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Messages - Prinz_Karl

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General Discussion / Re: Official "Goodbye cRPG" Thread
« on: August 17, 2016, 02:58:48 am »
Been about one year since I played or was active in forums. But, hey this mod was easily best mod and game I've ever played. Shoutout to the devs and everyone who put work in it!

While community wasn't easy, me included, it sure was a fun ride. First things coming to mind are the huge 200+ battles, epic sieges on strategus (and EU invasion) and all the fun comments in chat and forum!
In case you remember me, I apologize to everyone who I hit with my rage and I hope we can laugh about it now.

Maybe see you in Of Kings & Men!

EU (Official) / Re: Ragepoll Kemal_Kilicdarov and Vanguard_Kansuke
« on: August 21, 2015, 10:42:54 pm »
He kickpolled Kansuke, it passed. Then I banpolled him for poll abuse, that didn't pass, Kansuke didn't see me polling him, so when he reconnected back he polled him aswell.

Yes. Very annoying.

First of all there is a big difference between KICK and BAN poll. Second my poll was reasonable, the result is speaking for itself. And even if it's not quite clear if it was justified or not, you don't simply start a BAN poll.

EU (Official) / Ragepoll Kemal_Kilicdarov and Vanguard_Kansuke
« on: August 21, 2015, 10:30:46 pm »
1. Name of your character involved


2. Name of offending character(s)

Kemal_Kilicdarov and Vanguard_Kansuke

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible

30 mins ago or so, EU_1

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.

Kansuke was last guy alive but kept running and delaying the round so I started a kick poll on him. Only then he stopped and fought. Poll got through and he was kicked, I wouldn't consider it ragepoll and reason was obviously delaying.

HOWEVER after this Kemal_Kilicdarov, who was his clan mate, started a BAN poll on me (ban poll should only be for very clear and blatant rule breaking). The poll didn't get through, only so that after this poll Kansuke starts second ban poll on me, which then, you guessed it, got through.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did.*

Obvious clan complex, being oversensitive of their teammate being kicked. Really disappointed especially of Kansuke, didn't know he was that of an unchilled guy.

6. Multiple Screenshots
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7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**


So before admins look into this, let me tell you that there's extreme player bias and even admin bias against me and I can even understand that many people are raging over me since I can be very annoying, but please handle this request fairly and without any preassumptions. It sickens me how some people get priviliged because of their popularity and people's trustworthiness is measured by their amount of bans or by gut feeling.

Deutsches Forum / Re: Lachen, kopfschütteln oder weinen?
« on: August 03, 2015, 09:47:55 pm »
Die Leute im Video sollte man echt nicht Ernst nehmen, einfach nur Schwachsinn...

Allerdings muss auch irgendwann die Aufnahme der Flüchtlinge halt machen, wobei ich hauptsächlich von Armutsflüchtligen rede. Vor allem dann, wenn kleine Kuhdörfer mit paar tausend Flüchtligen belastet werden. Und wenn es richtig losgeht mit Einwanderern aus den Balkanstaaten, die hier Arbeit suchen, sind unsere Kapazitäten auch bald erreicht, qualifizierte Fachkräfte sind das nämlich nicht, was leider die Realität ist und wo die Schuld auch vor allem beim Staat liegt.

Das Problem sollte wirklich im Kern bekämpft werden, wie schon angesprochen, was leider kläglich versucht wird, und die Kriege im Nahen Osten helfen da auch nicht.

General Discussion / Re: A poem of sorrow :(
« on: August 03, 2015, 09:25:18 pm »
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Suggestions Corner / Re: Level 38
« on: July 30, 2015, 03:56:16 pm »
last time I retired was when they changed pretty much everything.  they recalculated XP and XP levels,  and suddenly I was gen 10,  level 32 instead of gen 14(?) @ level 30 or whatnot.

Blackbird:  higher gens make a huge difference.  sb calculated back in the days that you achieve level 35 faster if you retire 16 times and then go for 35  then if you do it all as gen 1.

Actually not quite true. And wasn't the first guy to reach level 36 gen 1?

I did a quick calculation that shows that even if you had 45% XP bonus from scratch but would retire 15 times it would take you longer to reach level 35 (based on old stats).

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Was also surprised when I first heard that, so I had to check myself.

Deutsches Forum / Re: Hab selten so sehr gelacht...
« on: July 23, 2015, 08:39:26 pm »
Stimmt. Das nächst Beste wäre dann wohl, wenn ein WoW-Gamer zu einem Sportarzt kommt, weil er unter extremer Fettleibigkeit und Jungfräulichkeit leidet. Tja, wer seinem Körper so viel Sport aussetzt...

Deutsches Forum / Hab selten so sehr gelacht...
« on: July 22, 2015, 10:56:12 pm »

Noch wer, der denkt, dass eSport der größte Witz überhaupt ist?

Ich kann ja verstehen, wenn man diese Art von "Sport" mit Schach oder sonstigen Denksportarten vergleicht, aber das Ergebnis von Vernachlässigung des Körpers und unausgewogener Bewegung als "Sportverletzung" abzustempeln ist doch nicht ernsthaft gemeint oder?  :)

Und dann noch so Zitate wie: „Es schränkt meine Möglichkeiten ein, so viel zu spielen, wie ich muss, um mich zu verbessern. Ich kann nicht mehr mit der Anzahl an Solo Queues mithalten, die meine Teamkollegen absolvieren. Es ist ihnen gegenüber nicht fair.“ HAHA

Fazit: Vice News übertreibt oft gerne.

Some of the republicans views really frigthen me and Donald Trump even being considered as president has made this whole presidential candidation more of a cheap sitcom.

Also there's over 300 million people in the US, yet there have already been two presidents from the same family and a third one is going to candidate, is USA a freaking dynastie or what? Shows to me, that only rich and influencial have any chance to become president.

The only candidates who are able to think rationally are maybe Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton, although I didn't went through all of the candidates.

EU (Official) / Re: Unangenehm mehr pls!
« on: July 10, 2015, 09:16:06 pm »
Conditions could be that if he writes one proper english/german sentence, he shall be unbanned.

Please, take a moment and read this

So you created this topic only to show us this leftist propaganda shit? No thanks.

General Discussion / Re: The Rules of Cavalry
« on: July 03, 2015, 09:04:38 pm »
Just pointing out that while playing NA yesterday Jason broke every single one of his own "rules" repeatedly, especially the killing afk's in spawn part. This man is no knight! He is but a knave, lowly and crude.

To be fair, I saw you spawnkilling several times, too, pretty sure.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Current Ballance
« on: July 02, 2015, 01:50:06 pm »
Yes throwing lance melee mode needs fix. It's just laggy e.g weapon is hitting before animation really shows. That kind of shit and its swing rate is stupidly fast. Either that or reduce ammo to 1.

Diplomacy / Re: EU Invasion #2015
« on: July 01, 2015, 11:27:03 pm »
I hoped for better raging on EU. All I hear is how europeans get called slavic and communist, really lowers my expectations. Just showing how much they know what they're fighting for and who they're fighting for. Americans have never been good at that though, have they?

General Off Topic / Re: #memories
« on: July 01, 2015, 01:46:18 am »
I counted 500!!! players total in crpg servers, didn't remember crpg to be THAT active... . 2012-13 really was crpg's best year, never had so much fun in a game like this.

Also 220 players on that lovely old 22nd siege server.  :|

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