt russia basically means, that its neighbors have to bee butthurt too, but I do not support this attitude of russians and I think people that DO support this behavior are basically one step from supporting rape, because object of attraction married someone else.

Putin proposed a peace plan and he recently pulled back his troops on Ukrainian border. Ukraine did not pay its gas bills and is highly in debt. I also don’t get why you talk about “rape” coming from Russian side. There was an association agreement made some time ago and a Russia-correspondent of ARD with yearslong experience has said that this agreement would tear the Ukraine apart. And that, I quote, “we, the media, HAD to know and tell this”. This agreement was made between the EU and Ukraine as far as I remember. It was definitely not made between Russia and Ukraine. So who is raping here. “Not talking is sometimes better”, well, in this case it is definitely NOT better. Tell eastern Ukrainian civilians that it’s better if the West doesn’t talk to Russia.

Hell - national news-agency TASS is using some CREATED german professors to create artificial support for russia, which is then in turn appreciated by russian consumers

- Incubator-lie
- Iraq’s WMDs
For example.

Another thing concerning Udo Ulfkotte: He has published a book called “bought off journalists – how politicians, intelligence agencies and the high finance control Germany’s mass media” (“Gekaufte Journalisten – Wie Politiker, Geheimdienste und Hochfinanz Deutschlands Massenmedien lenken”) and it seems to be really really good. I don’t have it (yet?) so I don’t know what’s written inside, I can only assume the main point. It’s also said that journalists who publish an article about this book might get fired… When a Dutch journalist called FAZ (where Ulfkotte worked for years) and asked FAZ for a statement concerning the book. But they just don’t give a comment on the book. They just keep quiet collectively. His book must contain too much truth.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:57:54 pm »
1. WHAT THE FUCK is russias business what ANOTHER country wants to do? Join EU, join NATO, become anti-russia: ITS SIMPLY NOT rUSSIAS BUSINESS. You presume it is, but it is simply NOT the case. Being butthurt is what russia is in this case, what with all its delusions of grandeur. And to hell with what russia asked or promised, it simply lies too much these days.

Victoria Nuland: "I think Jaz is the guy."

Victoria Nuland and Jeffrey Payette talking about the next steps in Ukraine (goes to 4:10).

After the phone call, there is a phone call in German of Helga Schmid (member of the administrative board of the European External Action Service) and Jan Tombinski (EU-ambassador in Ukraine).
Schmid is complaining about the Americans calling the EU too soft concerning sanctions and a heavy confrontation with Russia and wants Tombinski to talk to a US-ambassador to tell him that the EU is doing it more secretly to be more effective. "There shouldn't be a race [about the heavier confrontation] but it's unfair that they [the Americans] say such things [the EU is too soft]." says Schmid.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 13, 2014, 12:47:03 am »
Do I believe europeans widely believe what is shown on their main medias about Russia? Yes.

But rapidly declining tendency. There is at least a very small thought about another big war at the back of the peoples' minds slowly coming in. You know, veeeery slowly the masses seem to figure out what's really going on. I notice that in my own environment.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 12, 2014, 10:50:05 pm »
On Ukrainian TV I see video which blames russian separatists, which doesn't show full picture, russian TV shows video, where they blame current government, national guard and right sector, which doesn't show full picture too. Too many fakes from both sides. Don't know about western TV.

German media usually blame the rebels in eastern Ukraine or Russia. They completely ignored the airstrike on Lugansk for example, maybe because of too much evidence that the Ukrainian airforce was guilty... It's pretty much like Kiev/the West/EU/NATO/USA is the good one and the rebels/Russia are the bad ones.
However, the internet breaks this interpretational sovereignty and that's a thorn in certain decision makers' sides...

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 12, 2014, 03:32:12 pm »

Victoria Nuland: "I think Jaz is the guy."

Victoria Nuland and Jeffrey Payette talking about the next steps in Ukraine (goes to 4:10).

After the phone call, there is a phone call in German of Helga Schmid (member of the administrative board of the European External Action Service) and Jan Tombinski (EU-ambassador in Ukraine).
Schmid is complaining about the Americans calling the EU too soft concerning sanctions and a heavy confrontation with Russia and wants Tombinski to talk to a US-ambassador to tell him that the EU is doing it more secretly to be more effective. "There shouldn't be a race [about the heavier confrontation] but it's unfair that they [the Americans] say such things [the EU is too soft]." says Schmid.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 12, 2014, 01:29:50 pm »
Putin ordered his troops on the Russian-Ukrainian border back. He fulfilled this demand of Kiev and the West. And on October 17 Putin and Poroshenko will probably meet in Mailand. I wonder if some more sanctions will still be imposed...

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 06, 2014, 05:04:37 pm »
bah, anuran, those videos are so fucking disgusting, I don't even know where to start. At least they gave me a notion of what a fucking idiot asshole you must be IRL, Xavier Naidoo my ass.

Thank you for your constructive and helpful criticism.

What's your problem with the videos man?

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 05, 2014, 09:57:35 pm »

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:55:17 pm »
Now that's a good reason to invade and grab land from another country if I ever heard one :rolleyes:

Didn't know Putin invaded eastern Ukraine already. Wait, I think I've read it in the newspaper. It was like 6 or 7 times I think.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: October 03, 2014, 12:05:55 pm »
Strange to see the rapist being named a victim, just because noone agrees/supports what he has done and thus isolates the perpetrator... poor russia, starts bullshit propaganda campaign, annexes parts of Ukraine, incites and supports civil war in another parts, most of the european neighbors of russia shun it and move away from it (even at great personal cost)... and its all THEIR fault. Not russia, never that... *THEM*

Who called these rebels "subhumans who have to be defeated"? One hint: it was not Putin. But that man I mean is happy that you (in)directly support him...

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